Skelleton Of The Head Flashcards
The Floor is composed of
- Unpaired BASIOCCIPITAL bone
- Unpaired BASISPHENOID and
- UNpaired PRESPHENOID bone
The Nucheal wall is composed of the?
- Unpaired Supraoccipital bone
(Squamos part) - Exoocipital bones
(Lateral parts)
The lateral walls are composed of the ?
Paired Temporal Bone
(os temporale)
The ROOF is composed of the?
- Paired frontal bone
- Paired pariettal bone
- Unpaired interpariettal bone
The nasal wall is composed of the
- Unpaired ETHMOID BoNe
Incisura carotica
Incisura ovalis
Incisura spinosa
What travels through?
Incisura carotica —> A. Carotica Interna (medially) Incisura ovalis —> N.Mandibularis Incisura spinosa —> A.Meningea media
ø in car and ru! —> Foramen instead
Only Ru has Foramen Ovale!
Processus Prerygoideus
- Arise from?
- Project where to form the boundaries of?
- Together with which bones?
- The base is perforated by a canal?
- Inside the canal runs?
- Originates with?
- Terminates with?
- Rostral border of BASISPHENOID
- Ventro-rostrally and form boundaries of the CHOANAE
- Palatine and Pterygoid bones
- Alar canal
- Maxillary Artery
- Foramen alare caudale
- Foramen alare rostrale
Temporal bone - parts
1. Pars Squamosa Facies cerebralis (inner) Fascies temporalis (outer) 2. Pars PETROSA 3. Pars TYMPANICA
Distinkt parts in newborns, unite later in life
PETROSA and TYMPANICA firmly fused to squamos part in CAR and OX, in others remain separate!
Temporomandibular joint
Articulating surfaces
- TUBERCULUM articulare rostrally
- FOSSA MANDIBULARIS, caudal to it. It is deliniated caudally by:
In CA—> TUBERCULUM articulare is missing = well developed PROCESSUS RETROARTICULARE
The Temporal canal (meatus temporals) is rudimentary in which species?
Cat and Pig
Which part of the temporal bone encloses the inner ear?
Petrosal part encloses the inner ear with the COCHLEA, VESTIBULUM and CANALIS SEMISIRCULARIS
The medial surface of the Petrosal part of the temporal bone is perforated by ?
What passes through?
N.Facialis –> Cranial nerve of the face
N.Vestobulocochlearis –> Hearing and Balance
Crista Partis Petrosae, in which species?
Carnivores and Horse
Petrosal part of the temporal bone extend caudally beyond the skull, forming ?
Mastoid Process, ventrally
Mastoid Process in the horse?
Is a strong bulb-shaped projection, but in other species, its small.
Processus styloideus is the attachment for? in which species? Abscent in which?
Hyoid apparatus
In Horse and ruminants
Absent in carnivores and pig,
Car: Therefore the hyoid apparatus articulates with the Processus mastiodeus of the Petrosal part in carnivores.
Pig: Proc. Nuchalis of the squamos part, located close to the base of the proc.paracondylaris.
Where does the external opening of the facial canal open? And what runs inside the canal?
Where is it situated in the diff species?
Foramen stylomastoideum
Facial Nerve
In Ru, pig, horse: btw Proc. Styloideum and Proc. Mastoideum
In car: Btw Proc.Mastioideum and Tympanic part
What is the ventral portion of the Temporal bone called?
What is the name of the structure enclosing the tympanic cavity of the middle ear?
Tympanic Part
its bulbous enlargement = Bula Tympanica
Which structure extend from the mediorostral wall of the tympanic bulla? In which species is it especially prominant?
Processus Muscularis,
esspecially prominent in HORSES and RUMINANTS
What connects the Tympanic cavity to the PHARYNX?
Canalis Musculotubarius
Where is the frontal bone situated?
United in?
Between the cranium and the face
Sutura interfrontalis
What does each frontal bone enclose?
At least one or more Air-filled cavities, depending on the species - SINUS FRONTALIS
Based on their location, the frontal bone can be devided into?
- Squama Frontalis
- Pars Orbitalis
- Facies Temporalis
- Pars Nasalis
Based on their location, the frontal bone can be devided into? 1. Squama Frontalis Bordered by? It extends to form? Articulations of process in diff species? Ligament Gland Separated from temporal surface by?
In large animals: Nasal and lacrimal bones
Car: Limited to the lateral wall of orbital cavity
Proc. ZYGOMATICUS, laterally
–> Forms a part of the DORSAL MARGIN of the ORBIT:
RU: Osseus union with the PROC.FRONTALIS of Z-bone
EQ: Processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis
Car: Dorsal margin of orbit formed by LIG.ORBITALE
CAT: Ligament offen ossified
Osseus orbit is indented by lacrimal gland =
-> lies under the proc.zyg/orbital lig.
Linea Temporalis, extends caudally as CRISTA SAGGITALIS EXTERNA
In which species is CRISTA SAGGITALIS EXTERNA prominent?
Dog, Horse and Ox
In horned animals, the frontal squama carries?
Processus Cornuales, supports the horn
Based on their location, the frontal bone can be devided into?
4. Pars Nasalis
neighbouring bones?
= The rostral extention of the frontal bone
- Neigbouring bones
LATERALLY: Lacrimal bone
ROSTRALLY: Nasal bone
Based on their location, the frontal bone can be devided into?
2. Pars Orbitalis
Perforated by?
Medial to the base of the Proc.Zygomaticus, the orbital part is intended by?
= Forms the major part of the medial wall of the orbital cavity.
Opens on the border btw the Frontal and Sphenoid bone
- A shallow groove = Attachment for the dorsal oblique muscle of the eyeball