Skin Eruptions specific to pregnancy: an overview TOG 2013 Flashcards
How common is melasma?
Most common 2nd/3rd trimester
a can persist months/years postpartum
How to prevent development and exacerbation of melasma?
Avoid excessive sunlight, broad spectrum sunscreens
Risk factors for striae gravid arum
Personal Hx
Dark skinned
Excessive abdo distention
Prevent of stretch marks
Prevalence of spider naevi in caucasians and black people in pregnancy?
Caucasians: 66%
Black: 11%
Appear 2nd trimester, most disappear by 3rd post natal moth
Hair changes in pregnancy
Increased hair growth AN
Acute telogen effluvium - hair shedding, 3-6 months PP, recovery 9-12 months
Pruritis in pregnancy
What is the incidence of atopic eruption of pregnancy?
1 in 300
Timing of onset of tropic eruption of pregnancy?
75% before 3rd trimester
Mostly multiparous women
Distribution of atopic eruption of pregnancy
Eczeamtous changes, typical atopic sites (face, neck, flexural surface of limbs) or papular lesions on trunk/limbs
Resolution of atopic eruption of pregnancy
Approves after delivery, may persist for several months
Fetal considerations for atopic eruption of pregnancy
No impact to foetus
Treatment for atopic eruption of pregnancy
Topical steroids
Incidence polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Timing of onset polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
3rd trimester, mean 34 weeks
More common in primps
Distribution of polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
pruritic, erythematous papules commonly located within the abdominal striae and with periumbilical sparing. It progresses to the trunk and extremities, sparing the palms and soles in the majority of cases, and does not affect the face.
The lesions can coalesce to form plaques or wheals, often resembling target lesions.
Timing of resolution
Mostly 4-6 weeks after onset
Treatment polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Methonal 1% aqueous cream
Hydrocostisone ointment 1% antihistamine - chlorphenamine/promethzine/loratadine, cetirizine
Rarely systemic steroids
Incidence of pemphigoid gestationis
Rare 1/10,000-60,000
Distribution pemphigoid gestationis
Abdomen, umbilicus effectes, lesion being in periumbilical region, spread to limbs, palms and soles
Intensly pruritic, urticated erythamtous papule and plaques, target lesions - after 2 weeks vesicles, tense bullae
If occurs 2nd trimester, often improvement at end of pregnancy but PP flare. Can persist for several month
Pathogenesis pemphigoid gestationis
associated bullous pemphigoid
Ass other autoimmune conditions
Fetal considerations pemphigoid gestationis
Increased risk low birthweight, preterm delivery, stillbith
10% bulbous eruption
Treatment pemphigoid gestationis
Potent topical corticosteroids
Most require systemic steroids pred 4-60mg/day
Some topical or systemic immunuosuprresion - cyclosporin/tacrolimus