Resistance, Abolition, and Free Black Communities before the Civil War Flashcards
Resistance to Enslavement (3 Types)
Everyday – slow down, claim illness, break tools, sabotage harvest, poison, songs and stories that asserted equality or celebrated freedom
Individual – running away, “lying out,” (leaving for a period of time) negotiating within limits (David’s story from Florida)
What was the “underground railroad?”
Collective – Revolts and rebellions
Underground Railroad
A system of connections among people who work together to help self-emancipating slaves to safety.
Routes of the Underground railroad.
17th century: Florida; Spaniards promised freedom to slaves leading to fort Mose.
19th century: Routes going to the east cost, some to the west and others to the north.
First free Black colony in Florida.
Fort Mose.
Rebellion in Charleston, NC 1739
Stono rebellion: enslaved people from Charleston decide to take the armory arm themselves go through the countryside around Charleston to plantations that have a greater number of enslaved people than white people, arming enslaved people and killing white people who get in their way and then head to Fort Mose (St Augustine). They were captured and executed before they could make it to florida. That’s why the Americans were keen on purchasing Florida
American Revolution and Slavery.
4,000 black men fought on either side of the revolution.
Also in a way a slave revolt. On both side of the revolution there’s a great deal of anxiety over what to do with enslaved people, the Americans who enslave black people have potential enemies in the form of them and the british. The british take advantage of that and promise any enslaved people who flee and join the british army their freedom after the war.
Some of them end up in Nova Scotia, some end up in the carribean, sierra leone. Americans have to do the same thing to keep enslaved people from banding against them.
Haitian Revolution
resulting in the first free black republic in a post-slavery world from the former French colony of St Domingue.
Denmark Vessey
Led a well planned conspiracy to seize armory and then free charleston in 1822.
Second Seminole War.
the americans were trying to displace the Seminole from their land in florida to accommodate more white people. The black people fight alongside the Seminole against the americans. Some of them end up going west with the Seminole’s starting interracial families.
Free Black People in Pre-antebellum America.
People free from the beginning
Some set free in the 1600s (indentured)
Majority are from northern states that gradually abolished slavery (1780-1800) population of freed black people
Where do most free people live? Did they encouter segregation?
Free people live in Baltimore, boston and philidelphia, over time the face the earliest forms of segregation, i.e the first segregated transportation was in Massachusetts (the railroad)
Why was the existance of free black people at the time important?
Very important to African American history, important community leaders, proof that black people should be free, healthy dynamic communities that help each other succeed individually and collectively.
Free black people in the south are descendants who were…?
Free from the begginning, descendants of those who were manumitted.
often these peoples are the descendants of white slave owners (related to powerful white people)
How does the south maintain its hold on the government despite its smaller population?
The south has small number of people but maintains it’s hold on the government by counting enslaved people as people when it comes to apportioning representation in congress, and because they are wealthy.
Free Black Communties before the Civil War
Community like any other in many ways – cooperation among extended families and households
Bonds of obligation and shared disadvantage
self-determination and personal dignity, mutual aid, shared
responsibility for the progress of the race
What difference did race make? Slavery? Region?
they understood how white people saw them and judged them based on what their blackness meant, and so they understood that one path to progress is to improve the standing of black people everywhere
The issue with this (respectability politics) is that it’s always the promise held out by the dominant society but when black people fulfill that promise (get and education, build a business) they are not celebrated but punished, lynched or murdered for being successful (exposes racism as a lie)
African cultural roots of many Africans in America, African-Americans
African tradition and American traditions in these cultures. Many things we think are American have roots in Africa.
NOT isolated, not passive, not all the same. Diverse in background, experience, class, gender, color, region
baptist vs Methodist,
social class depends on how long a family has been free.
Colour: ways in which people with different skin tones are treated differently by whites and blacks. Assumptions based on lighter skin or darker skin.
Region: largest black communities are on the east coast. Baltimore, Philadelphia, NY vs New Orleans and Charleston, SC. It’s different to live as a free black person when you see enslaved black people everyday as opposed to living in a region where slavery is not as common.
False dichotomy between African and American, between integrationist and nationalist
False dichotomy: there are people who believe in assimilation, i.e act like white people or at least aspire to the same goals they have to earn their respect. Opposite view, we should be proud of ourselves and live in our own way.
Regardless of their view, the independence was something they felt empowered to do in the face of segregation, if I’m not wanted why I’m here?
Patriotism and Race - continual problem of American ideals v. American realities – call upon the rhetoric of republican democracy but could not make it expand to include them
hypocrisy of ‘all men are created equal’ the ideals of America do not align with the treatment of African americans.
What did Black people think about white people in this period?
Black people essentialized ideas about whiteness, had their own stereotypes about white people (Missy Ann to Karen).
’angry saxon’ form of strategic essentialism.
When did published excuses for slavery start to appear?
- 19th century
- 1820 to be specific
-Racist ideology – historical, religious, “scientific”
What marked the beginning of the civil rights movement?
Black intellectuals combating the racist justification for slavery (from science and religion)
- AA’s called on Egypt, emphasizing the importance of black/african intellectuals and intelligence had been in the development of the modern world (engineering, math)
- Form they’re own views about white people (angry-saxon)
- “racism and anti-racism grew up together” (18)