Slides 2 - Software Metrics-Foundation Flashcards
Why measure?
- Quantifying experience (Erfahrung quantifizieren)
- Assessment (Bewertung)
- Prognosis (Prognose)
- > measure immaterial things
What happens if we don’t measure?
- we cannot define measurable goals
(keine messbare Ziele definieren)
product maintainable and reliable?
(Produkt wartbar und zuverlässig) - we cannot analyze important cost drivers in detail
(kostentreiber in Detail können nicht analysiert werden) - we cannot quantify important qualitative properties of product or processes
(Wir können wichtige qualitative Eigenschaften des Produkts nicht quantifizieren)
How hight is the probabilty of failure?
(Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit) - we cannot assess the efficiency of new technologies
(Wir können die Effizienz neuer Technologien nicht beurteilen)
Definition: Measurement
act or process of assigning a number or category to an entity to describe an attribute of that entity
(Handlung oder Prozess der Zuweisung einer Nummer oder Kategorie zu einer Entität, um ein Attribut dieser Entität zu beschreiben)
Examples of Measurable Attributes
- Air temperature,
- Height of a person,
- Size of a t-shirt,
- Size of a program
Definition: Model
- A model is an image or a representation of something.
- The modeled something is called original.
- It can be real or virtual.
General Model Theory - property
- Mapping property (Zuordnungseigenschaft)
● It is a mapping of the original.
(Abbildung des Orginals) - Reduction property (Reduktionseigenschaft)
● It does not contain all attributes of the original.
(enthält nicht alle Attribute des Orginals) - Pragmatic property (Pragmatisches Eigentum)
● It serves for a specific purpose
(Es dient einem bestimmten Zweck)
Representational Theory of Measurement
● Measuring is modeling
● An attribute of the original is mapped to a numerical system.
(Ein Attribut des Orginals wird einem Zahlensystem zugeordnet)
● At first, it is mapped to an empirical system.
● Empirical relational system
Defines attributes of entities and their relations in the real world.
● Numerical relational system
Formalization of attributes and relations by means of numbers or symbols
Representational Condition of Measurement
- Properties that hold in the empirical system
must also hold in the numerical system. - If properties do not hold in the numerical
system but in the empirical system, the applied
metric is inappropriate
Empirical Relation System
- Select an attribute of entities.
- Identify and define relations that hold for this attribute
E: set of entities
ER: set of empirical relations
Numerical Relation System
A numerical relation system to map the values of the attributes.
(Ein numerisches Beziehungssystem, um die Werte der Attribute abzubilden)
N: set of numbers
NR: set of numerical relations
Representational condition
If a relation r ϵ ER holds for attribute A, then the
corresponding relation r’ ϵ NR must hold as well
Key Steps of Formal Measurements
- Identify relevant attribute for real-world entities
- Identify empirical relations for this attribute
- Identify corresponding numerical relations
- Define a mapping from real-world entities to numbers
- Check that the representational condition holds
Kinds of Scale
Nominal Scale
● Pure classification of values
● Classes are not ordered
Ordinal Scale ● Values are totally ordered. ● Values represent a ranking ● Arithmetic operations have no meaning ● Median value can be computed. (Mittelwert kann berechnet werden)
Interval Scale
● Captures information about the size of the intervals that separate the classification
● Distance can be computed and are comparable
● Mean value exists
(Mittelwert vorhanden)
Rational Scale
● Values are totally ordered and additive
● Percentage values are computable
Absolute Scale
● Values are absolute entities
● Measurement is made by counting
What can be measured?
Product qualities ● Product qualities ● robustness ● usability ● testability ● efficiency
Process qualities
● duration
● effort
● planning precision
Classification - Source of a Metric
Model-Based metric:
Combines directly measurable or estimated
attributes according to a given formula
Empirical metric:
Based on observations in the real world, without an
underlying model.
(Basierend auf Beobachtungen in der realen Welt, ohne eine zugrundeliegendes Modell)
Classification - Manipulation
Robust metric:
● Returns results that can not be manipulated if the metric is known
Undermineable metric:
● Returns authentic results only if the application of the metric is not known
Quality Properties of Metrics
● Does the metric really measure the selected attribute?
● Representation condition: does the value represent the attribute?
● Are the values useful?
● How much does the measurement cost?
● Are the costs of a measurement justified by the relevance?
Comparability & Precision: (Vergleichbarkeit & Genauigkeit)
● Which analyses can be done based on the values?
● For comparison at least the ordinal scale has to be used
● Are different attribute states mapped on different values?
● Can an attribute be measured when the values are needed?
● Do multiple measurements of the same attribute (through different people / in different places) produce the same values?