Small Intestine Channel Flashcards
Describe the pathway of the Small Intestine channel
The pathway of the small intestine channel starts at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger SI-1 (shao ze):
● It then moves upward through the ulnar side of the palm of the hand to the wrist, where it runs through the styloid process of the ulna.
● From there it ascends along the dorsal surface of the forearm and passes between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
● It runs along the posterolateral surface of the upper arm to the shoulder joint and circles around the scapula region.
● It then reaches the seventh cervical vertebra to con- nect with DU-14 (da zhui), on the superior aspect of the shoulder, and turns forward and downward to the supraclavicular fossa, and there it connects with the heart.
● From there it descends along the esophagus, passes through the diaphragm, reaches the stomach, and finally enters the small intestine, its pertaining organ.
● The branch from the supraclavicular fossa ascends to the neck and further to the cheek. Via the outer can- thus, it enters the ear at SI-19 (ting gong).
● The branch from the cheek runs upward to the infra- orbital region at SI-18 (quan liao) and further to the lateral side of the nose. It then reaches the inner can- thus, where it connects to the urinary bladder channel of foot-tai yang at UB-1 (jing ming).
SI 1: SHAOZE Lesser Marsh
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
Ulnar nail point of the little finger.
This point is located about 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail bed on the ulnar side of the little finger. This is the jing-well point of the small intestine channel.
Locate the point on the patient’s little finger, along the ulnar side of the distal phalanx, 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail.
Neurological disorders: Coma and headache Ophthalmic disorders: Eye disease
Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) disorders: Sore throat Gynecological disorders: Lack of breast milk Other disorders: Fever, febrile diseases
Expels wind-heat and facilitates lactation
● Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely 0.1–0.2 cun or prick to bleed with a lancet for sore throat treatment.
● Moxibustion 1–2 min.
SI 2: QIANGU Front Valley
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the ulnar side of the little finger, just distal to the MCP joint, where the base of the proximal phalangeal bone starts to flare out towards the knuckle; and where the skin tone and texture changes.
When a loose fist is made, the point is located on the ulnar side of the little finger, distal to the fifth metacarpopha- langeal joint of the little finger, at the ulnar end of the skin
crease, and at the junction of the red and white skin. This is the ying-spring point of the small intestine channel.
Have the patient flex their hand slightly or make a loose fist. Locate the point at the ulnar end of the crease that is distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger.
Local disorders: Paralysis or numbness of the fingers, espe- cially the little finger
ENT disorders: Tinnitus and nasal obstruction, headache Other disorders: Fever, reddish urine
Expels wind-heat and clears the ear
● Puncture perpendicular obliquely 0.5 cun or oblique distally 0.2–0.3 cun.
● Moxibustion 2–3 min.
SI 3: HOUXI Back Stream
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the ulnar side of the 5th MC, proximal to the MCP joint. From the knuckle move your finger proximally down the head of the 5th MC, so that you are just proximal and inferior to the 5th MCP joint, at the beginning of the flare of the head of the 5th MC. The point lies here, between the bone and the muscle
that draws out the little finger (abductor digiti minimi), at the junction where the skin tone and texture changes.
Local disorders: Numbness of the fingers Musculoskeletal disorders: Pain of the lateral side of the
chest, neck stiffness, and acute lumbar pain Neurological disorders: Headache, convulsions, tremors,
and night sweating
ENT disorders: Tinnitus, deafness Other disorders: Fever
Expels exterior wind, clears interior wind from the du (gov- erning channel), benefits the joints, and resolves dampness
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.5–2.0 cun.
● Moxibustion is applicable.
SI 4: WANGU Wrist Bone
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the ulnar edge of the hand between the 5th MC and the triquetral bone. Feel along the ulnar edge of the 5th MC bone until you drop into the depression between the base of the 5th MC and the triquetral bone.
This depression lies over the hamate bone, which cannot easily be felt. Mark the point close to the end of the 5th MC. If the patient opens out his little finger, this exposes a muscle, (the origin of the abductor digiti minimi) and the point lies here, between the bone and the muscle where the skin tone and texture changes.
