SJC Te Reo Maori Qs 1 Flashcards
to confess / confession
thanks, to give thanks
Greetings, Madam (to a female elder)
Tēnā koe, e Kui
Hello, young man/boy
Kia ora, e tama
Greetings, Sir (to a male elder)
Tēnā koe, e Koro
Who are you? (a bit forward/blunt/rude)?
Ko wai koe?
I am Mark
Ko Mark ahau
Greetings, you two.
Tēnā kōrua
Greetings (more than two people)
Tēnā koutou
I / me
ahau, au
you (singular)
she, he, him, her
Who is he?
Ko wai ia?
What is your name?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
My name is Mark
Ko Mark taku ingoa
taku - pl. aku
tō - pl. ō
his, her
tana - pl. ana
What is her/his name?
Ko wai tana ingoa?
Let us pray
Kia īnoi tātou
Where are you from?
Nō hea koe?
I am from Auckland
Nō Tamaki Makaurau ahau
Where is he from?
Nō hea ia?
Where is the teacher from?
Nō hea te kaiako?