Sm. Intestines Flashcards
SI-1 Shàozé - location
On the dorsal aspect of the little finger, at the junction of lines drawn along the ulnar border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.
Jing-Well and __________ point of the Small Intestine channel
Metal; SI-1 Shàozé
SI-1 Shàozé - action
- Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices •
- Revives consciousness •
- Promotes lactation and benefits the breasts
SI-2 Qiángǔ - location
On the ulnar border of the little finger, in a depression just distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal joint.
Xing-Spring and _____ point of the Small Intestine channel
Water; SI-2 Qiángǔ
SI-2 Qiángǔ - action
- Clears wind-heat and reduces swelling- on channel
- Benefits the eyes, ears and throat •
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain - pathway
SI-3 Hòuxī - location
On the ulnar border of the hand, in the substantial depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone.
SI-3 Hòuxī - action
- Benefits the occiput, neck and back DU connection •
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain •
- Clears wind and heat and treats malaria •
- Calms the spirit and treats epilepsy - DU •
- Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices •
- Regulates the Governing vessel / DU
On SI meridian - Confluent point of the Governing vessel / DU
SI-3 Hòuxī
• Shu-Stream and ______ point of the Small Intestine channel
Wood; SI-3 Hòuxī
SI-4 Wàngǔ - location
On the ulnar border of the hand, in the depression between the base of the fifth metacarpal bone and the triquetral bone.
SI-4 Wàngǔ - Action
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain •
- Clears heat and reduces swelling •
- Clears damp-heat and treats jaundice
Yuan-Source point of the Small Intestine channel
SI-4 Wàngǔ
SI-5 Yánggǔ - location
At the ulnar border of the wrist, in the depression between the head of the ulna and the triquetral bone.
• Jing-River and _____ point of the Small Intestine channel
Fire; SI-5 Yánggǔ
SI-6 Yǎnglǎo - location
When the palm of the hand is placed on the chest, this point is located on the dorsal aspect of the head of the ulna, in a cleft level with and to the radial side of the high point of the styloid process of the ulna.
SI-6 Yǎnglǎo - action
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain •
- Benefits the shoulder and arm •
- Moderates acute conditions •
- Benefits the eyes
• Xi-Cleft point of the Small Intestine channel
SI-6 Yǎnglǎo
SI-7 Zhīzhèng - location
On a line connecting Yánggǔ SI-5 and Xiǎohǎi SI-8, 5 cun proximal to Yánggǔ SI-5, in the groove between the anterior border of the ulna and the muscle belly of flexor carpi ulnaris.
SI-7 Zhīzhèng - action
- Clears heat and releases the exterior •
- Calms the spirit •
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain •
- Benefits the finger joints
• Luo-Connecting point of the Small Intestine channel
SI-7 Zhīzhèng
SI-8 Xiǎohǎi - location
In the depression between the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
• He-Sea and _____ point of the Small Intestine channel
Earth; SI-8 Xiǎohǎi
Caution: the ulnar nerve lies deep to this point.
SI-8 Xiǎohǎi