Skeletal Muscle and PNS Flashcards
- Trichinella spiralis (nematode) from pigs/pork
- Dystrophic calcification in muscle
- Muscle pain, periorbital edema, splinter hemorrhages; possible myocarditis or encephalitis
Myotonic dystrophy
- Autosomal dominant
- Trinucleotide repeat disorder
- Facial muscle weakness, percussion and grip myotonia (can’t relax muscles), cardiac conduction defects
- Frontal balding, testicular atrophy, glucose intolerance
- Increased serum CK
- Causes of death: muscle wasting, cardiac fxn defects
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Loss of upper and lower motor neurons (no sensory change)
- 40-60 yrs old
- Bad superoxide dismutase 1
- Begins as muscle wasting in one hand, fasciculations
- Spasticity, Babinski sign, muscle weakness, respiratory muscle paralysis
Acute intermittent porphyria
- Autosomal dominant
- Uroporphyrinogen synthase deficiency —> increased PBG and ALA
- Urine wine-red on exposure to light
- Increasing p450 (e.g. with alcohol) precipitates attacks
- Recurrent severe abd pain, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, dementia
Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Posterior column and lateral corticospinal tract demyelination
- Dementia, peripheral neuropathy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Autosomal dominant
- Peroneal nerve neuropathy
- Lower BLE muscle atrophy; “inverted bottle” appearance of legs
Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Autoimmune demyelination syndrome
- Common preceding infections: viruses, M. pneumoniae, Campylobacter jejuni
- Rapidly progressive ascending motor weakness starting in proximal muscles
- Depressed/absent DTRs
- Glove and stocking paresthesias
- Increased CSF proteins
Ulnar nerve injury (C8-T1)
- Medial epicondyle Fx
- “Claw hand”
Radial nerve injury (C5-T1)
- Midshaft humerus Fx or “Sunday morning palsy”
- Wrist drop
Axillary nerve injury (C5-6)
- Surgical neck of humerus Fx, anterior shoulder dislocation
- Can’t abduct arm or hold horizontal position with downward force applied
Median nerve injury (C6-T1)
- Median nerve entrapment; RA, pregnancy, overuse
- Sensory abnormalities in 1st 3 fingers; may have “ape hand” with thenar atrophy
Common peroneal nerve injury (L4-S2)
- Lead poisoning, fibula neck Fx, cast tightness
- Loss of foot eversion/dorsiflexion, toe extension
- “Slapping gait” or “high-stepping gait”
- Plantar flexion with foot drop and inversion
- Loss of ankle jerk reflex
- Sensory deficits on anterolateral leg and dorsal foot
Erb-Duchenne palsy
- Brachial plexus lesion at C5-6
- “Waiter’s tip” deformity
Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies
- Progressive muscle degeneration, esp. in pelvic and shoulder girdles
- Decreased dystrophin on muscle biopsy, very high CK
Central core disease
- Autosomal dominant
- Ambulatory but weaker than normal; decreased DTRs
- Predominance of type I fibers
- Risk for malignant hyperthermia triggered by some anesthetics
Rod myopathy
- Rod-like inclusions accumulate w/in sarcoplasm
- Hypotonia, delayed motor development, kyphoscoliosis, involvement of face/pharynx/neck
Central nuclear myopathy
- Skeletal muscles w/ centrally located nuclei
- Facial muscle involvement w/ ptosis
- Dynamin 2 gene
- Type I fiber predominance
- Patients >20 yrs
- CD8 T cell autoimmune
- Proximal muscle weakness, dysphagia, difficulty holding head up
Inclusion body myositis
- Patients >50 yrs
- CD8 T cells
- Beta-amyloid inclusions (Congo red)
- Proximal OR distal muscle weakness, dysphagia
- Rash on upper eyelids, face, trunk
- CD4 and CD8 T cells, immune complexes
Glycogen storage diseases
- Pompe disease: acid maltase deficiency, hypotonia, death <2 yrs
- McArdle disease: myophosphorylase deficiency, muscle cramps w/ exercise
- Tarui disease: PFK deficiency, muscle cramps w/ exercise
Lipid myopathies
- Carnitine deficiency: lipids in sarcoplasm, proximal muscle weakness + atrophy
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency: muscle pain after exercise or fasting
Mitochondrial disease
- Accumulation of mitochondria —> ragged red fibers
- Cytochrome oxidase deficiency
Spinal muscular atrophy
- Autosomal recessive denervation disease
- Infantile (Werdnig-Hoffman): fatal w/in 1 yr, loss-of-fxn in apoptosis inhibitor gene
- Juvenile (Kugelberger-Welander): limb-girdle dystrophy; not necessarily progressive
Morton neuroma
- Swelling of plantar interdigital nerve b/w 2nd, 3rd, or 4th metatarsals
- Repeated nerve compression from wearing high heels
Spinal and peripheral schwannomas
- Often from dorsal (sensory) spinal roots with radicular pain and SC compression
- Peripheral schwannomas: head, neck, extremities
- Firm and tan/gray w/ hemorrhae, necrosis, xanthomatous change, cystic degeneration; may have Verocay bodies
- Paraneoplastic syndrome
- Sensory changes, gait change, confusion, weakness
- Small-cell lung cancer w/ anti-Hu Abs
- Children: neuroblastoma
- Adults: 10% of CA, often Hodgkin lymphoma
Eaton-Lambert syndrome (myasthenic-myopathic syndrome)
- Paraneoplastic syndrome often associated w/ small-cell lung CA
- Defect in Ach release from IgG targeting