Small Bowel Tumours Flashcards
what are benign tumours of SB?
- Adenoma
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
- Lipoma
- Hamartoma
what are the malignant primary tumours of SB?
o Adenocarcinoma
o Lymphoma
o Carcinoid
o Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
what are the clinical features of small bowel tumours?
- Intestinal bleeding
- Obstruction
- Intussusception
- Volvulus
what are carcinoid tumours?
tumours that secrete 5-hydroxytryptamine
carcinoid tumours are associated with…
where are carcinoid tumours located?
appendix but found anywhere in alimentary canal
what are the macroscopic features of carcinoid tumours?
• Yellowish submucosal nodule
what is the carcinoid tumour growth process?
- Overlying mucous membrane at first intact then ulcerates – leads to fistulas and obstruction
- Tumour encircles bowel then infiltrates mesenteric lymphnodes
what are the microscopic features of a carcinoid tumour?
• Made of Kultschitzky cells – arise in crupts of the intestinal mucosa
what are the clinical features associated with carcinoid tumours?
- Flushing with attacks of cyanosis, chronic red faced, precipitated by stress, food or alcohol
- Diarrhoea
- Bronchospasm
- Abdominal pain
- Late presentations – pulmonary and tricuspid stenosis, hepatomegaly, abdo mass
what investigations are done for carcinoid tumours?
- 5-HIAA urinary concentration
- Chromogranin
- CT or ultrasound
- Radiolabelled octreotide scintigraphy
what is the management of carcinoid tumours?
- Resection
* Octreotide – somatostatin analogue, targeted radiotherapy with radiolabelled octreotide