Skeletal Muscle Morphology, Structure and Mechanics Flashcards
Which types of muscle are described as ‘striated’ and why?
Skeletal and cardiac are classed as striated muscle due to the ordered arrangement of the myofibrillar apparatus producing a characteristic banding pattern when viewed under the microscope.
What is the function of skeletal muscle?
- Permit movement and are usually contracted voluntarily and consciously.
- Maintain body posture by stabilising joints even when there is no obvious movement. A
- Body heat is also produced by skeletal muscle as this tissue is inefficient at converting chemical energy into mechanical work.
How does the body utilise the inefficiency of skeletal muscle?
Lots of body heat is released, this is utilised by the physiological process of shivering to raise core body temperature by the involuntary activation of skeletal muscle.
How are muscle fibres arranged within muscles?
Muscle fibres within muscles can be arranged in several different ways. The most common arrangement is for the fibres to run parallel to the force-generating axis.
What are strap muscles?
Strap muscles (e.g. sartorius) are, as the name suggests, shaped like strap or belt with the fibres running longitudinally, parallel to the direction of contraction.
What are fusiform muscles?
Fusiform muscles (e.g. biceps brachii) are cylindrical and are wider in the centre with tapering off at the ends.
What are fan shaped muscles?
Fan shaped muscles (e.g. pectoralis major) have fibres that converge at one end.
What are the the three main categories of parallel muscles?
Strap, fusiform and fan shaped.
What are pennate muscles?
Pennate muscles have one or more aponeuroses running through the muscle body from the tendon and the fascicles of muscle fibres attach to these aponeuroses at an angle (called the pennation angle) to the direction of movement.
What is the difference between unipennate and bipinnate muscles?
These can be unipennate where all the fascicles are on the same side as the tendon, bipennate with fascicles on both sides of a central tendon or multipennate where a central tendon branches.
What are circular muscles?
Circular muscles are where the fibres form concentric rings around a sphincter or opening. Such muscles attach to skin, ligaments and fascia of other muscles rather than to bone. Examples include orbicularis oculi around the eye and orbicularis oris around the mouth.
What are synergistic muscles?
Muscles that act to assist the prime mover are called synergists (e.g. brachioradialis and pronator teres in elbow flexion). Acting alone they cannot perform the movement of the agonist but their angle of pull assists the agonist.
What are fixators?
Fixators (stabilisers) act to hold a body part immobile whilst another body part is moving. In most activities, proximal joints are stabilised whilst distal joints move. An example is stabilising the shoulder whilst flexing the elbow. The fixators active in elbow flexion are the muscles that stabilise the position of the scapula and those that stabilise the shoulder joint.
What is the difference between fixators and neutralisers?
Neutralisers prevent the unwanted actions of a muscle; fixators stabilise a joint.
What is a neutraliser?
Neutralisers prevent the unwanted actions that an agonist can perform. For example, the rotator cuff muscles stabilise the glenohumeral joint whilst biceps, (whose long head acts to cause shoulder flexion) acts to cause flexion at the elbow joint.
What is isotonic contraction?
Isotonic contraction (lit. ‘equal tension’) is where the tension within the muscle remains constant and the length changes.
What are the types of isotonic contraction?
There are two types of isotonic contractions: concentric and eccentric.
What is concentric contraction?
Concentric contraction is where the muscle shortens, for example when flexing the elbow to lift a load, the biceps shortens.
What is eccentric contraction?
Eccentric contraction refers to active contraction of muscles whilst they are lengthening. Classic examples of this are walking, when the quadriceps (knee extensors) are active just after heel strike whilst the knee flexes, or setting an object down gently (the arm flexors must be active to control the fall of the object).
When does isometric contraction occur?
When the load against the muscle equals the contractile force being generated, e.g. holding a weight in a fixed position, or trying to push a brick wall. In both these cases the muscle is generating tension but is not shortening.
What is passive stretch contraction?
Muscle is being lengthened while in a passive state (i.e. not being stimulated to contract). An example of this would be the pull felt in the hamstrings whilst touching the toes.
What is titin?
Titin connects the Z line to the M line in the sarcomere. It contributes to force transmission at the Z line and resting tension in the I band region. Titin limits the range of motion of the sarcomere in tension, thus contributing to the passive stiffness of muscle.
Which structures are responsible for passive tension?
The structures responsible for passive tension are outside of the cross-bridge itself since muscle activation is not required. The protein titin is now known to be important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues.
