Skull Flashcards
What is the skeleton of the head
Cranium (skull)
The cranium consists of two parts:
Neurocranium and viscerocranium
The Neurocranium is divided into two parts:
Calvaria (skullcap) and cranial base (floor of skull)
The neurocranium is formed by ___ (#) bones
8 bones, 4 singular bones located on the midline (frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and occipital) and 2 sets occurring as bilateral pairs (temporal and parietal)
The viscerocranium form the ____ part of the cranium and consists of ___ (#) irregular bones
Anterior, 14 (2 singular bones lying in the midline (vomer and mandible) and 6 paired occurring bilaterally (maxilla, inferior nasal concha, zygomatic, palatine, nasal, and lacrimal bones)
Forms the skeleton of the forehead, articulating with the nasal and zygomatic arches
Frontal bone
Forms the roof of the orbit and part of the floor of the anterior part of cranial cavity
Frontal bone
Intersection of the frontal and nasal bones
Supra-orbital margin, Supra-orbital foramen, supercillary arch are located on the
Frontal bone
Smooth area between the supercillary arches
Lie on inferolateral sides of the orbits and rest on the maxillae
Zygomatic bones
Pierces the lateral aspect of each bone
Zygomaticofacial foramen
Articulate with each other in the midline, with the frontal bone superiority
Nasal bones
Anterior nasal opening of the cranium
Piriform aperture
Formed by dividing nasal cavity into left and right parts
Nasal septum
Paired conchae visible through the nasal aperture
Inferior nasal conchae
Maxillae is united at the _____ _____ in themedian plane
Intermaxillary suture
Support bone for the maxillary teeth
Maxillae alveolar processes
Maxillae connects with zygomatic bones laterally and have _____________ ________ inferior to each orbit
Infra-orbital foramen
Laterally articulates with the zygomatic bone and medially articulates with the frontal bone
Forms the chin (horizontal portion)
Body of mandible
Vertical extension of the body on either side
Ramus of mandible
Articulation point of mandible with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
Anterior portion of the Ramus, site for muscle attachment on mandible
Coronoid process
Posterior point at which Ramus meets the body of the mandible
Between 1st and 2nd premolars
Mental foramen
Located on the medial aspect of mandibular Ramus
Mandibular foramen
This foramen permits passengers of the nerve involved with tooth sensation
Mandibular foramen
The region where the two halves of the mandible fuse
Mandibular symphysis
Passing from inferior of the Ramus onto the body of mandible
Oblique line
Superior and posterior boundaries of the temporal fossa
Superior and inferior temporal lines
Anterior border of temporal fossa
Frontal and zygomatic bones
Inferior boundary of temporal fossa
Zygomatic arch
Formed by the union of the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process fo the temporal bone
Zygomatic arch
Large flat plate articulating with the greater wing of the sphenoid anteriorly, and with parietal bone superiorly
Squamous part of temporal bone
Anterior bony projection from the squamous part fo the temporal bone, which articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone to form zygomatic arch
Zygomatic process of temporal bone
Below the origin of the zygomatic process
Tympanic part of temporal bone
Lies posteroinferior to the external acoustic process
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Entrance to the external acoustic meatus, which leads to the tympanic membrane
External acoustic foramen
Slender projection of bone lies anteromedial to the mastoid process
Styloid process
Formed by joining the frontal and parietal bones
Coronal suture
Formed by joining the parietal and occipital bones
Lambdoid suture
H shape formation of the sutures that unite the frontal, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal bones
Thin bone that overlies the anterior division of the middle meningeal artery
Formed by the occipital bone, parts of the parietal bones, and parts of the mastoid of the temporal bone
Occipital aspect of cranium (Norma Occipitalis)
Elevation in the median plane
External occipital protuberance (EOP)
Extends laterally from each side of EOP
Superior nuchal line
Less distinct, extending laterally from each side of EOP
Inferior nuchal line