Slang Flashcards
Sihat tak?
How are you?
I am fine
You sihat tak?
How are you? (to ask them back)
You pula?
What about you?
Cuma tak cukup tidur
I didn’t get enough sleep
Tak sihat sangat
Not really well
Pening kepala sikit
Headache a little
Penat sikit
A little tired
Demam sikit
Fever a little
Sakit perut
Sakit kaki
Sore legs / Leg pain
Sakit tangan
Arm pain / sore arms
Sakit badan
Sore body
Mungkin tak cukup tidur
Maybe not enough sleep
Buat apa je hari ni?
What did you do today?
Duduk rumah
Stay at home
Kemas rumah
Clean the house
Kemas bilik
Clean the room
Kemas meja
Clean the table
Kemas dapur
Clean the kitchen
Kemas tandas
Clean the toilet
Pegi beli barang runcit
Went to get groceries
Buat kerja
Do work
Jalan-jalan kat luar
Went out for a walk
Tengok movie / video / youtube
Watch movie / video / youtube
Baca buku
Read book
Bawa kereta pusing-pusing dekat area sini
Went out for a drive around here
Cuci pinggan
Wash plate
Cuci mangkuk
Wash bowl
Duduk rumah je
Only stay at home
Pegi beli barang runcit je
Went out to get groceries only
Lepas tu
After that
with (dengan)
Duduk rumah lepas tu buat kerja
Stay at home, after that do work
Duduk rumah ngan Kitty
Stay at home with Kitty
Masak nasi ngan tofu
Cook rice with tofu
Tengah buat apa tu?
What are you doing?
Tengah makan
I’m eating
Tengah minum
I’m drinking
Tengah tengok movie / youtbe
I’m watching a movie / youtube
Tengah baca buku
I’m reading a book
Tengah memandu
I’m driving
Tengah mengemas rumah
I’m cleaning the house
Tengah mengemas bilik
I’m cleaning the room
Tengah mengemas meja
I’m cleaning the table
Tengah mengemas dapur
I’m cleaning the kitchen
Tengah mengamas tandas
I’m cleaning the toilet
Tengah buat kerja
I’m doing work
Tengah berehat
I’m resting
Tengah main game / gitar / piano
I’m playing game / guitar / piano
Tengah balik rumah
I’m going back home
Tengah keluar rumah
I’m leaving the house
Tengah cuci kain
I’m doing laundry
Tengah memasak
I’m cooking
Dah makan?
Have you eaten?
Dah minum?
Have you drink?
Dah sampai rumah?
Have you arrived home?
Dah beli barang runcit?
Have you gotten groceries?
Dah selesai exercise?
Have you finished exercise?
Dah solat?
Have you prayed?
Dah mandi?
Have you showered?
Dah kerja?
Have you worked?
Dah kemas rumah?
Have you cleaned the house?
Already (sudah)
Belum lagi
Not yet
Jap lagi I buat
I will shortly
Nanti I buat
I will later
Nak tidur jap
I want to sleep for a while
Nak makan jap
I want to eat for a while
Nak minum jap
I want to drink for a while
Nak main game / gitar / piano jap
I want to play game / gitar / piano for a while
Nak keluar jalan-jalan jap
I want to go out for a while
Nak pegi tandas jap
I want to go to the toilet for a while
Nak mandi jap
I want to take a shower for a while
Nak pasang headphones jap
I want to put on headphones for a while
Nak buat kerja jap
I want to work for a while
Nak balas email jap
I want to reply to email for a while
Nak jawab call jap
I want to answer call for a while