Skill, skill continuums and transfer of skills Flashcards
Open skill
The way you do the skill is affected by the people around you
Closed skill
The way you do the skill isn’t affected by the people around you
Give one example of a closed and open skill
Open - Tennis forehand
Closed - Shot putt
Self-paced skill
Start of movement is controlled by performer
Start of movement is controlled by external factors
Give one example of a self-paced and externally-paced skill
Self-paced - Tennis serve
Externally-paced - Tennis receiving serve
Gross skill
Involves big movement of the body, use large muscle groups
Fine skill
Involves small precise movements
Give one example of a gross and a fine skill
Gross - Rugby tackle
Fine - Archery
Continuos skill
Has no clear beginning or end and can’t be easily split up into subroutines
Serial skill
Have a number of discrete elements linked together in one larger movement
Discrete skill
Has a clear beginning and end
Give one example of a continuous, discrete and serial skill
Continuous - Running
Serial - Triple jump
Discrete - Javelin throw
High organisation skill
Has a complex organisational structure with subroutines closely linked and can’t be separated
Low organisation skill
Uncomplicated and little organisation structure, subroutines tend to be discrete so can be practiced serperatley