Slang Flashcards
I am fucking great!
Yo soy chingone!
The food is fucking great!
La comida esta chingoné!
Everything is fucking great!
Todo esta chingón!
Fuck it!
Aye chingado!
I’m fucked
Estoy jodido.
Everything is great (in response to how are you)
Estoy a toda madre.
You are fucking great
Tu eres bien chingone!
What up, dude?
Que onda, wey?
Don’t screw with me!
No mames!
Neta wey?
Really? Don’t screw with me!
Neta wey? No mames?
Dumb, dumbass, American.
Pinchi gringo.
Let’s get the hell out of here!
Vamanos a la chingada!
El guero.
You are like the donkey.
Tú eres como el burro.
Very good (in response to how are you)
Don’t fuck with me!
¡No me chingues!
Don’t bullshit me!
¡No me estés chingando!
I am scared!
Ya me cargo el payaso (the clown takes me away)
El Chupacabres
Mexican half beast, half man that eats farm animals (sorta like American bigfoot).
I already have your stick!
Ya tengo tú garrote!
Do you like chile in potato? (Are you gay?)
Te gusta el chile en papas?