Skeletal System Flashcards
Two basic types of bone
Compact bone and spongy bone
Dense and looks smooth
Compact bone
Composed of small needlelike piece of bone and lot of open space
Spongy bone
Are thin flattened and usually curve
Flat bone
Bones that do not fit one of the preceding categories
Irregular bones
Composed of a shaft
Proximal epiphysis
Distal epiphysis
Compact bone contains yellow marrow
Covered by hyaline cartilage contain spongy bone
Thin layer of hyaline cartilage
Articular cartilage
The central hallow portion
Medullary cavity
Inside of medullary cavity thin epithelial membrane called
Rich in fat
Yellow marrow
Blood cell reproducing
Red bone
Dense fibrous membrane called
Bones breaks clearly but not penetrate the skin
Simple fracture
Broken bones ends penetrate through the skin
Compound fracture
Boned break into many fragment
Boned crushed
Broken bones portion pressed inward
Broken bones ends are forced into each other
Break occurs when excessive twisting
Bone breaks incomplete
A fracture is treated bye
Bone ends are waxed back into their Normal position
Closed reduction
Surgery is performed and the end the bone are secured together with pin or wires
Open reduction
Axial skeleton
Vertebral column
Thoracic cage
Appendicular skeleton
Pectoral girdle or shoulder
Bone of the upper limb
Pelvic girdle or hip
Bone of the lower limb
Skull formed two set of bones
Facial bones
8 large flat cranial bones protect the brain
Form forehead bony under the eyebro
Bones form most of the superior and lateral wall of the cranium
Form side of the cranium and part of the cranial floor
Temporal bones
Form the roof of the nasal cavity
Ethmoid bone
Important bone markings
External auditory meatus
Styloid process
Zygomatic process
Mastoid process
Jugular foramen
Carotid canal
Lead to the eardrum and middle ear
External auditory meatus
A sharp needlelike projection
Styloid process
Rough projection posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus
Mastoid process
14 bones composed the face
Facial bones
Two maxillary bones fuse to form the upper jaw
Paired palatine bone lie posterior
Palatine bones
Commons referred as the cheek bone
Zygomatic bone
Finger nail size bone forming part of the medial wall
Lacrimal bone
Small rectangular bones bridge of the nose
Nasal bones
Single bone in the media line of nasal cavity
Vomer bones
Thin curved bone projecting from lateral wall of nasal cavity
Inferior conchae
Lower jaw largest and strongest bone of the face
Abnormal spinal curvature
Scoliosis - spine
Kyphosis - hunchback
Lordosis- ex. Pregnat woman
Composed of the sternum ,ribs ,and thoracic vertebrae
Bony thorax
Shoulder blade
Bone in upper limbs
30 separate bones
Pelvic girdle formed
Two coxal bone