Skull Attachments Flashcards
temporal fossa
temporalis M
zygomatic arch
masseter M, zygomaticoscutularis M, zygomaticoauricularis M
paracondylar (jugular) process
caudal belly of digastricus M (+occiitomandibular part (eq)), rectus capitis lateralis M, occipitohyoideus M, obliquus capitis cranialis M
muscular tubercle
rectus capitis ventralis M, longus capitis M, cleidomastoideus M (bo), sternomastoideus M (bo)
external occipital protuberance
funiculus nuchae
hypophyseal fossa
carotid sulcus (eq)
internal carotid A
chiasmatic sulcus
optic chiasm
hamulus of the pterygoid bone
tendon of the tensor veli palatini M
mastoid process
cleidomastoideus M, sternomastoideus M (bo)
petrosal crest
tentorium cerebelli membranaceum
muscular process
tensor veli palatini M, levator veli palatini M
crista galli
falx cerebri
rostral lacrimal process
medial palpebral ligament
facial crest
masseter M
masseteric fossa
masseter M
pterygoid fossa
medial pterygoid M
coronoid process
temporalis M
pterygoid fossa
lateral pterygoid M
angle of the stylohyoid bone
stylohyoideus M, occipitohyoideus M