What stimulates skeletal muscle to contract?
Each skeletal muscle is supplied by a number of motor neurons which stimulate the muscle fibres to contract.
Which type of motor neurone is responsible for innervating skeletal muscle?
The type of motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle fibres are called α-motor neurons
Where are the cell bodies of alpha motor neurones located?
The cell bodies of these neurons are either located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord, for muscles of the limbs and trunk, or in the motor nuclei of the brainstem for the muscles of the head and face.
How do the axons of alpha motor neurone supply skeletal muscle?
The axons of α-motor neurons leave the central nervous system and form part of a peripheral nerve, to supply the muscle fibres of a skeletal muscle.
How do muscle fibres and the alpha motor neurone connect?
Via the neuromuscular junction. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released from vesicles into the synapse and activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the muscle surface.
How would you define a ‘motor unit’?
A motor unit is defined as an α-motor neuron and the group of individual muscle fibres that it innervates. Any single muscle fibre is innervated by only one α-motor neuron, but each α-motor neuron can innervate a number of different muscle fibres.
How does the number of muscle fibres in a motor unit vary between different muscles?
Depends on the function of the muscle. Muscles that perform precise fine movements, such as inferior rectus which moves the eyeball have around ten muscle fibres in each unit motor unit whereas powerful muscles, where fine control is less important, such as gastrocnemius may have several thousand muscle fibres in each motor unit.
How do skeletal muscle fibres differ?
- Speed at which they contract
- Amount of force that they generate
- Energy requirements/susceptibility to fatigue.
- Different types of muscle fibre differ in the isoforms of contractile proteins they express, most notably the myosin heavy chain.
Describe the key feature of slow muscle fibres
Slow muscle fibres (Type I) express the type I myosin heavy chain, they contract relatively slowly and produce low amounts of force. Type I fibres are however extremely resistant to fatigue due to their high mitochondria content and use of oxidative metabolism to produce the ATP they consume.
Describe the key features of fast muscle fibres
Fast muscle fibres (Type II) contract relatively quickly and produce large amounts of force.
How are the two types of fast muscle fibres in human skeletal muscle classified?
The fast IIX muscle fibres are classified as Fast Glycolytic, while IIA fibres are Fast Oxidative/Glycolytic.
Why do type IIA fast fibres represent an intermediate form of muscle fibre between Type I and fast IIX fibres?
They are Fast Oxidative/Glycolytic so represent an intermediate form of muscle fibre between oxidative Type I fibres which produce low force but are fatigue resistant and the fast IIX fibres which rely on glycolytic metabolism, produce greater amounts of force and fatigue rapidly.
Small rodents such as rats and mice also have third type of fast fibre called fast IIB. Why is this not present in humans?
The gene for the fast IIB myosin heavy chain is not expressed in humans, presumably because this isoform contracts too quickly for large muscles with many sarcomeres in series.
What are the two types of fast muscle fibres in human skeletal muscle?
There are two types of fast muscle fibres in human skeletal muscle termed fast IIA and fast IIX.
How can you classify motor units according to muscle fibres?
The muscle fibres making up each motor unit tend to be all of the same contractile type, so each motor unit is either fast, intermediate or slow contracting.
Describe the key features of slow motor units
- Very well-vascularised
- High myoglobin content
- Maintain contractions for long periods of time
- Typically found in postural muscles and those used for low intensity long duration activities such as walking.
- e.g. The soleus muscle is composed almost exclusively of slow type I muscle fibres.
Describe the key features of fast motor units?
Fast type II muscle fibres have a glycolytic metabolism, and produce ATP quickly to enable a fast, powerful contraction but they also fatigue quickly. Most muscles are composed of a mixture of different fibre types and motor unit types and the proportion of fast to slow fibres depends on the typical function of the muscle.
What does the contractile force produced by a muscle depends on?
The size principle and the rate code.
Describe what is meant by ‘the size principle’
The size principle simply means that small motor neurons are recruited before large ones. In general this means that motor units with slow type I fibres are recruited first followed by those containing mostly fast IIa fibres and then those containing fast IIX fibres.
What is ‘the rate code’?
The Rate code refers to the frequency at which the muscle fibres are stimulated by their α-motor neuron.
What is tetany?
Consecutive action potentials in a repetitive train result in summation giving a slightly larger force with each contraction. Eventually a limit is reached where no further force can be produced termed tetany.
What is baseline tone?
