SJT Flashcards
If patient late by around 30 minutes = allowed to decline appointment
Vomitting - May be disease not just food posioning
Arrowhead technique - Is the overall situation appropriate or not appropriate? Go from there
DNR orders do not need family consent
Layers - Does the action solve the main underlying cause?
Will the action taken improve or worsen the situation
‘Hollow’ comforting responses - responses that do not necessarily help or comfort the person who it is given to
Always own up to clinical mistakes
Mitigating factors - Contexts which can secure an answer option
Diverging paths - Think about the consequences of an event and the responses to the event which are not explicitly told in the question
Flexibility with patients with foreign language is good
Working hours - Generally important, especially if overworked
It is generally not important if a staff hears a slur or offence as it is NOT ACCEPTABLE for whoever said the remark to say it in the first place
Lets say:
You are a doctor and your student is a student and they are or seem to be breaking the dress code:
then it is of minor importance if they get offended
Hospitals are not North Korea, there are no clear cut guidelines most of the time and you need to be sympathetic and understanding. Sanctions should generally be a last resort.
UNLESS: The action is inexcusable in a medical setting (e.g confidentiality breach, inappropriate behaviour, illegal drug use etc.)
Reputation is not a factor or excusable the vast majority of the time
Skipping academics for social events (e.g weddings) is unprofessional and not appropriate
Negative emotions of the your character needs to be kept at a minimum but not totally ignored either
Stress must be accounted for
Even though it may be said for good intentions, try not to make your response sound like an excuse
The very inappropriate box is generally only reserved for ethical breaches
You should not be only reserved to ask one doctor
A fault that does not seem to be important could hold some importance as it could be used as a basis in discussion after the fault
Personal opinions should be kept to a minimum or never at all
You need to be confident towards patients
Plagiarism is never ethical
It’s not a doctors duty to do maintenance duties
Patient’s should be examined in hygienic, certified conditions
Parents can withhold medical info provided their child is a minor
It is against GMC to treat family members