Sleep Medicine Flashcards


boy dreamed of a bad dream and he woke up crying and feared but he does not remember any of the dream which stage of sleep he was in:

Child woke up screaming, nightmare and crying parents asked the child he doesn’t remember anything what sleep stage?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4


Answer: D

Night terrors happen during deep non-REM sleep. Unlike nightmares (which occur during REM sleep), a night terror is not technically a dream, but more like a sudden reaction of fear that happens during the transitions from the deepest stage of nonREM sleep to lighter REM sleep, a stage where dreams occur. Night terrors usually occur about 2 or 3 hours after a child falls asleep. Unlike nightmares, which kids often remember, kids won’t have any memory of a night terror.

Answer: c

In the current rules, nonREM stage 3 and nonREM stage 4 are combined as stage n3

Confusional arousals, sleep terrors, & sleepwalking are the most significant parasomnias associated with nrem sleep.

They are also termed disorders of partial arousal as they result from incomplete arousal from nrem sleep.

Typically, they occur at the transition from deep nrem (stage n3) sleep into the lighter stages of nrem sleep (n1 or n2) or into the awake state.

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