This is the yuan-source point of the small intestine channel.
Local disorders: Pain of the hand, wrist, and forearm Musculoskeletal disorders: Hypochondriac region pain,
headache, neck pain
Digestive disorders: Vomiting, cholecystitis, and jaundice Neurological disorders: Pediatric convulsions
ENT disorders: Tinnitus
Other disorders: Febrile diseases
Clears obstructions from the channel and resolves damp heat
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.3–0.5 cun.
● Moxibustion 2–3 min.
SI 5: YANGGU Yang Valley
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
The point lies at the ulnar side of the flexure of the wrist. It is in the gap between the triquetral bone and the head of the ulna, where the skin tone and texture changes.
Local disorders: Pain of the hand, wrist, and forearm
ENT disorders: Tinnitus, swelling of the neck and subman-
dibular region
Neurological disorders: Pediatric coma and grand mal seizure Other disorders: Fever
Removes obstructions from the channel, expels wind-heat, and clears the mind
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.3–0.5 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
SI 6: YANGLAO Nourishing the Old
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
The point lies proximal to the head
of the ulna. Locate and needle this point with patient’s elbow flexed and his palm turned towards his chest.
Fold the patient’s arm across his chest, with his palm facing towards his feet. Place your finger on the proximal slope of the highest point of the head of the ulna. Keeping your finger in place, rotate the patient’s hand so that the palm faces his chest. Your finger will now be on the point, in a cleft between bone and tendon, just proximal to the head of the ulna. (The tendon is of the extensor digiti minimi manus muscle, which extends the little finger.)
Local disorders: Forearm, elbow, and shoulder pain Neurological disorders: Occipital headache and tremor Ophthalmic disorders: Redness of the eyes and blurring of
Circulatory disorders: Spastic hemiplegia
Relaxes the sinews, brightens the eyes, and benefits the joints
● Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely 0.3–0.5 or trans- verse obliquely (distally or proximally) 0.5–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion is applicable
SI 7: ZHIZHENG Branch to the Heart
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
This point is located on the ulnar side of the posterior sur- face of the forearm, 5 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist on the line connecting SI-5 (yang gu) and SI-8 (xiao hai). This is the luo connecting point of the small intestine channel.
Have the patient flex their elbow with their palm facing downward. Locate the point on the ulnar aspect of the fore- arm between the medial border of the ulnar bone and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 5 cun proximal to the dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting SI-5 (yang gu) and SI-8 (xiao hai). The distance from the wrist crease to the cubital crease is 12 cun.
Local disorders: Paralysis of the ulnar nerve, elbow pain, and forearm pain
Neurological disorders: Mental disorders, headache Other disorders: Fever, neck stiffness
Clears obstructions from the channel and calms the mind
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.5–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
SI 8: XIAOHAI Small Sea
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
Locate this point with the patient’s elbow flexed at a right angle, and in the position for playing the violin. The point lies in the hollow midway between the tip of the olecranon and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the the humerus. To needle this point lean the patient’s arm up against your front, or rest the arm on the pillow above the patient’s head, taking care to keep the flexure of the arm at a right angle.
SI 9: JIANZHEN Upright Shoulder
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
This point lies on the posterior inferior margin of the deltoid muscle. Highlight this muscle by asking the patient to lift his arm out from his side against your resistance. Then keeping your finger on the posterior inferior border, allow the arm to relax before marking the point.
Very roughly, with the patient’s arms hanging loosely at his sides, the point is found 1 cun directly above the inferior end of the crease that is formed at the back of the armpit (posterior axillary crease). Run your finger up by about 1 cun
from the inferior end of the crease until you are pressing up onto the posterior and inferior margin of the deltoid muscle.
SI 10: NAOSHU Upper Arm Shu Point
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
Feel up from SI 9, until you arrive just below the lower border of the scapular spine. Holding your finger here, ask the patient to abduct and adduct their arm and check that you are in the deepest part of the hollow that is found at the latteral end of the scapular spine.
