Bladder Channel Flashcards
Describe the path of the bladder channel
The urinary bladder channel begins from UB-1 (jing ming) at the inner canthus of the eye and then ascends to the fore- head. It continues upward where it meets up with the gov- erning vessel at DU-20 (bai hui) at the vertex of the head. It then subdivides and a branch runs into the temple.
● Starting from the vertex of the head, the main portion of the urinary bladder channel enters the brain. Then it emerges at the posterior region of the neck and bifur- cates into two different branches:
● The first branch runs all the way down the posterior aspect of the neck. It descends laterally 1.5 cun lat- eral to the posterior midline and parallel to the ver- tebrae, where it meets up with the lumbar region of the back. In this area, the pathway enters the body cavity to connect with the kidney and urinary blad- der, its pertaining organ. The lumbar branch then descends through the gluteal region to the popliteal fossa, where it ends at UB-40 (wei zhong).
● The second branch flows downward from the poste- rior aspect of the neck along the vertebral column. It descends straight downward, 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, along the medial border of the scapula. It runs downward through the lumbar region into the gluteal region at GB-30 (huan tiao) and then continues along the posterior aspect of the thigh on the lateral side.
● Then this branch reconnects with the first branch at the popliteal fossa. From there, a single branch now flows down to the lower leg and descends to the poste- rior aspect of the external malleolus. Finally, running along the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal bone, it meets the lateral side of the tip of the little toe at UB-67 (zhi yin).
UB-1: Jing ming (睛明); Jeongmyeong (정명)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
In the slight depression on the margin of the medial eye orbit, 0.1 cun superior and medial to the inner canthus.
Have the patient sit while looking upward or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on his or her face, in the depres- sion between the superomedial part of the inner canthus of the eye and the medial wall of the orbit.
Ophthalmic disorders: Acute and chronic painful conjunc- tivitis, excessive lacrimation, blurring of vision, myo- pia, hypermetropia, optic neuritis, atrophy of the optic nerve, and white cataract.
Opens and brightens the eyes, clears heat, and expels wind.
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.2–0.3 cun. PRECAUTIONS
● Moxibustion is forbidden.
● This needling method should be done by a trained
practitioner only. Ask the patient to close his or her eyes and direct his or her eye as far as possible toward the side being needled and away from the needle. For example, if needling UB-1 (jing ming) on the left, have the patient look as far to the left as possible. The prac- titioner may also use a finger to push the eyeball away from the point, while inserting the needle. There should be no manipulation of the needle at this point, and upon removing the needle, direct pressure with a cotton ball should be provided to the needling site to prevent hematoma.
UB-2: Zan zhu (攢竹); Chanjuk (찬죽)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
At the medial end of the eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch (foramen).
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on the forehead, on the supraorbital foramen, superior to the inner canthus. This point is located in the depression at the medial end of the eyebrow.
Ophthalmic disorders: Lacrimation, glaucoma, and blur- ring of vision.
Neurological disorders: Headache, facial paralysis, and trigeminal neuralgia.
ENT disorders: Nasal disorders. FUNCTIONS
Expels wind, brightens the eyes, and stops pain.
● Puncture subcutaneously along the skin 0.3–0.5 cun. Hold the inner eyebrow with the index finger and thumb of the nondominant hand, and then puncture with the dominant hand.
● Prick to bleed for heat disorders. PRECAUTIONS
Figure 10.3 Location of UB-2.
UB-2 UB-1
Mentalis muscle
Moxibustion is contraindicated.
UB-3: Mei chong (眉衝); Michung (미충)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the forehead, directly above the medial end of the eye- brow at UB-2 (zan zhu). The point is located 0.5 cun above the natural anterior hairline, midway between DU-24 (shen ting) and UB-4 (qu chai).
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on the forehead, superior to the supraorbital notch at UB-2 (zan zhu), 0.5 cun superior to the anterior hairline. The distance between anterior and posterior hairlines is 12 cun. If the anterior hairline is not very discernible, the distance is measured as 15 cun from the glabella to the posterior hair- line, making the anterior hairline at about one-fifth of this distance.
Neurological disorders: Headache, dizziness, and epilepsy. Ophthalmic disorders: Eye disease.
ENT: Nose obstruction.
Expels wind, clears the head, relieves pain, and benefits the eyes and nose.
● Puncture subcutaneously along the skin 0.3–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion is contraindicated.
UB-4: Qu chai (曲差); Gokcha (곡차)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the frontal region of the head, 0.5 cun directly above the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline. It is at the junction of the medial one-third and lateral two-thirds of the line connecting DU-24 (shen ting) and ST-8 (tou wei).
4.5 cun
Supraorbital foramen
Infraorbital foramen
Anterior nasal spine Mental foramen
Frontal view of face and skull UB-3, UB-4
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on his or her forehead, 0.5 cun superior to the ante- rior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. The distance between anterior and posterior hairlines is 12 cun. If the anterior hairline is not very discernible, the distance is measured as 15 cun from the glabella to the posterior hairline, making the anterior hairline at about one-fifth of this dis- tance. The distance from DU-24 (shen ting) to ST-8 (tou wei) is 4.5 cun.
