Anal/Rectal Pathologies Flashcards
what are the cause of haemorrhoids?
- Constipation (result of straining)
* Others: pelvic tumour, pregnancy, CCF, portal hypertension
what are haemorrhoids?
Are disrupted and dilated anal cushions
what are the locations of anal cushions?
3, 7 and 11 o’clock
what are anal cushions?
o The anus is lined with mainly discontinuous masses of spongy vascular tissue – the anal cushions, which contribute to anal closure
what is the pathophysiology of piles?
The effects of gravity increased anal tone, and the effects of straining at stool may make anal cushions become bulky and loose, and so to protrude become more congested and hypertrophy to protrude again more readily.
what are the consequences of haemorrhoids?
vulnerable to trauma and bleeding
may strangulate
what are the types of haemorrhoids?
what are the features of internal haemorrhoids?
o Painless and covered with music
o As they arise internally there are no pain receptors in this area = painless
o Origin above dentate line (internal rectal pleuxus)
what are the classification criteria for internal haemorrhoids?
1st Degree – remain in the rectum
2nd Degree – prolapse through the anus of defecation but spontaneously reduce
3rd Degree – as for 2nd degree but require digital reduction
4th Degree – remain persistently prolapsed
what are the features of external haemorrhoids?
o Painful
o Covered with skin
o Form at the anal opening
o Painful if develop thrombus
what are the features of mixed haemorrhoids?
o Origin above and below dentate line (internal and external plexus)
what are the clinical features of haemorrhoids?
- Bright red rectal bleeding
- Discomfort
- Mucus discharge
- Pruritus anal
- Anaemia and thrombosis are complications
- Pain on passing stool (external haemorrhoids)
how are haemorrhoids diagnosed?
- Abdominal examination
- PR exam
- Proctoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
what is the medical management of haemorrhoids?
o Increased fluid and fibre +/- topical analgesics and stool softener
o Topical steroids for short term – anusol, proctosedyl, 2% diltiazem cream
for what stages of haemorrhoids is medical management used?
1st degree
what is the non-operative management of haemorrhoids?
o Rubber band ligation
o Sclerosants
o Infra-red coagulation
o Cryotherapy
for what stages of haemorrhoids is non-operative management used?
2nd or 3rd degree, or failed 1st degree
what is the surgical management of haemorrhoids?
o Excisional haemorrhoidectomy
o Stapled haemorrhoidopexy
what are the causes of anal fissures?
- Primary problem in young to middle aged adults
* Crohn’s and UC
what is an anal fissure?
a tear in the skin that lines the anus below the level of the dentate line
where are anal fissures commonly found?
midline posteriorly
what is a sentinel pile?
An oedematous skin tag is common next to the lesion
what are the clinical features of anal fissures?
- Acute pain – stinging, occurs after passage
- Slight bleeding
- Patient is constipation
- On examination sphincter is in spasm – sentinel pule
what is the management of anal fissures?
- Heal spontaneously
- Anaesthetic cream and stool softener - Nitric oxide, 2% diltiazem cream
- Surgical
what are the causes of a fistula in ano?
- Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis
- Carcinoma
- Abscesses? Bacteria?
what is a fistula in ano?
Fistulas and sinuses in relation the anal canal
how is a fistula in ano formed?
Result from an initial abscess forming in one of the anal glands that pass from the submucosa of the anal canal to open within its lumen
what is the classification of fistulas in ano?
- Submucous
- Subcutaneous
- Inter-sphincteric
- Trans-sphincteric
- Supra-sphincteric
- Anorectal
- Superficial
- Low anal
- High anal fistulas –
what is the definition of a superficial fistula in ano?
subcutaneous or submucous and are superficial tracks resulting from rupture
what is the definition of a low anal fistula?
track is below the anorectal ring
what is the definition of a high anal fistula?
supra-sphincter fistulas pass via the inter-sphincter space to open into the anus above the puborectalis