Slaughter and Food Flashcards
What are the most common caused of DOA in pigs, sheep and broilers?
Pigs: hyperthermia, metabolic acidosis
Sheep: smothering, ill health
Broilers: congestive heart failure, trauma
What causes dark meat?
High pH: at 24 hours higher the 6
Long distance transport, fighting, injury,, long period without food, water ect.
How can high pH of meat be avoided?
Reduce pre-slaughter activity and stress
Allow time fore recovery
Enhance muscle glycogen storagr
What is the most common type of transport for livestock?
Road transport
What factors should be considered with road transport of animals?
Vehicle design Driver behavior Stocking density Thermoregulation Ventilation Unloading and loading Impact of transport Injuries Rest stops for feed and water
What are the different stunning method?
Head only electrical stunning Percussive stunning Electrical water bath Controlled atmosphere stunning Low atmospheric pressure stunning
What is the captive bolt?
Used mainly in cattle, can be penetrating or non penetrating
Never used in pigs
Instantaneous unconsciousness, irreversible if done correctly.
What are the signs of an effective captive bolt stun?
Immediate collapse with hind legs flexed Tonic body spasm Immediate loss of Normal rhythmic breathing Immediate loss of corneal and palpebral reflex No eyeball rotation Relaxed jaw No righting reflex Convulsive kicking ( cloning phase)
What is the effect of electrical stunning?
Brain dysfunction and unconsciousness
Epilepsy like waveform on eeg
What can make electrical stunning less effective?
Wool, dry skin, behind the ears instead of in front, low current
What should happen immediately after electrical stunning?
Bleed the animal
What is Controlled Atmospheric Stunning?
CO2 at high concentrations, two phase CO2 or CO2 with i inert gas
What are the advantages and disadvantages of CAS?
Advantages:No handling inversion or shackling
Less sensitive to variation in animals size
Disadvantages: high capital costs, gas is noxious, respiratory distress,delayed time to unconsciousness
What is LAPS?
Low atmospheric pressure stunning: gradually induce hypoxia, not enough research
When can cervical neck dislocation be used?
Birds under 5 kg, permitted for under 3kg max of 70 birds per day, a level of skill is needed
What are the methods of slaughter for farmed fish?
Percussive blow
Electrical stunning
Suffocation in air or ice
Food grade anesthetic, carbon dioxide, cutting. Of gilll while consciouss