Skeletal Muscle and Exercise in Chronic Disease Flashcards
What is the limiting factor to exercise in VO2max test in healthy people?
Leg fatigue
What is the limiting factor to exercise in VO2max test in people with COPD?
1/3 d/t SOB, 1/3 leg fatigue, and 1/3 both leg fatigue and SOB
What happens to exercise capacity if a person receives a single lung transplant?
• Single lung transplant (50% lung capacity): Exercise capacity in the 40-50% range
What happens to exercise capacity if a person receives a double lung transplant?
• Double lung transplant: have about double the lung capacity of single lung recipients BUT have a similar 50% exercise capacity demonstrating the importance of non-ventilatory factors in exercise limitation.
How can pulmonary function affect exercise performance?
- Limiting maximal achievable ventilation (SOB)
2. Peripheral muscle detraining due to inactivity
How can nutritional status affect exercise performance?
- A loss of muscle mass
2. Diminished muscular quality
How is ventilation calculated?
tidal volume x respiratory rate
What is tidal volume?
Volume of air you take in one breath
Explain the relationship between tidal volume and ventilation
• Early on in exercise, there is a rapid rise in tidal volume (bigger breaths) which then plateaus
Explain the relationship between breathing frequency (respiratory rate) and ventilation
Respiratory rate increases in almost a linear fashion with an increase in ventilation
How much of tidal breath is dead space ventilation at rest?
• At rest, about 30% of tidal breath is dead space ventilation
How much of tidal breath is dead space ventilation at max exercise?
• At maximal exercise, dead space only about 15-20% of tidal volume
Why does dead space decrease with exercise?
• As I take bigger breaths, dead space decreases because airways increase in size and alveolar volume is increased. Dead space-to-tidal volume ratio will go down
How is alveolar ventilation calculated?
Alveolar ventilation = Alveolar volume x Respiratory rate
Describe the relationship between CO2 output and ventilation
+ve correlation between CO2 output and ventilation –> Arterial CO2 stays flat
Until a point when there is a faster rise in ventilation than CO2 production. It is at that point that there is hyperventilation and arterial PCO2 decreases –> Respiratory threshold/Lactate threshold (NOT anaerobic threshold)
What is the vital capacity (VC)?
The maximal amount of volume available in the lungs excluding residual volume
What is the residual volume? What is it usually in healthy adults?
Air left in your lungs after complete exhales (you will never completely empty your lungs. Usually about 25% in healthy adults. In older adults, some of the lung elastic recoil is lost, so residual volume goes up to ~33%.
How does tidal volume increase during exercise?
In healthy subjects this is achieved by using some of both the Inspiratory and Expiratory Reserve Volumes.
Thus, in healthy subjects the end-expiratory lung volume goes below the resting end expiratory lung volume, known as the Functional Residual Capacity (FRC).
What is the functional residual capacity?
From the resting end-expiratory lung volume to the end of residual volume
How does the flow-volume loop look like in COPD?
Trouble getting air out; obstructive disease; expiratory loop is curved (“scooped”). Air does come out, but it takes a long time.
How does the flow-volume loop look like in pulmonary fibrosis?
Pulmonary fibrosis (stiff lungs); restrictive disease Air comes out very fast; not much comes off and not much comes in. Small total volume that comes out quickly
In restrictive disorders like lung fibrosis, how does end expiratory lung volume change with exercise?
• End expiratory lung volume (EELV) is typically reduced even at rest
o It is also NOT further reduced on exercise.
o The only place to recruit volume from in this situation is the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
Why do people with restrictive disorders like lung fibrosis have trouble exercising?
The problem that comes with taking more from the Inspiratory Reserve Volume to take bigger breaths is that the lungs get stiffer with more volume. People with restrictive disorders already have stiff lungs.
• A lot of elastic work of breathing = get very SOB
• Dyspnea: Feeling of increased effort/work of breathing
How does expiratory flow differ in COPD as opposed to normal patients?
• In COPD, expiratory flows are lower than normal particularly at lower lung volumes.
Even at rest, they have trouble exhaling resting tidal volume
How does end expiratory lung volume change in COPD?
- Since the air comes out so slowly, more air is left in at the end of exhalation. End expiratory lung volume increases. dynamic hyperinflation
- To compensate and be able to take big enough breaths quickly, they can breathe higher up in the envelop by dynamically increasing functional residual capacity (FRC). Higher flow at higher volumes
- This allows them to take advantage of the higher flows that occur at larger lung volumes because the airways are stretched open and so have less resistance.
What is the disadvantage of breathing at higher lung volume above the FRC in COPD?
