Skeletal Muscle Flashcards
The spiral arrangement of myosin heads jutting off the tails that make up the thick filament allow the heads to
interact with teh surrounding thick filaments
Purpose of the two lobes of the myosin head
One hydrolyzes ATP
One binds actin
Significance of the M line
The myosin heads can only move in one direction, so the polarity of the myosin thick filament hast o change at teh M line in order to pullt he thin filament toward the middle
Sliding filament theory
ATP-myosin hydrolyzes -> binds actin
Pi is released -> conformational change (cock)
ADP is released -> power stroke
New ATP binds -> release actin
Relaxation of the head back to its resting position
What has to happen for crossbridge cycling to occur?
Ca++ has to bind troponin and induce tropomyosin to move on the thin filament; reveals myosin binding sites
The SR surrounds each myofibril so that
The released calcium doesn’t have to diffuse far to interact with troponin
Ryanodine receptors
Channels on the SR membrane that release calcium from the SR
Skeletal L-type calcium channel
Voltage-sensitive channel on the T-tubule membrane of skeletal muscle that
opens SR Calcium-release channels in response to depolarization
closes it in response to repolarization.
Ways to remove calcium from the cytoplasm so the muscle cell can relax
- Ca2+ ATPase
- Plasma membrane Ca-ATPase (PMCA) sends Ca2+ out the cell
- Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA) puts Ca2+ back into the SR
- Na-Ca exchanger: uses the power of the Na+conc gradient to pump Ca2+ out as Na enters
Na,K-ATPase is responsible for restoring resting levels of Na+ and K+ by pumping Na out and taking in K; however, during intense activity, you can get muscle fatigue and even temporary paralysis if
extracellular K+ accumulates faster than Na,K-ATPase can send back in
Sequence of events leading to contraction and relaxation
- Muscle action potential propagated and triggers DHP receptor-ryanidine complex to open
- Ca2+ enters the cyotplasm
- Ca2+ binds troponin, taking tropomyosin off actin
- Actin-myosin interaction
- Ca2+ is taken back up and removed from troponin
Why is the muscle membrane of the NMJ/motor end plate highly invaginated?
maximizes the amt of Ach receptors there
1-to-1 relationship
there is an action potential in the muscle for each motor nerve action potential
Isometric vs isotonic contractions
Isometric: Muscle length (preload) is fixed - so no shortening- and tension is measured.
Isotonic: Afterload (load against which the muscle contracts) is fixed and lengthening (eccentric) or shortening (concentric) is measured