Skill in Nonverbal Communication Flashcards
How has the concept of nonverbal skill been studied?
Primarily in terms of the encoding and decoding of emotion in social interaction
“On the job training”
What Knapp calls how we develop the ability to send and receive nonverbal communication from daily living
Personality influencing nonverbal skill
- Nonverbal skills are the expressive counterparts of personality traits
- Extraverts: good sending/encoding skills
- High self-monitors: good receiving/decoding skills
How does depression affect nonverbal skills?
- Minimal eye contact
- Monotone paralanguage
- Slow speech rate
- Sad facial expression
- *Better decoding skills
Social anxiety affecting nonverbal skills
- Minimal eye contact
- Speech hesitancies
- Less tak
- More silence
- More body-focused gestures
Schizophrenia affecting nonverbal skills
- Poverty of speech
- Minimal eye contact
- Less facial animation
- Few/strange gestures
- Major decoding errors
- Biggest deficit is in nonverbal sending skills
Autism affecting nonverbal skills
- Low levels of eye contact and joint attention
- Low use of referential gestures
- Poor face recognition
“The Other Species” effect in face recognition
- Human faces and monkey faces shows to 2 year old with and without autism
- Kids needed to choose the picture that they saw before between 2 pictures
- Kids with autism struggled in both categories
- Kids without autism struggles in only monkey category
How does the situation affect nonverbal skills?
Different social contexts (police interrogation vs. a date) call for different skills
How does culture affect nonverbal skills?
What is skilled in one culture (close space, touch) might not be in another
How does gender affect nonverbal skills?
Women are better decoders of controllable intentional nonverbal behaviors; more emotionally expressive
How does desire affect nonverbal skills?
Skill is dependent on motivation
Nonverbal sending ability
- Most people really don’t know what their nonverbal sending ability is like
- But if their encoding skill is good and other people can accurately tell what they are feeling, it is positively correlated with marital satisfaction
Development of nonverbal receiving ability
- Ability improves with age
- Increases form kindergarten up to 20-30
- Vocal decoding learned before visual cue discrimination
Receiving ability: IQ
No association between nonverbal receiving ability and IQ
Emotional Intelligence
- EI is the ability to:
1. Monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions
2. Discriminate among them
3. Reason with this information - “Nonverbal dominance” (rely on nonverbal vs. verbal behavior)
- People with high EI show greater nonverbal dominance
- High EI -> better decoding of emotion in the faces of other people
Receiving ability: Relationship outcomes
- Physician skill -> patient satisfaction
- Receiving ability correlated with more satisfying relationships
Receiving ability: Familiarity
- People often decode the expressions of persons who are knows to them more accurately than they decode unknown person
- Spouses were more accurate at decoding their spouses’ expressions than strangers’ expressions
Factors that influence receiving ability
- Experience in decoding nonverbal behavior
- Attention to specific patterns of nonverbal behavior in others
- Experience decoding the nonverbal behavior of a specific person
- The nonverbal expressiveness of the sender
Teaching decoding skills
- Decoding skill can be enhanced through training
- Best conditions involved lecture and practice opportunities
- Decoding skill can be taught but requires practice with feedback