The cost of breathing at lung volumes above FRC is that the inspiratory work of breathing dramatically goes up as the end expiratory pressures are now positive relative to outside BIG elastic work of breathing!
How does ventilation (deadpace, alveolar and total) change in obstructive disease?
• Deadspace ventilation is higher
• Alveolar ventilation (important for CO2 removal) is normal
This results in elevated total ventilation.
How does maximal voluntary ventilatory capacity (MCV) change in obstructive disease?
Reduced Maximal Voluntary Ventilatory Capacity
• Normally, healthy humans use 60-70% of MVC; lung disease use about 80-100%
What is the relationship between cardiac output and oxygen consumption in healthy adults? In CVD?
Cardiac output is generally tightly linked (linearly) with oxygen consumption such that if oxygen consumption is increased cardiac output will follow in most cases. This is not the case where there is cardiac disease or significant cardiopulmonary interaction.
How do HR and stroke volume change with exercise (increasing O2 intake)?
More exercise = more O2 consumption = HR goes up linearly; stroke volume goes up fast then slows down (exponential)
What drives the increase in cardiac output with exercise?
At the beginning of exercise, the increase in cardiac output is being driven by increased stroke volume, then later on it is being driven by increased HR while stroke volume is maintained.
How does endurance training affect stroke volume and HR during exercise?
With endurance training (shown in bold) there is an increase in the stroke volume response, lower resting heart rate, and a slower slope of heart rate response.
Q stays the same, but it is achieved with a larger stroke volume and lower HR.
How does cardiac output differ in mitochondrial disorders or inability to breakdown glucose (PFK deficiency) ?
although patients with these disorders have lower oxygen consumption and lower oxygen extraction, they have normal cardiac output and elevated increases in cardiac output for increases in oxygen consumption (with increased muscle capillarization)
What occurs when cardiac output is redistributed in more working muscles?
Blood flow to first muscle group is decreased but oxygen extraction increases
How does blood flow distribution differ in chronic lung disease during exercise?
This possibility of an alteration in blood flow distribution has been raised in chronic lung disease, where the increased work of breathing steals blood flow from the leg muscles to supply the respiratory muscles. This may be due to excessive work of breathing in some patients.
In heart failure patients, how do cardiac output and oxygen extraction differ from mild diseases?
With loss of cardiac function defined by heart classifications for people with heart failure, there is a progressive inability to increase cardiac output for oxygen consumption.
However, there is no difference in oxygen extraction between these groups. This suggests that the peripheral muscle in this case is unable to adapt to a decrease in oxygen delivery by an increase in oxygen extraction. This signifies that the pathology is not limited to central causes.
How does oxygen extraction differ in people with mitochondrial dysfunction vs. HF patients?
- In HF patients, peripheral muscles are unable to extract more oxygen. As opposed to people with mitochondrial dysfunction who are able to increase capillary density in the muscles, these people do not.
- In order to increase O2 consumption, Krebs cycle or mitochondrial enzymes must increase activity, and people with HF don’t necessarily have this increase in activity. They have both central and peripheral problem
When exercising, how does stroke volume change in mild pulmonary fibrosis patients?
• Mild pulmonary fibrosis (TLC>60%), stroke volume did not increase. Thus, the only way for them to increase their cardiac output is to increase their HR, but there are limits to that
When exercising, how does stroke volume change in severe pulmonary fibrosis patients?
• Severe pulmonary fibrosis (TLC<60%), stroke volume decreased significantly. Will have a very hard time to increase cardiac output.
How does stroke volume differ in healthy vs anorexia nervosa patients? Why?
Reduced stroke volume with lower weight.
• This may be due to reduced cardiac muscle mass, or perhaps reduced venous return.
Explain the relationship between short-term work capacity and muscle mass
Muscle short-term work capacity depends on muscle mass
• Correlation is seen on graph
How does short term starvation or anorexia affect muscle force, relaxation and fatiguability?
In humans, short term starvation or anorexia increases the relative force that can be developed at low stimulation frequencies, slows muscle relaxation, and increases fatiguability. Similar changes can be seen in an animal model.
• Relative importance of slow twitch fibers/oxidative fibers becomes increased in starvation or muscle mass loss state.
• Muscles relaxed slower and fatigue was higher in those populations –> Due to change in relative muscle mass
Nutritionally, what can help malnourished patients to restore force at low frequency and increase relaxation rate?
This can be reversed with a 48-hour infusion of potassium and glucose. It is unclear which or both elements were required. This suggests that malnutrition may partly affect function through changes in energy balance and ability to maintain membrane potential.
