Skin Flashcards
which epidermal cell features HLA dr expression?
Langerhans cells
what cell type is responsible for skin color?
what epidermal cell type has neurosecretory function?
merckel cell
if a patient has a circumscribed area of hair loss on the scalp what is the dx?
alopecia areata
what group of disorders features epidermal thickening and scales?
which ictheosis is an autosomal dominant disorder of keratinization characterized by mild hyperkeratosis and reduced/abscent keratohyalin granules?
ictheosis vulgaris
what aut. dom disorder of keratinization is characterized by multifocal keratoses with the appearance of warty papules
daria disease of keratosis follicularis
what common proliferative skin disease is characterized by scaly plaques of persistent epidermal hyperplasia
penfigus bulgarisis a blistering skin disorder caused by antibodies to what antigen?
desmoglian 3
what disease features skin blister formation at the dermal epidermal interfce in response to minor trauma?
epidermolisi bullosa
in bulis penfagoid antibodies target antigens in which compartment of the skin?
basement membrane
gluten sensitivity is assoc with what pruritic cutaneous eruption?
dermatitis pepetiformis
erythema multiform is often a reaction to what type of blistering viral agent?
herpes symplex
what syndrome refers to an unusually sever form of erythema multiform that involves several mucosal surfaces and internal organs?
stevens johnson syndrome
if chronic skin involvement by lupus erythematosis is without the involvement of other organs what is the dx?
chronic cutantous lupus erythematosis or discoid lupus
what disease is a hypersensitivity rxn with lymphoytic inflitrates at the dermal epidermal junction and has a scaly appearance
licen planus
activation of which type of ab is involved in pathogenesis of verticaria
what aut dom skin disorder is caused by mut of C1 esterase inhib
heredityary angioedeme
what vascular skin lesion presents as palpable purpura and is an immune rxn that features neutrophilic inflamm
cutaneous necrotiing vasculitis or leukocytoplastic vasculitis
what type of t lymph mediates the dermal rxn to poison ivy
cd4 positive t cells
what benign self limited disrder features pallisading necrobiotic granulmas in the skin
granuloma annulare
which sytemic disease cuases marked fibrosis and progressive tightening of the skin
what cutaneous disorder manifests as self limited nonsuppurative tender nodules over the extensor surfaces of the lower extremities and is related to toxic and infectious agents
erythema nodosa
what organism most often causes erythema injurata
m. tb
what self limited condition is an inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous follicles that results in the intermettent formation of discrete papular or pustular formations and may lead to scarring
acne vulgaris
what condition is caused by superficial bacterial skin infection by staph or strep
which organism can cause skin infection and can be diagnosed by india ink or musicarmine stains
cryptococcus neoformans
which common and self limited skin infection features firm dome shaped smooth surface papules with a characteristic central umbilication
muluscum contagiousi=um
how do we diagnose a localized skin lesion composed of benigh proliferation of melanocytes
what type of nevus features nests of melanocytes in the epidermis and cells that have migrated into the dermis
compund nevus
what is the most frequently encountered form of melanoma that is in the radial growth phase
superficial spreading melanoma
what is the melanoma growth phase that follows the radial growth phase
vertical growth phasee
how do we designate and elevated an spiroidal that has bipased the stepwise tumor progression of radial and vertical growth phases
nodular melanoma
what type of melanoma presents as a large pigmented macule that occurs on the sundamaged sin usually in older caucasians
lentigo malignant melanoma or hutchinsons freckel
ehat type of melanoma is mst common in dark skinned ppl and is usually limited to the palms soles and subungal region
acroletigionous melanoma
what benign nevus usually occurs in children or adolescents and is composed of large atypical epitheloid melanocytes that can be mistaken for malignant melanoma
spits tumor
what cutaneous tumor is caused by HPV
how do we diagnose a wart that presents as a painful hyperkeratotic nodule on the sole of the feet
plantar wart
what skin condition features scaly frequently pigmented elevated papues or plaques whose scales are easily rubbed off
sebbarea karatosis
what is the most common malignant skin tumor in light skined people
basal cell carcinoma
what type of malignant skin tumor resembles differentiated keratinocytes
squamous cell carcinoma
what aggressive skin tumor of neurosecretory cells displays epithelial differentiation
merckel cell carcinoma
what neoplasm differentiates toward hair structures
what skin neoplasm features infiltration by malignant helper t cells
mycosis fungoides
what disorder referes to the systemic dissemination of mycosis fungoides
cesari syndrome
what viruse is assoc with kaposi sarcoma with HIV
what is the cutaneous pseudoneoplastic proliferation of capillaries in respnse to bartonella species
baciliary angiomatosis