Slide 2 Flashcards
What is recruitment?
The process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers with the right skills and at
appropriate times to apply for open positions within the organization.
What are the main functions of the recruitment process?
- to help identify and attract sizeable and suitable pool of talent
- deter unsuitable candidates from applying
- create a positive image of the organization
What are the two types of recruiting?
- internal 2. external
What is internal recruitment?
This focuses on recruiting from within the organization only
What is external recruitment?
This is recruiting from outside the organization but internal employees who are interested may also apply for consideration
What are the advantages of internal recruitment?
- career plan for existing workers
- motivator for good performance
- relatively easier assessment of applicants as information is available
- reduced recruitment costs
- Have to hire only at the entry level
What are the disadvantages of internal recruitment?
- no new ideas
- lower level employees may not have capacities required at higher jobs
- “political” infighting for promotions
- internal strife for the post might impact negatively on team work
What are the advantages of external recruitment?
- larger pool of talent
2.Objectivity and extensive effort put into the process likely to lead to a better candidate selection - new ideas
4.No group of political supporters in
organization already.
What are the disadvantages of external recruitment
- relatively higher costs
- risk of getting the wrong person for the job
- may cause morale problems
What are the sources of internal recruitment?
- job posting 2. skills data base 3. employee referrals by other departments
What are the sources for external recruitment?
- advertisement
- placement agencies
- internships
- job sites
- e-recruiting
- job fairs
What is selection?
the systematic process of professionally hiring and promoting personnel and rejecting those who don’t qualify
What are realistic job previews?
RJPs are direct organizational efforts to ensure that
applicants accept job offers on the basis of specific
and accurate information
What are the consequences of effective RJPs?
- help regulate initial expectations, making them more realistic
- cause some applicants to de-select themselves
- increase levels of organization commitment, job satisfaction, performance and job survival
A predictor is an instrument used to forecast job behavior , what are some examples?
- interviews
- psychological tests
- questionnaires
What are the basic requirements for any instrument that is used to measure individual differences?
- validity
2. reliability
What is test validity/
This refers to the extent to which an instrument measures what it’s designed to measure, and how well it measures it
What are the two main way of demonstrating a test’s validity?
- criterion validity
2. content validity
What is criterion validity?
A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictor) are related to job performance (criterion). That is, how well an applicant will perform on the job (if hired).
What is content validity?
It shows that the test contains a fair sample of
the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question
What is reliability?
A standard for evaluating tests that refers to the consistency, stability or equivalence of test scores.
What is validation of selection instrument?
This is the process of providing evidence that a selection procedure is related to subsequent work behaviors/performance or criterion.
What is placement?
Placement is concerned with matching individual skills, knowledge, abilities, preferences, interests, and personality to a job
What are some examples of personnel selection procedures and instruments?
Paper-and-pencil Tests Performance Tests (e.g., work samples, situational tests, etc) Selection Interviews Letters of recommendation, Assessment Centers
What is the purpose of a psychometric test?
They are used in personnel selection to predict performance based on psychological characteristics
What are the two categories of psychometric tests?
- personality tests
2. cognitive tests
What are work sample tests or performance tests?
They are tests that test the ability to do something rather than the ability to know something
What are assessment centers?
A technique for assessing job candidates using many different methods, including interviews, in-tray (or in-basket) exercises, psychological tests,
written tasks, group discussions
Describe an in-basket exercise
–Simulation exercise or realistic situations and problems encountered
on the job are written on individual sheets of paper and set in the inbasket.
– The applicant is then asked to arrange the papers by priority.
– Occasionally, the applicant may need to write an action response.
– The problems or situations described to the applicant involve
different groups of people–peers, subordinates, and those outside
the organization.
What are situational judgement tests?
They are methods used to assess applicants’ judgement regarding situations where hypothetical work-based scenarios are presented to applicants, who make judgements about possible response, and these responses are then assessed against a predetermined scoring key
What are some factors to consider when choosing a selection method?
1.number of applicants
2. criticality of position
3. cost/effort involved
4 predictive validity
5. extent of preparation required