SI 10 is a key landmark of the shoulder joint. This point is in a group of three that are roughly equidistant from one another, and encircle the extremity of the shoulder joint, forming a little epaulette. SI 10 - TB 14 - Li 15. Of the three, SI 10 is often the easiest to feel and by locating this point first will help you to identify the horizontal level of TB 14 and Li 15.
With the arm adducted, this point is directly above SI-9 (jian zhen), in the depression inferior to the lateral aspect of the scapular spine.
Have the patient sit and adduct their arm. Locate the point on the shoulder girdle, superior to the posterior end of the axillary fold, in the depression inferior to the lower border of the spine of the scapula, directly above SI-9 (jian zhen).
Local disorders: Shoulder pain, swelling of the shoulder, weakness of the arm and shoulder
Circulatory disorders: Hemiplegia FUNCTIONS
Clears painful obstructions from the channel and benefits the shoulder
C1 Spine of scapula C2
Acromion SI-12
SI-9 SI-11
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.5–1.5 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
SI 11: TIANZONG Heavenly Ancestor
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
This point lies in the centre of the large dish shaped hollow (the infra- scapula fossa), of the shoulder blade and is found directly below the widest part of the scapular spine. The point lies 1 cun below the lower edge of the widest part of the scapular spine. To locate the lower border, with your patient’s arm relaxed, from SI 10 place your finger and thumb on either side of the scapular spine and edge along the spine medially until you reach the widest part, roughly in the middle of the shoulder blade. Drop down approximately 1 cun and feel for the point.
The point lies roughly midway between the medial and lateral borders of the scapula, at about 1/3 of the distance from the inferior edge of the scapular spine to the bottom tip (the inferior angle) of the scapula. It is in the centre of the large dish- shaped hollow (the infra-scapular fossa) of the shoulder blade. The point is roughly on a level with the tip of the 4th thoracic vertebra. SI 11 is at the apex of an isosceles triangle with SI 9 and SI 10 or on a level with the halfway point on a line from SI 9 to SI 10.
This point can be found level with the spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra, in the depression at the center of the infraspinatus fossa. This point can also be found in a depression at the junction of the superior one-third and inferior two-thirds of the distance between the midpoint of the inferior border of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the scapula.
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate the point on the scapular region, approximately 1 cun below the midpoint of the lower border of the spine of scapula.
Local disorders: Pain in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder, and lateral side of the chest
Respiratory disorders: Asthma and cough
Gynecological disorders: Insufficient production of breast
milk, pain, and swelling of the breast
Clears painful obstructions from the channel and facilitates lactation
● Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely 0.5–1.5 cun. ● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
SI 12: BINGFENG Grasping the Wind
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
This point lies directly above SI 11, above the upper border of the scapular spine. Find the middle and widest part of the scapular spine as described for SI 11. Feel for the point in the groove that lies above the spine. SI 12 forms a parallelogram with SI 9, SI 10 and SI 11.
This point can be found in the center of the supraspinatus fossa, directly above SI-11 (tian zong), in the depression found when the arm is raised.
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate the point in the scapular region, in the center of the supraspi- natus fossa, approximately 1 cun above the midpoint of the upper border of the spine of the scapula.
Local disorders: Shoulder pain and paralysis of the upper arm FUNCTIONS
Clears obstructions from the channel
● Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely 0.5–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
Deep perpendicular or vertical insertion carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax, especially in thin patients.
SI 13: QUYUAN Crooked Wall
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
The point lies at the medial end of the supra-scapular fossa, above the upper border of the scapular spine, and about 1 cun lateral to the medial edge of the shoulder blade.
The point is in the depression above the medial end of the scapular spine where it meets the medial edge of the shoulder blade. It is roughly midway between SI 10 and the midline of the spine.
This point is located on the medial end of the supraspinatus fossa, about midway between SI-10 (nao shu) and the spi- nous process of the second thoracic vertebra.
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate the point in the scapular region, on the upper border of the scap- ular spine, approximately 1 cun lateral to its medial end.
Local disorders: Neck stiffness, upper arm, shoulder, and scapular region pain
Clears painful obstruction syndrome and benefits the shoulder
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.3–0.5 cun or puncture obliquely, laterally 0.5–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min. PRECAUTIONS
This point is located close to the medial border of the scap- ula, and an insertion that is too medial or too deep may puncture the lungs.
