Slavery Flashcards
What do we mean when we say race is a social construction?
The systems and concepts of the classifications of a culture link “signs” (skin color, gender, clothing, self-presentation) to meaning.
All cultures construct meaning around difference
Meaning – made not from what things contain in their essence, but made from how they relate to other concepts and ideas in society.
the meaning is relation- blackness is defined against blackness
meaning is historical and ever changing (signs can get new meanings attached to them)
the opposite of social constructionism
Essentialism and Race: people of different races are fundamentally different from each other in important ways due to biological or genetic causes.
differences as always meaning the same thing.
Did Europeans see the first black people to arrive in 1619 as slaves?
The first people who arrived in 1619 were understood to be indentured servants from Africa not enslaved people, understood to be people who could convert to Christianity and become free.
Social Constructions are not:
a choice: its collective; we’re born into a society that classifies people by race and attaches meaning to those classifications.
a political position (denying is a political position)
the same thing as “stereotypes”: Stereotypes are one symptom of race born as a social construction, it is the much broader social system.
If race is a social concept why does it have tangible effects?
BECAUSE we invest meaning in race, there are real differences in how people have experienced their own lives in racialized bodies. (But those differences could be otherwise/have been otherwise).
What are three means that were commonly used to justify race as essential?
RELIGION did the work of trying to establish race before science, polygenesis in the 19th century (Black people were descended from Ham)
Percentages of one’s ancestry that the LAW could measure that would make someone black, (blackness can’t be measured in blood),
in the context of ancestors, but we don’t have pictures of those ancestors and they way their race would be recorded in a census would be heavily biased into recording them as black in order justify slavery.
Inconsistencies in early constructions of race
One-drop rule (one drop of black blood would make you black), no mixed racial category for european and black individuals.
But a person of mixed indigeneous and white heritage could be mixed, white or indigeneous.
Partus Sequitor Ventrum
Slavery followed a matrilinial line even though English society was patriarchal.
Race was constructed differently in other colonies (Spanish vs British racial categories)
Why does race as a category works different around blackness then it does around indigeneity ?
Settler colonialism and slavery!
They didn’t want people with one drop of indigenous blood to continue to be indigenous in the way that African ancestry marked people forever, they wanted indigenous people to disappear (marry with and have children with Europeans so that they have claim to the land) the settlers are turning themselves into the indigenous by erasing them in family lines.
The one drop rule of blackness and partus sequiter ventrum ensured that black people would all remain slaves regardless of how much white blood they possesed, this ensures a steady stream of labour while preventing any children of slave owners with black women from laying claim to their land.
Strategic Essentialism
refers to a strategy that nationalities, ethnic groups or minority groups can use to present themselves. While strong differences may exist between members of these groups, and amongst themselves they engage in continuous debates, it is sometimes advantageous for them to temporarily “essentialize” themselves and to bring forward their group identity in a simplified way to achieve certain goals, or to oppose the levelling impact of global culture
What created a need for racial categorization?
Settler colonialism + Slavery
Were there “Indians,” “whites” and “blacks” in 1450?
No! the people that they would use define themselves haven’t been met yet.
What were the important differences that societies invested with socio-cultural meaning before 1492? (who in the in group and who is In the out group)
What is colonialism?
Europeans come in search of wealth so they can compete each other better as empires in European, using colonialism to build armies and wealth.
Land theft
-Extractive colonialism: taking resources (gold)
-Settler colonialism: settling families on the land
Slavery – new forms, capitalism (Portuguese trade)
-Rather than settling permenantly in Africa they begin to kidnap people and take war captives,
- initially the Europeans are fitting into a preexisting African trade of war captives and enslaved labour but that had been a product of other conflicts.
- The portuguese realized the money to be made from the slave trade, encouraging their contacts on the African west costs, leading to wars that were just meant to kidnap people and sell them into slavery.
What is colonialism?
Europeans come in search of wealth so they can compete each other better as empires in European, using colonialism to build armies and wealth.
Land theft
-Extractive colonialism: taking resources (gold)
-Settler colonialism: settling families on the land
Slavery – new forms, capitalism (Portuguese trade)
-Rather than settling permenantly in Africa they begin to kidnap people and take war captives,
- initially the Europeans are fitting into a preexisting African trade of war captives and enslaved labour but that had been a product of other conflicts.
- The portuguese realized the money to be made from the slave trade, encouraging their contacts on the African west costs, leading to wars that were just meant to kidnap people and sell them into slavery.
Who did the Europeans initially think they would use for labor in the new world?
Indigenous people (but they resist, and Europeans don’t have the upper hand, they’re dependent for their own survival in many cases on the generosity and making peace with indigenous groups until 1700 or even after in many parts in north America.)
- They brought in the European poor (indentured servants) for labour. They signed and indenture (a contract that said they would work for seven years in exchange for the cost of the passage ticket).
- initially that same form of indentureship is applies to African people even though they did not consent to being brought across the Atlantic.