Skeletal Muscle Phys (length-tensin Relationship) Flashcards
What happens to the muscle during an isometric contraction?
-the muscle stays at a fixed length
How is a passive force generated?
- by stretching the muscle and results from the elastic recoiled of the tissue itself
- largely caused by the protein Titin, which acts as a molecular bungee cord
How is active force generated?
-when myosin thick filaments bind to actin thin filaments, engaging the cross bridge cycle and ATP hydrolysis
Define total force
-sum of passive and active forces
Passive force in skeletal muscle is largely cause by what protein?
-titin protein
When a skeletal muscle is stimulated and generates force but remains at a fixed length…
-the muscle is contracting isometrically
In skeletal muscle, active force stimulated through a range of muscle length….
Will utilze ATP hydrolysis to drive the cross bridge cycle
When will maximal active tension be produced in a skeletal muscle fiber?
-when the fiber is at its resting length
What is the key variable in an isometric contraction of a skeletal muscle?
-length-tension relationship