All muscle has some degree of baseline tone (degree of tension) due to the elasticity of the muscle tissue and low levels of motor neuron activity.
How is skeletal muscle tone controlled?
Skeletal muscle tone is controlled by motor control centres in the brainstem. The locus coeruleus, which contains noradrenergic cells, projects ascending axons to spinal motor neurons, where it facilitates muscle tone.
Why is muscle tone lost during sleep?
Muscle tone is lost in REM sleep when the locus coeruleus cells shut off.
What condition is the result of a lack of skeletal muscle tone? What is the cause?
Hypotonia. This could result from damage to the motor cortex or cerebellum or spinal cord. Alternatively there could be degeneration of the muscle itself (myopathy).
How does an action potential arriving at the synapse lead to the generation of action potentials in the muscle fibre?
- Triggers opening of voltage-gated calcium ion channels.
- Increase in intracellular Ca2+ causes vesicles containing acetylcholine (ACh) to release their contents into the synaptic cleft.
- Acetylcholine activates nicotinic ACh receptors in the muscle fibre plasma membrane
- Influx of sodium ions and depolarisation of the muscle fibre membrane potential.
- Local depolarisation activates voltage sensitive sodium channels resulting in the generation of an action potential in the muscle fibre.
- Acetylcholine is rapidly broken down in the synaptic cleft by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
What is the effect of the action potential generated in the muscle fibre from acetylcholine release?
- Triggers opening of voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels which are concentrated in the T-tubules where they come into contact with SR (triads).
- Leads to activation of the ryanodine receptors which allow calcium to flow into the cytoplasm from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (an intracellular store of calcium).
- The influx of intracellular calcium binds to troponin, causing tropomyosin to reveals the actin binding sites for myosin heavy chain heads and therefore initiates muscle contraction.
How do muscle fibres relax?
Relaxation of the muscle fibre is facilitated by calcium being pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA).
What is malignant hyperthermia?
Malignant hyperthermia is a rare life-threatening condition triggered by some volatile anaesthetic agents and succinylcholine, a neuromuscular blocking agent. In genetically susceptible individuals such drugs can lead to an uncontrolled increase in oxidative metabolism and increase in body temperature, which can be fatal if not immediately treated.
What is the most common genetic cause of malignant hyperthermia?
Polymorphism in the ryanodine receptor. This receptor is activated by some volatile anaesthetic agents leading to a massive increase in intracellular calcium from intracellular stores. The muscle cell SERCA pump (which consumes ATP in its action) is therefore working at a dramatically increased rate ultimately leading to excessive heat production.
Describe the short term stores of energy in muscle fibres
Very little ATP is stored in muscle fibres and this is sufficient for only a few seconds of contraction. Additional short term stores in the form of creatine phosphate can be used to rapidly replenish ATP, but again this is only sufficient to provide immediate energy for an initial burst of activity lasting a few seconds.
Once ATP and creatine phosphate stores are depleted, where can muscle fibres get their energy?
Further energy to supply the contractile apparatus with the ATP it requires must come from glycolysis (anaerobic or aerobic) and oxidative metabolism (aerobic).
How much ATP is provided by glycolysis?
Glycolysis can typically provide ATP sufficient for maximum muscle contraction for around 30-40 seconds.
Where is anaerobic glycolysis typically used?
Anaerobic glycolysis is typically used in fast type II muscle fibres to produce short duration maximum force movements such as jumping or sprinting over a short distance.
How much ATP is produced by anaerobic glycolysis when the pathway terminates at pyruvate?
Only 2 molecules of ATP are produced when the pathway terminates at pyruvate.
How do muscle fibres get energy for prolonged activity?
For prolonged activity however such as running for several miles, the muscle needs to switch to beta oxidation of fatty acids released from triacylglycerol stored in adipose tissue
How can patients with malignant hyperthermia be treated?
Patients can be treated with dantrolene, a muscle relaxant which antagonises the ryanodine receptor.
What is the advantage of using glycolysis for immediate rapid activity?
This pathway can function under anaerobic conditions and so is not reliant on the blood supplying oxygen at the rate required for maximal contraction.
What is the disadvantage of using glycolysis under anaerobic conditions?
The disadvantage of using glycolysis under anaerobic conditions is that lactate is produced from pyruvate by the action of lactate dehydrogenase. The accumulation of lactate is associated (although not necessarily the direct cause) with acidification of the muscle cell environment leading to “cramps” and underlies one of the reasons why maximal activity such as sprinting rapidly fatigues muscle.