SKIN Flashcards
Thermoregulation by blood supply
Respond to thermoreceptors in skin
Arteriovenous shunts are anastomoses between arterioles and venules - many in dermis
Shunts open or close respectively to decrease or increase blood flow to superficial vascular plexus in papillary dermis
Mechanism of tanning
DNA damage due to UV - signals for MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone)
MSH binds to MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor)
MC1R - stimulates transcription and increase melanin synthesis and increase cell transfer
Melanosome will be transported to basal keratinocyte = more melanin
Protection against microorganisms
Langerhan cells - small cells in non-basal layers of skin - dendritic cells
APC - form a network in epidermis - part of immune system
4 main layers of the epidermis
Cornified layer
Granular layer
Spiny layer
Basal layer
Cornified layer
Outer protective layer of the epidermis
Cells are keratitnised - cytoplasm full of keratin
Granular layer
Layers of cells with prominent granules of keratohyalin
Precursor of keratin
Cells are differentiating to form the outermost layer
Spiny layer
Keratinocytes have many desmosomes (junctions) - visible as ‘spines’ between cells - strong bonds holding the epidermis together
Basal layer
1st single layer, containing stem cells, and attached to dermis
Synthesises melanosomes (pigment granules) and transfers them to basal dendrites through long dendrites
2 layers of dermis
Thin papillary layer
Deeper reticular layer
Tensile strength and elasticity
Blood vessels, skin glands and sensory receptors
Made up of layers of connective tissue characterised by interconnected mesh of elastin and collagen fibres - produced by fibroblasts
Dermal epidermal border
Dermal papillae - finger like protrusions of dermal connective tissue into epidermal layer
Rete ridges - extensions of epidermis into dermal layer
Help insulate deeper tissue
Anchors skin to the muscle with connective tissue
What does hair interact with
Apocrine glands
Sebaceous glands
Arrector pili muscle
Nerve receptors
Follicular keratinocytes
produce hard keratin hair
Keratinocytes filled with hard keratin flatten out and are slowly pushed up the follicle - resulting in root and shaft formation