Skill Aquisition Yr 1 Flashcards
Difficulty continuum
Simple skills - few sub-routines, taught as a whole
Eg. Sprint start in swimming
Complex skills - lots of attention and decisions, taught in stages
Eg. Slip catch in cricket
Environmental continuum
Open skills - unpredictable, lots of decision making
Eg. Passing in football
Closed - predictable, little decision making
Eg. Tennis serve
Pacing continuum
External - controlled by environment, involves reaction
Eg. Sprint start
Self - controlled by performer, habitual
Eg. Tennis serve
Muscular involvement continuum
Gross - large muscle movement, little need for precision
Eg. Olympic weight lifting
Fine - smal muscle group, need for precision and hand-eye coordination
Eg. Snooker shot
Continuity continuum
Discrete - clear beginning and end
Eg. Penalty flick
Serial - number of sub-routines, several phases
Eg. Triple jump
Continuous - no definite beginning and end
Eg. Cycling
Organisational continuum
Low - uncomplicated, discrete sub-routines
Eg. Gymnastics routine
High - can’t be practiced separately, complex
Eg. Golf swing
Whole practice
Develops kinaesthetic feel
Eg. Cycling
Part practice
Skill broken down, parts are practiced in parts then put together
Eg. Triple jump
Whole part whole practice
Entirety, fractionalisation, entirety
Eg. Swimming
Progressive part practice
Segmentation, chaining
Eg. Dance routine
Massed practice
Repeated, no rest
Eg. Shooting in football Closed
Distributed practice
Work, rest, work
Eg. Gymnastics floor routine
Varied practice
Eg. Passing in football
Fixed practice
Eg. Penalty kick
Evaluate whole practice
Kinaesthetic feel
Info overload