• IV sugar and potassium restored membrane potential in muscle and helped with action potential propagation in undernourished patients
What occurs to exercise capacity in refeeding after AN?
despite muscle mass still being low at 45 days, exercise capacity has normalized. –> energy and electrolyte balance was restored, thus AP can propagate properly and exercise can be regained even without normal muscle mass
Interestingly, in the graph we see that oxygen consumption for work done is reduced. –> More efficient at performing work.
What could possibly cause the decrease in O2 consumption for the work done in AN patients undergoing refeeding?
- Possible causes for this reduced oxygen consumption could be restoration of type II glycolytic fibers, or reduced catecholamine production resulting in reduced stimulation of futile energy cycles.
What are the causes of muscle mass loss in COPD?
o Malnutrition (partly, but not always) o Loss of muscle mass is a component of systemic inflammation (unable to use calories and protein to make muscle) --> leading to cachexia
Explain the relationship between weight and work capacity in healthy adults. What about COPD patients?
- In control, there is a positive correlation between weight and 30-sec work. As your weight increases, generally 30-sec work increases.
- In COPD, subjects had reduced short-term work capacity regardless of weight
In which condition do inflammatory markers rise disproportionately with exercise?
Cystic fibrosis
How does muscle mass relate to inflammation?
Chronic renal dialysis = malnutrition + chronic systemic inflammation • Patients had high IL-6 o High IL-6 = Low muscle force • Patients had high CRP o High CRP = Low muscle force
Why is it difficult for lung disease patients to maintain their muscle mass or weight?
Hypoxia induces production of ROS and Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) which stimulates glycolysis and can stimulate leptin production which suppresses appetite.
Hypoxia can have a myriad of effects, including the induction of the production of reactive oxygen species (oxidants), pro-inflammatory cytokines, and Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1, which can stimulate glycolysis but also lead to leptin production, which suppresses appetite.
They also have a decreased appetite due to SOB.
Why do CF patients have lower muscle strength?
Systemic corticosteroids can also have a negative impact on muscular performance, here demonstrated in patients with Cystic Fibrosis at modest doses eg 5 mg/day of Prednisone.
= Corticosteroids decrease muscle function
Which compound can reduce muscle fatigue?
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
How does N-acetylcysteine (NAC) reduce muscle fatigue?
- NAC = cysteine donor; helps make glutathione (major intracellular antioxidant + scavenges free radicals)
- Fatigue was decreased using NAC
- Side effects include flushing, increased BP, nausea…
How can we increase glutathione levels?
whey-based supplement
can increase muscle function/performance
Non-pasteurized, ultrafiltrate
What are the advantages of using fat for energy?
For every molecule of oxygen used to burn fat, less CO2 is produced. This means less ventilatory demands, which may be important in patients with ventilatory limitation. Aerobic training shifts preferential fuel utilization towards fat, so that patients with ventilatory limitation can benefit from aerobic training.
What occurs with lactate buildup in aerobically trained individuals? How much lactate is produced comparatively to untrained individuals?
o Metabolic enzymes are better and can use pyruvate, produce less lactate.
o Serum lactate goes up more slowly than in untrained individuals
o However, maximum amount of lactate produced is the same than in untrained people! It just appears at a higher % of max exercise capacity, and max exercise capacity is higher.
This is partly due to less lactate production due to enhanced aerobic enzyme activity and preferential use of fat. Remember, if Pyruvate does not enter the TCA cycle it is converted to lactate.
What happens to lactate after it is produced?
- When it comes in the blood, lactate is taken up by RBCs, and also non-exercising muscles can take this lactate and use it as fuel (–> pyruvate–> Krebs cycle)
- Thus, lactate goes down in aerobic training both due to decreased production + increased clearance
Name some adaptations to endurance training
• More reliance on fat
o Less CO2 production
o Glycogen sparing (Side note: low glycogen stores = exercise ability)
• Increased aerobic capacity
o Less lactate production
o Improved lactate clearance
• These both lead to less circulation of lactate
Why are CF patients recommended to exercise?
• Those who are most active had a better preservation of FEV1 than those who are less active. PA seems to slow the progression of lung disease in CF patients
o Preserves lung function
• Regular moderate to vigorous activity is recommended
Which 2 factors can predict exercise ability observed in a progressive exercise test?
lung function and muscle function
Which parameters differs between single lung transplant and double lung transplants?
Single lung recipients have much lower lung function than double lung recipients.
However, there is no significant difference in exercise capacity and leg function between the groups.
You will note that the double lung recipients use less of their ventilatory reserve.
However even the single lung recipients do not use up a large percentage of their reserve.