Skilk Aquisition - Information Processing Flashcards
Define Information Processing ?
How we deal with and detect information in order to make decisions.
Describe Welford’s model in steps on how a effector result is produced
1) we receive information from the situation around us via our sense organs - ears, eyes
2) Perception - The information is then filtered, known as selective attention, filtering out irrelevant stimuli. During this DCR occurs (detection, comparison and recognition). Allows performer to identify correct stimulus, the brain then processes the info and finally makes a match to our memories of previous experience.
3) Relevant information is then passed to the short term memory, stored there for approx 20-30 seconds.
4) The performer compares the situation to previous experience and retrieves the appropriate action from LTM.
5) The nervous system send the information to working muscles, the effectors.
6) The translation of a mental process into action once the action is complete, feedback can be given to the performer
Outline the steps of Welford’s model
Sense organs receive stimuli
Shot term store
Decision Making - LTM
Effector control
Outline the steps of Whitings model
Receptor System
Perceptual Mechanism
Translatory Mechanism
Effector Mechanism
Muscular System
Output data
Describe the steps of Whitings model
1) Receptor Organs receive information from our sporting environment
2) Perceptual Mechanism - info is processed , relevant info
retained via selective attention
3) Translatory Mechanism -Relevant info is passed here decision making and comparison here (DCR)
4) Effector Mechanism - once decisions have been made, the movement is passed to the muscle from the brain
5) Muscular System - physically responds
6) Feedback data - alter technique for improvement
Define Selective Attention
filtering out irrelevant information, focusing in on specific cues, preventing information overload
What factors effect effective selective attention?
INTENSITY OF STIMULI - needs to be obvious to be able to focus in e.g colour
INSTRUCTIONS - clear and high quality
EXPERIENCE - need experience of competitive environment to be able to practice filtering
AROUSAL - Too high = agitated Too low = slow reaction time
What strategies can be used to ensure that information reaches the long term memory?
CHUNKING - easier to store info when grouped together
MEANINGFUL - more likely to remember if meaningful
IMAGERY - Mental picture allows retention
INTENSE - stimuli needs to be clear to understand what to respond to
REHEARSE - Practice, allow fixed kinaesthetic feel, make sure to vary
Define memory process
The ability to receive information, interpret and make decisions
Describe the Short Term Memory Stores
Takes in information processed by the sensory organs held here for 0.25 - 0.5 seconds
Describe the Short Term Memory
Selective Attention occurs, information is attended to, if not then it is lost
Held for 15-30 seconds, holds 5-9 pieces of info
Describe the Long Term Memory
Information is attended to and rehearsed, stored as a motor programme
Unlimited capacity and held for an unlimited amount of time
What is the equation for response time?
Response Time = Reaction Time + Movement Time
Define Anticipation
Prejudging stimuli before the actions occurs
Define Movement Time
Time between starting and finishing the skill