Asking a Question Flashcards
Apa itu?
What is that?
That is a chair
Itu kerusi
Apa ini?
What is this?
This is a table
Ini meja
Adakah meja itu besar?
Is it a big table?
It is a big table
Itu meja besar
Tidak, itu meja kecil
No it is a small table
How many chairs are there?
Ada berapa buah kerusi?
Ada dua buah kerusi
There are two chairs
Saya ada sebuah rumah
I have one house
How many cups and saucers are there?
Ada berapa biji cawan dan piring?
Ada lima biji cawan dan empat biji piring
There are five cups and four saucers
How much does a plate cost?
Berapa harga sebuah pinggan?
Satu ringgit sebuah
One dollar each
Give me four
Kasi saya empat
Berapa harga sekilogram daging ini?
How much a kilogram is this meat?
Two dollars a kilogram
Dua ringgit sekilogram
Ini rumah saya
This is my house
Itu rumah elok
That is a fine house
Saya ada sebuah rumah
I have a house
Saya ada tiga buah meja
I have three tables
Meja-meja itu besar
The tables are big
Kasi saya dua buah kerusi
Give me two chairs
Adakah cawan itu hitam?
Is that cup black?
Tidak, cawan itu biru
No, that cup is blue
Adakah cawan itu cantik?
Is that cup pretty?
Ia, cawan biru itu cantik
Well, the blue cup is pretty
Ada berapa buah cawan biru?
How many blue cups?
Ada lima buah cawan biru dan lima buah piring biru
There are five blue cups and five blue saucers
Ada berapa buah pinggan?
How many plates?
Ada tiga buah pinggan
There are three plates
Ada tiga biji buah nenas
There are three pineapple seeds