Greetings, salutations, compliments, manners Flashcards
How have you been?
Como has estado?
How’s it going?
Como te va?
How are you (inf.)?
Como estas?
How are you (f.)?
Como esta usted?
What up, dude?
Que onda wey?
How are you (friend)?
Que tal?
Well, thank you.
Bien, gracias.
And you (inf.)?
Y tú?
And you (f.)?
Y usted?
I’m okay also.
Bien, tambien.
See you soon.
Hasta pronto.
Bye now (see you later)
Hasta luego.
See you tomorrow.
Hasta manana.
So long
Hasta la vista
See you
Nos vemos
And who are you?
Y quien eres tu?
Are you Anna?
Tu eres Anna?
Who is he?
Quien es el?
I like passing time with you.
Mé gusta pasar tiempo con tigo.
You are so pretty.
Tú eres tan bonita.
You are so handsome.
Tú eres tan guapo.
You are really smart.
Tú eres tan inteliente.
You are my best friend.
Tú eres mi amigo mejor.
You are so kind.
Tú eres tan simpatico(a).
You are very hard working.
Tú eres muy trabajadoro(a).
You are very friendly.
Tú eres muy amable.
You are a good cook.
Eres buen cocinaro (buena concinara).
You are very generous.
Eres muy generoso(a)
You are bold or daring or adventuresome.
Eres atrivedo(a)
You are honest.
Eres honesto(a).
You are so funny.
Eres tan comico(a).
Lo siento
Pardon me
I don’t know
No se
How’s it going (friendly)?
Qué tal?
Have a good day.
Que tengas un buen día.
Have a good night.
Que tengas una buena noche.
I’m glad to see you.
Qué gusto verte.
No, not there, that one over there.
No, allí no, aquel de allí.
without problem
sin problema
I don’t see why not
No veo porque no
Go ahead
Go for it
Do it
of course
(3 ways)
por supuesto
como no
without a doubt
sin duda