SKP Flashcards
Hvor meget opholder vi os indenfor?
90% af tiden, hvoraf 70% er i vores hjem.
Hvem var den store pioner indenfor indeklima?
P. O. Fanger
Hvad hedder P. O. Fangers ligning?
Hvilke fænomener kan være med til at definere rumligkvalitet?
akustik, blænding, termisk indeklima
Hvad er receptorer?
Konverterer termisk stimulans om til elektrisk impulser, afgøre om der er termisk neutralitet, om vi fryser eller har det for varmt.
Hvad er de globale fakoterer?
lufttemperatur, strållingstemperatur, relativ luftfugtighed
Hvad er de lokale faktorer?
luftbevægelse- og hastighed, gulvoverflade, luftermperatur, strållingssymetri
Hvad er de personlige faktorer?
sunhedstilstand, sindstilstand, sociale forhold, beklædning.
Hvad er termisk komfort?
Er lig termisk neutralitet og ingen lokale ubehag
Hvad tager fangers komfortligning højde for?
kropsbeklædning, typen af aktivitet samt globale faktorer.
Hvad er Clo-værdi
Hvad er PMV?
Predicted mean vote, det er gennemsnitlig termisk fornemelse voteret på ASHARE skala, det er en “whoole-body” termisk fornemelse.
Hvad er PPD?
Predicted percentage disatisfied
Hvad er aktivitet niveau?
siger noget om den interne varmeproduktion, enhed er MET, hvor 1 MET er stillesidende.
Hvad er relativ luftfugtighed?
den del af rummet der er vanddamp i forhold til resten af lokalet
Hvad er lokale ubehag i forhold til fangers komfortligning?
Træk, strålingsasymetri, gulvoverflade, lufttemperatur
How many dissatisfied is the maksimum for the air quality?
no more than 20%, and no known harmfull concentrations of containments
What is good IAQ?
Is percieved as fresh, comfortable, no negative affect on health, promotes the work and performance for people who are working.
What is SBS and BRI
Sick building syndrom and building related illness
What are the sources?
cooking, smoking, poor ventialtion, candles
What is PAQ?
Percevied air quality, rated by humans by use of the senses,
What is olf?
1 olf is the emission rate of air pollutants from a standar person.
What is PD?
Percentage of Dissatisfied
What is inddor pollutants?
airborn particles, radon which is produced in the earth
What is PPM?
Part per million, number of units of a substance compared to 1 million units of air.
sources of VOCs?
building material, household products, cleaning products, these are colorless, flammable and reactive at room temperature
What is PM?
Particle matter, tiny particles, comes in many sizes, PM2.5 means it’s 2.5 micrometeres
At which size can the most particles get through a filter?
medium sized, around 300nm, lowest efficiency
What is the ventilation rate?
it’s the amount of outdoor air which plow to a room through the ventialtion
What three can the ventilation rate be based on?
PAQ, criteria for pollutant concentration, pre defined ventilation rate.
What three should there be taken into account when designing a house in relation to IAQ?
sufficient ventialtion, airtightness and insulation
What are the three types of ventialtion?
Natural, mechanical, hybrid
What are the three types of natural ventialtion?
Single side, cross ventialtion, stack ventialtion
What is NPL?
Neutral pressure level, are used for natural ventilation.
The three types of mechanical ventilation?
supply ventilation, extract ventilation and one with both.
What types is there for air distribution?
air mixing, piston ventilation, displacement ventilation
What is VE?
Ventilation effectiveness, ability for the system to remove internally generated pollutants
What is dynamic mass balance model?
Is a formula to calculate the time it takes to reach steady state for a room
Hvad er menneskets synsfelt?
190 grader, kaldet monokular system