AR Flashcards
Number of right angles
Number of parallel lines
Shape Variables - Shapes are influenced by other shapes
Ignore shapes + number of sides
‘Concentration’ of particular shapes
‘N-term clocks’ (If a hand is in a particular position, the other must be n term away from it
Enclosed shapes
Number of double headed arrows
Touching the box
Curved/ Straight Sides
Prime number of shapes
Shapes move with certain rules and directions
Curved lines ending in parallel/perpendicular
Least sides priority
Quadrilateral priority
Most sides priority
Adjacency of shapes
Regions where shapes are located
Position or sequence? If certain boxes are the same bet on position
Vertical Symmetry
Shape inside a spiral vs out
Domino - Check sum/product of numbers
Number of enclosed shapes
‘X colour’ shapes are equal to sides of enclosed shape
Line intersections do not necessarily imply number of intersections (e.g could be that 1 intersection means odd and 2 means even)
Shapes with value - If one set of shapes is a particular size and in the other set it is larger/smaller, this may be a clue
Number of shapes (inside - outside) vice versa
Naughts & Cross - Position of symbols
Naughts & Cross - Number of elements (even, odd prime etc)
Shape commands that depend on each other
Thickness of arrows/lines
Shapes moving across a venn diagram
Number of lines coming out of a shape
Odd/even number of lines (includes shapes)
Center shape colour
Swapping patterns
For every ‘X’ shape, there are ‘Y’ shapes
Boxes/shapes fit to make a larger shape
Sometimes you need to split a large shape into smaller ones to find a pattern
Periodic increase in sequence