Skekkjur, confounding, aðferðir Flashcards
Definition of bias
Any systematic error in an epidemiological study resulting in an incorrect estimate of association between exposure and risk of disease
Hawthorne effect
People act differently if they know they are being watched
Differential vs. non differential misclassification
- differential: errors in measurement are one way only (t.d. measurement bias)
- nondifferential: = random: errors in assignment of group happens in more than one direction -¨bias toward the null
Confounding factor - skilyrði
- It is an independent risk factor (cause) of disease
- It is unevenly distributed among exposed and unexposed
- It is not on the causal pathway between exposure and disease
To be a confounding factor, two conditions must be met:
be associated with exposure
- without being the consequence of exposure
be associated with outcome
- independently of exposure (not an intermediary)
Hugtak: accuracy
lack of error
Hugtak: bias
systematic error (independent of study size)
Hugtak: error
discrepancy between the observed results and the true value
Hugtak: precision
absence of random error
Hugtak: reliability
repeatability of a measure
Hugtak: validity
absence of bias (absence of all error)
Validity: internal vs. external
internal: í hvað miklu mæli eru skekkjur fjarverandi
external: í hvað amæli er hægt að heimfræa niðurstöðurnar varðandi rannsóknarhópinn yfir á aðra hópa? -> generalization
Ways of dealing with confounding
- in study design
- in the analysis
- randomization
- restriction (takmörkun/einskorðun)
- matching (pörun)
- collect information on confounders
2. - stratification (lagskipting)
- standardization (stöðlun)
- multivariate models (fjölbreytumódel)
Measure of confounding
RR(crude) - RR(MH) = effect of confounding
10-20% change from RR(crude) to RR(MH) required to consider confounding
Effect modification
stærð sambands milli áreitis og útkomu er breytilegt eftir því hvaða gildi e-r þriðja breyta tekur
- áhættuhlutfallið (RR) breytist..