Neurophysiology of endurance exercise Flashcards
Define muscle fatigue
decrease in force or power production in response to contractile activity
Describe the actomyosin cross-bridge cycle.
• Myosin + actin –> Given ATP –> “power stroke” –> ADP + Pi –> Pi released
Why is muscle is unable to provide same amount of power as the action is repeated?
o Some metabolites change in concentration. o Phosphocreatine dec. o Inorganic phosphate inc. o Lactate inc. o ATP pretty stable
Does lactate accumulation affect muscle force?
In humans exercising at different work intensities, lactate levels were found not to correlate well with muscle fatigue. In skinned muscle fibers at constant ionic strength have shown that lactate, at concentration even up to 50 mM, has relatively little effect on force production by the contractile apparatus.
Which study demonstrated that lactate is not causing muscle fatigue?
- Study looked at time to exhaustion with a supplement that includes (G) glucose and fructose and (C) lactate
- C drink (with lactate) significantly increased time to exhaustion
- This shows that it can actually be a source of energy and spare glycogen
How do [ATP], [ADP] and [Pi] change in fatiguing muscles?
• When [Pi] raises, the reaction is favored in the other direction (back to ATP), so ATP gives less energy as Pi concentration increases.
• In fatiguing muscle, the increase in [Pi] and [ADP] leads to a less negative ΔGATP and, therefore, to a decrease of the energy yield per unit of hydrolyzed ATP
• When ADP is elevated, it is further hydrolyzed by the adenylate kinase reaction to AMP, which is then rapidly deaminated to IMP.
o This helps reduce the rise in [ADP] and consequent decrease in free energy for ATP hydrolysis.
o During intense exercise, average cytoplasmic free [ADP] still rises from ∼10 to ∼200 μM (despite mechanisms trying to decrease [ADP])
What is ΔGATP in the muscles at rest and how does it change with exercise?
- At rest, ΔGATP is ~ -65 kJ/mol
* With exercise, ΔGATP changes to ~ -50 to -40 kJ/mol
During isometric contractions, what are the contributions of the myosin ATPase, SERCA, and Na+/K+-ATPase towards ATP consumption?
Myosin: ~65%
SERCA: ~30%,
Na-K: ~5%
What is the activation energy of myosin ATPase?
approximately 40 kJ/mol (>22°C)
At which point of ΔGATP does the SERCA ATPase stop working properly?
The minimum ΔGATP required to maintain steady-state SERCA ATPase function has been estimated to be approximately −52 kJ/mol
What happens to VO2 for power output as the lactate threshold is reached?
After reaching the lactate threshold (when aerobic exercise can’t meet demands), more O2 is needed, and VO2 max is reached at a lower power output.
• Increased Pi and ADP reduces ∆GATP, which makes the transformation of chemical energy into mechanical work less efficient
Describe the effects of H+ accumulation on muscle velocity
Increase in H+ (or decrease in pH) causes a decrease in maximum muscle velocity (Vmax) by 16% and a decrease in maximum isometric force (Po) by 12%.
Describe the effects of Pi accumulation on muscle velocity (same pH)
Decreases velocity at a given force
Same Vmax; but 19% decrease in max isometric force (Po)
Describe the effects of combined H+ and Pi on muscle velocity
Further decrease in velocity than individually (15% decrease in Vmax, 36% decrease in Po)
Describe the effects of H+ accumulation on muscle peak power.
Decreases peak power (ppw) by 34%
Describe the effects of Pi accumulation on muscle peak power.
Decreases PPW by 26%
Describe the effects of combined H+ and Pi on muscle peak power.
Further decrease in PPW (decrease by 63%)
What do Pi and H+ do to affect muscle velocity and power?
It seems like the combined effects of Pi and H+ alter the crossbridge cycling, leading to a slower shortening velocity and decreased power output.
Which muscle fiber type(s) is/are affected by Pi and H+?
Similar trend is seen in both types
In isolated muscle fibers, how do Pi and H+ affect muscle velocity and power?
Inorganic phosphate decreases sensitivity to Ca2+
• The combined effects of acidosis, phosphate ion accumulation and low Ca2+ interfere with cross-bridge cycling and hence muscle performance.
• Increased Pi and ADP reduces ∆GATP, which makes the transformation of chemical energy into mechanical work less efficient.
What is the discharge rate and how does it change with fatigue?
- Discharge rate: Change in frequency of % unit
- During fatigue the slowing of muscle contractile speed shifts the force/frequency relation towards the lower frequency range.
- This allows motor units to remain fully activated despite a substantial reduction in motoneuron discharge rates. …, the reduction in discharge rate probably provides a safeguard against failure of neuromuscular transmission.
- More importantly, it must also serve to optimize force regulation by limiting the range of discharge rates to correspond closely to those in which force production can be modulated.
- Frequency decreases with fatigue
- % of total units recruited increases, possibly to maintain optimal organization
How does fatigue at the neuromuscular junction work?
- During fatiguing exercise, change in the frequency of contractions are observed, resulting in lower frequency but greater motor units’ recruitment.
- Therefore, fatigue influences the function of the neuromuscular junction. This adaptation initially maintains the force but may impact fiber type recruitment (depending on the muscle) and the development of skeletal muscle fatigue.
What is Hill’s model of exercise fatigue?
- “Shortly before the termination of maximal exercise the oxygen demands of the exercising muscles exceed the (limiting) capacity of the heart to supply that oxygen. This causes skeletal muscle anaerobiosis with the accumulation of “poisonous” lactate (lactic acid) in the muscles.”
- Therefore: athletes stop exercising at VO2max due to what ultimately is a limitation in convective oxygen transport.
