Small & Large Bowel Disorders Flashcards
A chronic intestinal malabsorption disorder caused by intolerance to gluten.
Celiac Disease (Sprue)
Telescoping of the small bowel
Intussusception (in-tuss-suh-SEP-tion)
AKA for Regional Enteritis
Chron’s Disease
MC cause of rectal bleeding
GI polyp that affects the stomach
Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome
Hallmark is bloody mucous diarrhea
Ulcerative Colitis
MC type of food poisoning is from this bact family
Disease due to fat intolerance and intestinal lipodystrophy
Whipple’s Disease
focal malformation which grows at the same rate as surrounding tissues and composed of tissue elements normally found at the site. Non-malignant.
gastroenteritis from poultry
A cardinal diagnostic finding of a colon carcinoma
a congenital pouch on the wall of the lower part of the intestine that may contain tissue that is identical to stomach or pancreas tissue
Meckel’s Diverticulum
AKA for Celiac disease
Nontropical Sprue
Lack of this intestinal enzyme causes diarrhea and abdominal distention from the inability to digest carbohydrates.
Diasaccaridase definciency
MC location of colon carcinoma