Small/Large for gestation age Flashcards
What does a customised growth chart for SFH take into account
→ Maternal age → Parity → BMI → Ethnicity → Birthweights of prev. children
when is a fetal US indicated?
single SFH <10th percentile
static growth
What are SGA foetuses more at risk of?
fetal distress
meconium aspiration
emergency LSCS
What are placental factors that predispose to SGA
What are fatal factors that predispose to SGA
genetic abnormalities (especially trisomy 13, 18 and 21) turner syndrome congenial anomalies congenital infection - CMV, rubella multiple pregnancy
What is the management of SGA + normal umbilical artery doppler
growth scans every 2-3 weeks
IOL at 37 if still normal
up to what gestation do CS’s need to be given?
up to 35+6 weeks
What are the risks of growth restricted foetuses?
hypoglycaemia after birth due to little stored glycogen
What are the main causes of SGA
constitutionally small fetuses
What is the management of SGA w absent or reversed end diastolic flow in UAD
delivery by LSCS
What are maternal causes of IUGR
Poor weight gain poor nutrition anaemia smoking drugs/alcohol DM HTN
What are uteroplacental causes of IUGR?
multiple getstation
uterine abnormalities
placental insufficiency
What are fetal causes of IUGR?
chromosomal abnormalities
vertically transmitted infections
What is LGA defined as?
above 95th centile in weight
What are the causes of LGA
Constitutionally large
maternal DM
What are larger babies at greater risk of?
birth injury e.g. shoulder dystocia
left colon syndrome
What is left colon syndrome
self-limiting condition mimicking Hirshsprungs disease whereby temporary bowel obstruction occurs