Late luteal early follicular stage
Menstrual cycle
Low progesterone and high FSH
Mid follicular stage
Menstrual cycle
High Oestrogen = negative feedback
Mid cycle stage
Menstrual cycle
Oestrogen = positive feedback
Increase LH
Mid luteal stage
Menstrual cycle
Increase progesterone = negative feedback
Decrease LH & FSH
Describe the steps for follicle selection/dominant follicle
- high FSH - recruit antral follicles that are at the right stage to continue growth.
- Oestradiol levels increase and FSH levels fall
- Follicle that survives the decline of FSH becomes the dominant follicle
- As FSH fall, LH increases - dominant follicle requires LHR on GCs
Steps of ovulation
Occurs with release of cumulus oocyte complex
- Oocyte with cumulus extruded from ovary
- Follicular fluid pours into Pouch of Douglas
- Egg ‘collected’ by fimbria of fallopian tube
- Egg progresses down tube by peristalsis and action of cilia
Describe the structure of the testes
Basement membrane - primary germ cells or spermatogonia
Walls of tubule made of sertoli cells - tight junctions between = adluminal compartments.
Spaces between tubules are filled with blood and lymphatic vessels, leydig cells and interstitial fluid
Sperm stages during spermatogenesis
Spermatogonia Primary spermatocytes Secondary spermatocytes Spermatids Spermatozoa
Partly achieved by removing the sperm from seminal fluid. Uterine or tubal fluid may contain factors which promote capacitation
Acrosome reaction
Occurs in contact with zona cumulus complex
Acrosomal membrane on the sperm head fuses releasing enzymes that cut through the complex
Bound to the inner acrosomal membrane - digests the zona pellucida so the sperm can enter
What happens in endometrial proliferative phase
Stimulated by oestrogen
Stromal cell division, ciliated surface. Glands expand, increase vascularity
When endometrium >4mm induction of progesterone receptors and small muscular contractions of myometrium
What happens in endometrial secretory phase
2-3 days after ovulation, gradual rise in progesterone causes reduction in cell division.
Oedema, increase vascular permeability, arterioles contract
Myometrial cells enlarge and movement suppressed
What happens in menstruation
Prostaglandin release cause constriction of spiral arteries. Hypoxia lead to necrosis.
Vessels dilate and bleeding ensues.
Proteolytic enzymes from dying tissue.
Changes in cells lining uterine tubes
Epithelial cells - high numbers of oestrogen receptors and undergo differentiation
Cilia beat and secretory cells are active along with muscle layer contractions
After a few days exposure to progesterone the oestrogen receptors are suppressed.
What is the ectocervix covered with
Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium - resembling the squamous epithelium lining the vagina
Cervix follicular phase
Oestrogen in follicular phase - change in vascularity of cervix and oedema
Change in mucous
Cervix luteal phase
Progesterone cause reduced secretion and viscous mucus
Glycoproteins form mesh like structure - acts as a barrier
Cardiovascular risks of COCP
Clotting disorders
Migraines - cannot have COCP due to concerns of stroke
GI risks of COCP
Insulin resistance
Weight gain
Crohns disease
Hepatic risks of COCP
Hormone metabolisms
congenital nonhemolytic jaundice
gall stones
What does IUCD do
Copper IUCD inserted into the uterus.
Destroy spermatoza
Prevent implantation - inflammatory reaction and prostaglandin secretion as well as mechanical effect
Risks of IUCD
Miscarriage if left in situ if pregnant
May be expelled if incorrectly inserted
Uterus may be perforated - need to know orientation of the uterus before insertion
Contraindications of IUCD
Current pelvic inflammatory disease
Suspected or known pregnancy
Unexplained vaginal bleeding
Abnormalities of the uterine cavity
Changes in glucose in 1st trimester
Pancreatic beta cells increase in number - plasma insulin increases, fasting serum glucose decrease
Changes in glucose in 2nd trimester
hPL cause insulin resistance - less glucose in stores = increased availability in serum glucose (more crosses placenta)
Changes in CVS in pregnancy
Increase CO
Increased HR and SV
Changes in vessels in pregnancy
Increased CO and vasodilation by steroids = reduced peripheral resistance
Increased flow to uterus, placenta, muscle, kidney and skin
Stages of implantation
- Apposition
- Attachment
- Invasion
Day 7-8 in implantation time line
Blastocyst attach to the surface of decidua basalis.
Trophoblast cells assemble to form SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAST to facilitate invasion of decidua basalis
Day 9-11 in implantation time line
Syncytiotrophoblast further invades the decidua basalis and by day 11 it is almost buried in the decidua
Day 12 in implantation time line
Decidual reaction occurs - high levels of progesterone result in enlargement and coating of the decidual cells in glycogen and lipid rich fluid.
Fluid is taken up by syncytiotrophoblast and help sustain blastocyst before placenta is formed
Day 14 in implantation time line
Primary villi form all round blastocyst
Lacunae form
Blood vessels merge with the lacunae - maternal arteries and veins grow into decidua basalis
Blood filled lacunae merge into single pool of blood = junctional zone
How are primary villi formed
Cells of syncytiotrophoblast protrude to form tree like structures
How are lacunae formed
Decidual cells between primary villi begin to clear out, leaving behind spaces