SI 14: JIANWAISHU Outside of Shoulder Shu Point
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
3 cun lateral to the intervertebral space T1 / T2(Du13). The point lies above Bl 41 on a continuation of the line of the Outer Bladder Line.
This point is located 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra, where DU-13 (tao dao) is located, and on the same vertical line extending upward from the median margin of the scapula.
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate the point in the upper back region, at the same level as the inferior border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra (T1), 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline. The dis- tance from the posterior midline to the medial border of the scapula is 3 cun.
Local disorders: Shoulder and upper arm pain and neck rigidity
Clears painful obstruction syndrome
● Puncture obliquely 0.5–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion 2–3 min.
Perpendicular or deep insertion carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax, especially in thin patients.
SI 15: JIANZHONGSHU Centre of Shoulder Shu Point
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
2 cun lateral to the intervertebral space C7 / T1 (Du 14).
This point is located 2 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, on the same horizontal level as DU-14 (da zhui).
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate the point in the upper back region, at the same level as the infe- rior border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7), 2 cun lateral to the posterior midline. The dis- tance from the posterior midline to the medial border of the scapula is 3 cun.
Local disorders: Shoulder pain and neck stiffness Respiratory disorders: Bronchial asthma with coughing Ophthalmic disorders: Diminishing vision
Removes obstructions from the channel, clears lung-qi, and brightens the eyes
● Puncture obliquely, 0.5–1.0 cun. ● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
Deep insertion inferiorly carries a substantial risk of induc- ing pneumothorax, especially in thin patients.
SI 16 (W): TIANCHUANG Heavenly Window
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the horizontal ring of points that runs out and slightly upwards from just below the Adam’s apple, through St 9 and LI 18. This point lies on that ring just posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. If you stroke the back of the muscle very gently you can feel a slight depression at the point.
This point is located on the lateral aspect of the neck, at the level of the laryngeal prominence, along the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, posterior to LI-18 (fu tu).
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on the lateral aspect of the neck, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the same level as the laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple).
Local disorders: Stiffness of the neck and pain ENT disorders: Deafness, tinnitus, and sore throat
Benefits the ears, throat, and voice, calms the mind, regulates qi and activates the channel, alleviates pain, and clears heat
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.5–0.8 cun.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
SI 17 (W): TIANRONG Heavenly Appearance
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
This point is located on the lateral aspect of the neck, pos- terior to the angle of the mandible, in the depression on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point in the anterior region of the neck, posterior to the angle of the mandible, in the depression anterior to the ster- nocleidomastoid muscle.
ENT disorders: Deafness, tinnitus, tonsillitis, and sore throat Neurological disorders: Aphasia and dysarthria
Resolves damp heat and clears obstructions from the channel
● Puncture perpendicularly directed toward the root of the tongue, anterior to the carotid vessels, 0.5–1.0 cun. Avoid the carotid vessels.
● Moxibustion 3–5 min.
● In case of tonsillitis, insert needle toward the tonsil
without puncturing or damaging the tonsil itself.
SI 18: QUANLIAO Cheekbone Foramen
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
The point lies directly inferior to the outer canthus of the eye, in a hollow just inferior to the zygomatic arch and anterior to the masseter muscle. Find the outer canthus of the eye (the angle of the meeting of the eyelids). From here drop straight down over the large ridge of the cheekbone to the inferior edge of this bone. With your finger on the point, ask your
patient to close their mouth and then to pretend to chew. You will feel the masseter muscle bulging next to your finger. Now with their face relaxed palpate gently for the point.
SI 19: TINGGONG Listening Palace
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
The point lies anterior to the midpoint of the tragus of the
ear. This point must be located and needled with the mouth open. Identify the tragus of the ear and then find an imaginary horizontal.
mid-line of the tragus at the level of its widest part. Extend this horizontal line forwards into the cavity that is found directly anterior to the
tragus when the mouth is held open. The point lies here in the centre of this cavity, between the tragus and the mandibular joint.