Postcranium Flashcards
Axial postcranium
Vertebral column, thoracic cage (ribs/sternum)
Function of vertebral column
- protect spinal cord
- transfer weight of torso to lower limb
- muscle attachments that help sit up and stand up right
Function of thoracic cage
To protect heart and lungs
Vertebral column consists:
- Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)
- Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)
- Lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
- Sacrum (S1-S5) fused vertebrae
- Coccyx
Spinal curves
Make spine flexible
- cervical = lordosis (anterior bend)
- thoracic = kyphosis
- lumbar = lordosis
- sacral/coccyx = kyphosis (posterior bend)
Axial skeleton
Consists of skull, sternum, ribs, sacrum, coccyx, and vertebral column
Vertebral features
All of them have
1) centrum/body except C1
2) transverse process to attach muscle
3) spinous process
4) vertebral foramen where spinal cord goes through
5) superior articular process where it attaches to the vertebrae below it
6) inferior articular process where it attaches to the vertebrae above it
Cervical vertebrae feature
1) C1= atlas, hyoid floats attaches to muscle. “Yes” joint, attaches to occipital condyles
2) C2= axis, “No” joint (pivot joint)
- small
- transverse foramen
Thoracic vertebrae features
1) ribs attach in 2 locations; centrum & transverse process
2) 3 costal facets where ribs articulate
Lumbar vertebrae features
Big vertebrae
Intervertebral structures
1) intervertebral discs: cartilage that separate joints that connect the centrum together (shock absorption)
2) vertebral canal: extension of vertebral foramen between bones
3) intervertebral foramina: side by side holes when 2 vertebrae are connected. Spinal nerves pass through
Sacral features
1) sacral body: big centrum (body) L5 attaches
2) ala: wings of sacrum
3) sacral foramina: holes where spinal nerves come out
4) sacral hiatus: on the back towards the bottom
5) coccyx: tail bone
Region that contains the lungs and heart. Surrounded and protected by the thoracic or rib cage
Thoracic cage consist
1) ribs = 12 left and 12 right
2) sternum = manubrium, body, xiphoid process
3) thoracic vertebrae
Function: attachment place for muscle to breathe
Thoracic cage moves during breathing
Costal cartilage helps with flexibility
Rib types
1) vertebrosternal ribs: attach from vertebrae to sternum through 1 costal cartilage. Ribs 1-7. Flat & short
2) vertebrochondral ribs: attach from vertebrae to sternum through several costal cartilage. Ribs 8-10. Long, taller than wide
3) vertebral ribs: attach only to vertebrae. Ribs 11&12
Short. Blunted part at tip not flat like others
Rib structure
1) tubercle: attaches to transverse process
2) neck
3) head: attaches to centrum
4) Sternal end: attaches to sternum
5) costal groove: where 1 artery, vein, and nerve runs through
Vertebral features
All of them have
1) centrum/body except C1
2) transverse process to attach muscle
3) spinous process
4) vertebral foramen where spinal cord goes through
5) superior articular process where it attaches to the vertebrae below it
6) inferior articular process where it attaches to the vertebrae above it
Cervical vertebrae feature
1) C1= atlas, hyoid floats attaches to muscle. “Yes” joint, attaches to occipital condyles
2) C2= axis, “No” joint (pivot joint)
- small
- transverse foramen
Thoracic vertebrae features
1) ribs attach in 2 locations; centrum & transverse process
2) 3 costal facets where ribs articulate
Lumbar vertebrae features
Big vertebrae
Intervertebral structures
1) intervertebral discs: cartilage that separate joints that connect the centrum together (shock absorption)
2) vertebral canal: extension of vertebral foramen between bones
3) intervertebral foramina: side by side holes when 2 vertebrae are connected. Spinal nerves pass through
Sacral features
1) sacral body: big centrum (body) L5 attaches
2) ala: wings of sacrum
3) sacral foramina: holes where spinal nerves come out
4) sacral hiatus: on the back towards the bottom
5) coccyx: tail bone
Region that contains the lungs and heart. Surrounded and protected by the thoracic or rib cage
Thoracic cage consist
1) ribs = 12 left and 12 right
2) sternum = manubrium, body, xiphoid process
3) thoracic vertebrae
Function: attachment place for muscle to breathe
Thoracic cage moves during breathing
Costal cartilage helps with flexibility