Skin speed-round Flashcards
What causes pyoderma?
Skin: Staphylococcus spp. intermedius / pseudintermedius
Oral: Pasteurella spp. / Streptococcus spp. (kittens)
Describe pyoderma lesion
Superficial - pustular dermatitis
Deep - Folliculitis, furunculosis, subcutaneous abscess, cellulitis
Virulence factors pyoderma (Staph)
Staph = gram positive coccus (grape)
- Capsular polysaccharide, teichoic acids, protein A - Interfere with phagocytosis
- Catalase - Aids in survival within phagocytes
- Coagulase - Shield from phagocytic cells
Pyoderma tx
Resolve with time
Topical antiseptic shampoo
AM (6-8 weeks) look at slide for more details
What causes exudative epidermitis? + characteristics
Staphylococcus hyicus
Gram positive coccus
Describe lesion of exudative epidermitis?
Extensive, non-pruritic dermatitis with a greasy exudate - Excess sebacious secretion, exfoliation, cellulitis, scabs, blisters and
Virulence factor exudative epidermitis
Exfoliative toxin - disrupts cell attachment
Exudative epidermitis tx
AM (5 days) system or topical
What causes Swine erysipelas + characteristics?
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae - Gram-positive, catalase-negative rod
Virulence factors of swine erysipelas?
- Capsule -> protects against phagocytosis
- Neuraminidase -> adherence to endothelial cells
Tx swine erysipelas?
AM (3-6) Penicillin or tetracycline in water or feed
Can vax
Chronic infection not really treatable
Lesion of swine erysipelas?
Diamond shaped erythema (pathognomonic)
Dermatophilus congolensis characteristics and what is causes
Gram-positive, filamentous bacteria (long chain of branching cocci)
Cutaneous streptotrichosis, lumpy wool, strawberry foot rot, rain rot
Dermatophilus congolensis virulence factors?
Phospolipases and proteolytic enzymes - help to invade skin
Describe lesion of Dermatophilus congolensis?
Raised scab like crusts containing filaments with zoospores