Skull Bony Landmarks Flashcards
Identify number 1
Frontal bosses
Identify number 2
Identify number 3
Temporal line lateral = temporalis
Identify number 4
Supraorbital margin
Identify number 5
Supraorbital foramen
Identify number 6
Supraorbital notch
Identify number 7
Nasal spine
Identify number 8
Zygomatic process
Identify number 9
Frontal sinus
Identify number 10
Frontal crest
Identify number 11
Sagittal sinus
Identify number 12
Impressions from frontal lobe
Identify number 1
Temporal line
Identify number 2
Parietal bosses
Identify number 3
Sagittal sinus
Identify number 4
Arachnoid granulations
Identify number 7
Meningeal grooves
Identify number 8
Coronal suture
Identify number 9
Lambdoid suture
Identify number 1
Squamous portion
Identify number 2
Petrous portion
Identify number 3 and attachment
Mastoid process
Identify number 4
Mastoid foramen
Identify number 5 and attachment
Mastoid notch
Identify number 6
External auditory meatus
Identify number 7
Internal acoustic meatus
Identify number 8
Suprameatal crest
Identify number 9
Supramastoid crest
Identify number 10
Mandibular fossa
Identify number 11
Zygomatic process
Identify number 12 and attachment
Styloid process
Identify number 13
Stylomastoid foramen
Identify number 14
Groove for transverse sulcus
Identify number 15
Jugular fossa
Identify number 1
Identify number 2
Basilar process
Identify number 3
Pars lateralis
Identify number 4
Occipital condyle
Identify number 5
Foramen magnum = spinal cord
Identify number 6
External occipital protruberance
Identify number 7 and attachment
Inferior nuchal line
Rectus capitis posterior
Identify number 8 and attachment
Superior nuchal line
Muscle attachment between superior and inferior nuchal lines
Semispinalis capitis
Identify number 9
Highest nuchal line
Identify number 10
Cruciform eminence
Identify number 11
Transverse sulcus
Identify number 12
Sagittal sulcus
Identify number 13
Jugular notch
Identify number 14
Hypoglossal canal
Identify number 15
Condylar fossa
Identify number 1
Identify number 2
Greater wing
Identify number 3
Lesser wing
Identify number 5
Medial pterygoid plate
Identify number 6
Lateral pterygoid plate
Identify number 7
Pterygoid fossa
Identify number 8
Sphenoidal sinus
Identify number 9
Sella turcica
Identify number 13
Optic canal
Identify number 14
Foramen rotundum
Identify number 1
Maxillary process
Identify number 2
Fronto-Sphenoidal process
Identify number 3
Temporal zygomatic process
Identify number 4
Zygomatico-orbital foramen
Identify number 5
Zygomatical facial foramen
Identify number 6
Zygomatico-temporal foramen
Identify number 1
Zygomatic process
Identify number 2
Frontal process
Identify number 3
Alveolar process
Identify number 4
Palatine process
Identify number 6
Canine eminence
Identify number 7
Infraorbital foramen
Identify number 8
Maxillary sinus
Identify number 3 and attachment
Coronoid process
Identify number 4
Mandibular condyle
Identify number 5 and attachment
Gonial angle
Identify number 6
Mental protruberance
Identify number 7
Mental foramen
Identify number 8 and attachment
Mental spines
Identify number 9
Mylohyoid groove
Identify number 10 and attachment
Mylohyoid line
Identify number 13
Mandibular foramen
Identify number 1
Lacrimal groove
Identify number 1
Crista galli
Identify number 2
Cribiform plate
Identify number 3
Ethmoid sinus
Identify number 4
Perpendicular plate
Identify number 5
Middle nasal concha
Identify number 1
Identify number 2
Vomerine/nasopalatine groove