UB-5: Wu chu (五處); Ocheo (오처)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the frontal region of the head, 1 cun directly above the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline, or 0.5 cun above UB-4 (qu chai).
Have the patient sit while looking upward or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on his or her head, 1 cun superior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the level of DU-23 (shang xing). The dis- tance between anterior and posterior hairlines is 12 cun. If the anterior hairline is not very discernible, the distance is measured as 15 cun from the glabella to the posterior hair- line, making the anterior hairline at about one-fifth of this distance.
Neurological disorders: Feverish headache, dizziness, and epilepsy.
Ophthalmic disorders: Diminishing vision.
Removes interior wind and brightens the eyes.
● Puncture subcutaneously or transversely along the skin 0.3–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion is contraindicated.
UB-6: Cheng guan (承光); Seunggwang (승광
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
2.5 cun directly above the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Alternatively, this point is 1.5 cun above UB-5 (wu chu).
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on the head, 2.5 cun superior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. The distance from the anterior hairline at the midline to DU-20 (bai hui) is 5 cun. This distance from the anterior to posterior hair- line is 12 cun.
Neurological disorders: Headache and dizziness. ENT disorders: Nasal obstruction and blurred vision.
Stops pain and opens the nose.
● Puncture subcutaneously or transversely along the skin 0.3–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion is contraindicated.
UB-7: Tong tian (通天); Tongcheon (통천)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the head, 4 cun directly posterior to the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Alternatively, this point is located 1.5 cun posterior to UB-6 (cheng guang).
Have the patient sit or lie in the supine position. Locate the point on the head, 4 cun above the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. The distance from the anterior hairline, at the midline, to DU-20 (bai hui) is 5 cun. The distance from anterior to posterior hairline is 12 cun.
Musculoskeletal disorders: Neck stiffness. Neurological disorders: Headache and migraine.
ENT disorders: Rhinitis, running nose, and maxillary
Clears and opens the nose and expels wind.
● Puncture subcutaneously or transversely along the skin 0.3–1.0 cun.
● Needle warming moxibustion 10–20 min.
UB-8: Luo que (絡卻); Nakgak (낙각)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the top of the head, 5.5 cun directly posterior to the anterior hairline, and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior mid- line. Alternatively, this point is located 1.5 cun above UB-7 (tong tian).
Have the patient sit or lie supine. Locate the point on the head, 5.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline, and 1.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. This point is 0.5 cun poste- rior and 1.5 cun lateral from DU-20 (bai hui). The distance from the anterior hairline at midline to DU-20 (bai hui) is 5 cun. The distance from the anterior hairline to the poste- rior hairline is 12 cun.
Neurological disorders: Headache, dizziness, encephalitis, and mental confusion.
ENT disorders: Tinnitus, rhinitis, and nasal obstruction.
UB-9: Yu zhen (玉枕); Okchim (옥침)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
On the occipital region, 2.5 cun directly above the posterior hairline and 1.3 cun lateral to DU-17 (nao hu) at the mid- line. It is located in the depression, on the level of the upper border of the external occipital protuberance.
Have the patient sit or lie in the prone position. Locate this point on the occipital region of the head at the same level as the superior border of the external occipital protuberance. It is located 1.3 cun lateral to the posterior midline and 2.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline. The dis- tance from the anterior to posterior hairline is 12 cun.
Neurological disorders: Dizziness and migraine. Ophthalmic disorders: Myopia and ophthalmalgia. Musculoskeletal disorders: Occipital headache and neck pain.
Expels wind and cold, relieves pain, and benefits the nose and eyes.
● Puncture subcutaneously or transversely along the skin 0.3–1.0 cun.
● Moxibustion 5–10 min.
UB-10: Tian zhu (天柱); Cheonju (천주)
- Location: CICM
- Location Anatomy book: (AB)
- Point functions: CICM
- Indications and functions: AB
- Needling method & Precautions: AB
Behind the neck, in the depression on the lateral border of the trapezius muscle, and 1.3 cun lateral to the posterior hairline, where DU-15 (ya men) is located.
Have the patient sit and bend his or her head forward or lie in the prone position. Locate the point in the posterior region of the neck, at the same level as the superior border of the spinous process of the second cervical vertebra (C2).
The point is located in the depression lateral to the trapezius muscle. If the posterior hairline is difficult to discern, it can be measured as 1 cun inferior to DU-16 (feng fu), which lies in the depression below the external occipital protuberance. Alternatively, the distance from the inferior border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra to the pos- terior hairline is measured as 3 cun.
Neurological disorders: Mental retardation, insomnia, and hypertension.
ENT disorders: Pharyngitis and nasal disorders.
Digestive disorders: Acute and chronic gastritis. Ophthalmic disorders: Eye disease.
Musculoskeletal disorders: Stiffness of the neck with pain,
occipital headache, and chest wall pain.
Expels interior and exterior wind from the head, clears the mind, and opens orifices.
● Puncture perpendicularly 0.5–0.8 cun.
● Moxibustion 10–20 min.