Skull Flashcards
Axial skeleton
Bones of skull, thorax, vertebral column
Cranium & mandible
Vertebral column
Sternum, ribs, sacrum, & coccyx
Protects the brain
- occipital bone: back of head
- parietal bones: each side of brain
- frontal bone: forehead & eye orbits
- temporal bones: side of head near ears
- sphenoid bone: side of head next to temporal & posterior of eye orbit
- ethmoid bone: right between eyes & behind nasal bone
Organs involved with special senses, protect soft tissues in face Includes: - maxilla - palatine bone - nasal bone - inferior nasal conchae - zygomatic bones - lacrimal bones - vomer - mandible
The joint where 2 cranial bones articulate with one another
Sagittal suture
Divides the 2 parietal bones
Lambdoidal suture
Divides occipital bone from the 2 parietal bones
Squamousal sutures
Divides temporal bone from parietal bone on each side
Coronal suture
Divides frontal bone from 2 parietal bones
Occipital bone features
1) Connect cranium to vertebral column
2) occipital condyle: atlas (c1) articulates
3) foramen magnum: big hole where the spinal cord passes
4) jugular foramen: 2 holes near foramen magnum where the jugular veins exit
5) hypoglossal canal: 2 canals underneath the occipital condyles where the hypoglossal nerve passes
Temporal bone features
1) internal acoustic meatus: internal ear hole
2) external acoustic meatus: external ear hole
3) mastoid process
4) styloid process: hyoid attaches
5) mandibular fossa: Where mandible articulates with cranium
6) carotid canal: major artery goes through to supply blood to brain
7) foramen lacerum: hole where occipital, temporal, and sphenoid bones meet
Frontal bone features
1) supra-orbital foramen: holes above eye orbit where nerve runs through
Sphenoid bone feature
1) sella turcica: where pituitary gland sits
2) optic canal: passageway of optic nerve
3) superior orbital fissure: long hole
4) foramen rotundum: round hole
5) foramen ovale: oval hole
6) foramen spinosum: small hole
Ethmoid bone feature
1) perpendicular plate: inside nasal cavity
2) crista galli: opposite of perpendicular plate
3) cribriform plate: flat bone with holes where olfactory nerves go through