Sleep difficulties and conversion and dissociation disorders Flashcards
What is insomnia?
Difficulty sleeping
What are primary sleep disorders?
Sleep apnoea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, periodic leg movement disorder
What are delayed sleep phase syndromes?
Circadian pattern of sleep is delayed so patient sleeps from early hours until midday or later
What are parasomnias?
Night terrors, sleep walking and talking
What is psychophysiological insomnia?
Secondary to functional, mood and substance misuse disorders and frequently present in individuals under stress
Can be triggered by one of these factors but then becomes a habit of its own driven by anticipation of insomnia and daytime naps
What is hypersomnia?
Not uncommon in adolescents with depressive illness
Occurs in narcolepsy and may temporarily follow infections such as infectious mononucleosis
Sleeping too much
What are secondary sleep disorders?
Secondary to other conditions
- Psychiatric disorders
- Drug use or misuse
- Physical conditions - pain, nocturia, malnutrition
What should you ask in a sleeping disorder history?
Life difficulties
Drug intake - nicotine, alcohol, caffeine
Timing of insomnia
- Initial - trouble getting to sleep common in mania, anxiety, depressive disorders, substance misuse
- Middle - waking up in the middle of the night, apnoea, prostatism
- Late - early morning, waking, depressive illness, malnutrition
What are the risk factors for insomnia?
Female Over 60 Depression or anxiety Frequently travelling long distances Being under stress Working night shifts Pregnant or menopausal Family history of insomnia
What are the risk factors for restless leg syndrome?
Female Middle-age or older Family history Northern European descent Pregnancy
What are the risk factors for narcolepsy?
First degree relative with condition
Certain thyroid disorders
Autoimmune disorder
How common is insomnia?
1/3 adults complain of insomnia
In 1/3 it is severe
How common is delayed sleep phase syndrome?
More common in adolescents
How common are parasomnias?
Most commonly found in children
Recur in adults when under stress or suffering from mood disorders
How do sleep disorders present?
Daytime sleepiness and fatigue with consequences such as road traffic accidents