Sleep Flashcards
What are the two parts to summarizing research?
- including a statement that summarizes a study, research or meta-analysis
- Descriptive writing
Andre Tyler Iguodala
A professional basketball player who was placed in reserve due to struggling with a sleep disorder.
After deciding to get at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, his performance showed remarkable improvement.
How much sleep do elite athletes need?
Players extended their sleep from 8 hours to 10 hours a week, and this reflected in their performance significantly.
Prevalence of sleep problems
around 60% of students experience disrupted sleep on the standard sleep quality scale
Origin of sleep
Sleep is universal among every animal species, and has been around for at least 500 million years.
Why is sleep important?
It enables us to restore strength, and is also vital for good health
Circadian rhythm
Regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus- the internal clock ensures the right hormones are released in the body and at the right time ( allow us to wake up, feel hungry, digest food, and sleep at night)
What is the length of sleep-
wake circadian
24 hrs and 15 min
It can continue even in the absence of light (which is used to reset our internal clock)
What is the importance of sunlight in regulating sleep?
Our bodies and brain reset the internal clock using sunlight everyday. As soon as light hits our eyes, it hits the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a group of 20,000 cells- whose job is to reset and restart our internal clock.
Melatonin release
The start cycle begins when the suprachiasmatic nucleus releases the melatonin hormone, after dusk.(summer 9 p.m and 4.30 p.m in winter)
What is the function of melatonin
It signals the brain that it is time to sleep
Note; it only starts the sleep cycle but does not make us fall asleep, adenosine does.
Sleep pressure
since adenosine starts building up the moment we wake up, the longer we stay awake the more tired and sleepy we feel. This pressure is known as sleep pressure.
When does adenosine peak?
about 12- 16 hours of being awake
adenosine and the circadian rhythm can interact- leading to the “second wind”
When does melatonin peak ?
around 2 am- 4pm
Melatonin drop
Once light comes up, the brain shuts off the release of melatonin which signals that sleep is over and it’s time to wake up.
What are the two stages of sleep?
Non-rapid eye movement and rapid- eye movement.
Non-rapid eye movement
It accounts for 75-80% of our sleep
There are three stages in NREM;
1. stage N1
2. stage N2
3. stage N3
Stage N1
This is the lightest stage of the NREM sleep. There is drowsiness and slow-eye movement and one begins to relax. ( there is possibility of waking up)
Stage N2
NREM transition stage. There is light sleep and breathing, heart and blood pressure begin slowing down.
memory consolidation emerge
Stage N3
NREM deep sleep. Muscles relax, blood pressure is low, and breathing and heart rate are slow and regular. One enters into deep sleep. (nightmares may occur)
What is another name for stage 3 sleep?
slow wave sleep
Importance of deep sleep?
Builds the body’s immune system, allows the brain to increase thinking and creativity levels, and restores your body. (happens in the firts half of the night)
This is the rapid-eye movement. This occurs at the end of a sleep-cycle. It accounts for 20-25% of our sleep.
There is high heart-beat rate, increased blood pressure, rapid and irregular breathing, and also reduced muscle tone.
How many stages of sleep are in the REM?
What happens to our brains during REM?
helps us process our emotions and memories, which in return helps us focus and maintain healthy relationships.
The Architecture of sleep
Before the discovery of REM, it was assumed that the brain “completely switched off” when we went to sleep
Eugene Aserinksy
With an experiment that involved his son, he discovered the rapid eye movement and active brain waves during periods of sleep.
Nathaniel Kleitman, who was his PHD advisor then decided to re-do the experiment with his daughter, and found out.
How many stages are in the cycle of sleep?
We cycle between REM and NREM every night, about 4-5 times.
First half of the night- deep NREM sleep.
When does the first REM episode take place?
within the first 90 minutes after falling asleep (at first REM last about 10 min) but increase overnight
What are the consequences of poor sleep
- you’re more likely to experience depression and tiredness
- Since most REM happens in the second half of the night, the last episode that happens early in the morning is the longest.
(if one gets only 6 hrs of sleep, then that messes with the last REM that is supposed to take place)
Impact on learning
NREM helps you with fact-based learning and problem- solving. If one gets the right amount of sleep, then they will be able to retain and remember what they learnt throughout the day
REM helps with skill-based memory- helps improve the skills you practiced the previous day.
last rem happens between 5-7 am (only retain memory is you fully complete the last REM )
NREM (recovery device) that helps with the retention of memories, and can help one solve problems they had the previous day.
“the aha ha” moment
Is sleep important or useful?
Impact of sleep on grades
Poor sleep is associated with poor grades according to a research that was carried out . (students who went to bed between 10-11pm had the best grades)
What affects our sleep?
- Bright lights( blue lights)- disrupts production of melatonin
- Caffeine- it “perks” you up when adenosine begins to kick in, because it displaces it (attaches to the same receptors adenosine aims for that way the brain is tricked into not falling asleep).
- Alcohol- may reduce the time needed to fall asleep, but suppresses REM during the first two cycles of sleep (leads to less deep sleep and disruptions in the second half of the night.)
reduces melatonin and increases adenosine
Sleep hygiene
practices that enable one to get a good night sleep and achieve a level of full daytime alertness.
Sleep schedule routine
- Should include 7.5- 8 hrs of sleep (aim for most nights)
- Bedtime should be between 11pm-12pm, and ensuring to not wake up before 7am (otherwise you mess with the last cycle of REM that is important for learning - miss out on 30% of REM)
- For 14 days, aim for 8 hrs each day.
- Ensure to stay in bed incase you wake up.
How does one build a good sleep routine?
- Be consistent every night.
- Ensure to wind down at least 30 min before bed-time.
- Keep away from bright/ blue lights
- 30-60 min buffer time for electronics
- Try different relaxation techniques to help with sleep.
- Avoid tossing and turning in bed.
Relaxation breathing
helps relax the mind and body
Helps to focus on the breathing and not worries and stress/ negative thoughts