Do we stop exercising at VO2max due to the limit in our O2 capacity, as stated by Hill’s model of fatigue? Why or why not?
This hypothesis was evaluated bu the effects of a novel ‘reverse’ testing protocol in which the exercise began at a high running speed and then slowed progressively.
• No difference between groups at baseline (incremental)
• Decremental shows significantly higher VO2max in this group. Interestingly, when coming back to incremental at the end, the VO2max stayed at the same high value (sig higher from control group)
• This shows that this idea that we stop exercise at our limit of O2 capacity is not true.
Does fatigue develop after complete skeletal muscle recruitment ?
No. Fatigue during exercise develops before there is complete skeletal muscle recruitment.
Which 2 factors should be taken into account to study fatigue?
- The first is of central origin and purely nervous in character – namely, the will;
- The second is peripheral, and is the chemical force which is transformed into mechanical work…”
How does deception impact fatigue? What does it suggest re: fatigue?
In a study where a group was given accurate feedback, and the other group was given feedback given that makes them think they are slower.
The group with deception had an improved performance.
This suggests that cyclists operate with a metabolic reserve even during maximal time trials and that this reserve can be accessed after deception.
Is it possible to reduce fatigue with a placebo?
• Placebo group and control group –> Placebo is given a coffee-like substance (but not coffee); and control group is given the same drink but does not look/taste like coffee.
• Even by being given the same drink, both groups did differently.
o Placebo group had a lower RPE (effort perception) in the third series than the control group.
What is central nervous system fatigue?
CNS fatigue is a subset of fatigue, i.e. a failure to maintain the required or expected force or power output, associated with specific alterations in CNS function that cannot reasonably be explained by dysfunction within the muscle itself.
The unwillingness to generate and maintain adequate CNS drive to the working muscle is the most likely explanation of fatigue in most people during normal activities.
Describe the central governor theory
the brain uses two conscious sensations to regulate that exercise – the physical symptoms produced by the exercise and measured by the RPE and the sense of effort, which is a gauge of the psychic effort required to sustain a given work output. Thus “The direct consequence of the increasing sense of effort will be an altered behaviour, specifically a voluntary reduction in the exercise intensity. Conversely, exercise intensities that do not pose a threat to homeostatic control produce no or little sense of effort”
Name some centrally-acting exercise -modifiers based on the Central Governor Model of Exercise Regulation
Emotional state State of mental fatigue Sleep deprivation Recovery from prior exercise Level of motivation Degree of self-belief Superstitious beliefs Rewards (monetary or not) Presence of competitors Knowledge of endpoints Amphetamines, caffeine, … Cytokines Placebos, nocebos Psychological skills training Accurate or deceptive conscious feedback Body cooling before or during exercise CHO mouth rinsing (brain tricked into thinking nutrients are coming in) Prior experience (feel threatened by experience?) Visual feedback Analgesics
How does anticipation affect exercise regulation?
o Begin exercise at different intensities
o Rate of increase in RPE predicts exercise duration also during VO2max testing
How does reserve affect exercise regulation?
o Submaximal muscle recruitment at exhaustion
o Submaximal blood [La] and CO at altitude
o VO2max occurs at suboptimal VO2 and muscle recruitment
How do afferent sensory feedbacks affect exercise regulation?
o Rate of heat accumulation o Arterial or cerebral oxygenation o Thirst/extent of fluid loss o Muscle soreness or damage o Running downhill o Level of skeletal muscle fatigue
Define exercise fatigue (updated definition)
Fatigue is a physical manifestation of a change in pacing strategy to ensure that internal body homeostasis is maintained (muscles do not develop ATP depletion, the hearth does not develop myocardial ischemia, body temperature does not become excessive, and the brain maintains an adequate glucose supply).
Is fatigue a physical event?
Fatigue is a central perception (a sensation or emotion) and not a direct physical event. Exhaustion results from changes in central (brain) command to muscles rather than changes in the muscle themselves.
Which 2 areas of the brain are activated during fatiguing exercise?
Fatigue‐induced increase in intracortical communication between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex during cycling exercise
How does mental fatigue (stroop test) impact endurance performance?
• Doing inhibition task before self-paced endurance training:
o Decreases speed
o Increases RPE
o Decreases HR
How do encouragements affect perfoemance?
It improves performance
How does self-talk affect performance?
Participants trained to give themselves positive feedback improved more in edurance performance
Name one hormone associated with runner’s high
Beta-endorphins: Endorphin levels rise with the length of exercise and with exhaustion
Endorphins are associated with a sense of euphoria and happiness
Which part of the brain is important in the feeling of euphoria (“will” to do exercise)?
o Anterior cingulate complex (ACC) –> Important area with opiodergic binding (reward feeling that encourages to keep exercising)
o Others as well, including OFC and INS parts of brain
Which feelings are associated with beta-endorphin levels?
Endorphins are associated with a sense of euphoria and happiness
What are the 2 mechanisms in which endocannabinoids lead to “runner’s high”?
A- Hedonic signals acting on the mesolimbic dopamine running system
a. 1- activation of the endocannabinoid receptor 1 (eCB1) relieves the inhibition of GABAergic neurons.
b. 2- This loss of inhibition results in dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens region (reward)
B- Analgesics (exercise-induced analgesia): Analgesia occurs in both the CNS and PNS via eCB receptors expressed on peripheral nerve fibres.
What do opioid analgesics do for exercise performance?
They inhibit central motor drive and limit peripheral muscle fatigue development in humans
Analgesic group = VERY high power at the beginning, then goes down by a lot, significantly under other 2 groups.
• This shows that their perception of effort was low but short-lived.