Situation Ethics Flashcards
Two unhelpful extremes in ethical thought
Legalism is an over reliance on applying endless rigid rules.
Antinomianism is literally a rejection of all moral laws
Situation ethics argues that there is one moral rule that we should do whatever is the most loving thing and that this needs to be applied to each unique situation we face. Love is the absolute, but we should relative it to the situation in front of us
The four working principles
Philosophical approach to truth based on the work of American philosophers e.g William James and John Dewey
Fletcher argues that theoretical solutions that don’t lead to positive outcomes, are not really solutions at all, the decision we make must be something that works and produces good outcomes
The right thing to do is dependent on the context. In ethics, we should avoid terms like always and never. Although the principle of love always applies love is the reason to act the specifics of how love applies varies between situations
Unlike natural law, which argues that we can look into the world and effectively discover moral rules, situation ethics, is based on a positivist approach to law. Laws are things that human beings create; we have to be active in bringing about love by the decisions we make
Situation ethics is person centred. Jesus placed people above rules. Consider the case of the woman caught in adultery. The key to good ethics is the place the good of people at the centre, rather than obedience to rules
The six propositions
Love is the only thing that is intrinsically good
Love is the ruling norm in ethical decision making and replaces all laws
Love and justice are the same thing. Justice is love that is distributed.
Love wills the neighbours good, regardless of whether the neighbour is liked or not
Love is the goal or end of the act, and that justifies any means to achieve that goal
Love decides on each situation as it arises without a set of laws to guide it
Friendship love
Love based on Family connections
Sexual love - erotic
Charity unconditional love
Situation ethics may be seen as a helpful way of making moral decisions because
Flexibility - exceptional situations, hence avoiding the legalism that some versions of natural law may lead us to. Keep the spirit of the law without being obsessed with the letter of the law
Avoids conflicting duties which allows for a decision to be made in each situation
Person centred, closer to teachings of Jesus who put people above rules
Love as a principle is hard to object to. If we love others, we will want the best for them. More compassionate than utilitarianism which focuses on pleasure and pain
Situation ethics may be seen as an unhelpful way of making moral decisions because
Situation ethics faces the difficulty that, as a relativist theory, it is vague; the suggestion that we should do the most loving thing is not specific
No moral boundaries. Rape, genocide are just wrong there are no circumstances where they can be right
Teleological theory, have to make predictions upon outcomes which are unknown
Beginning and end. If I choose to kill to save a life, may cause a chain of events and revenge that lasts for generations. How much am I responsible for
Christian version of utilitarianism, instead of pleasure and pain it’s agape
Greek word for wisdom - general principles logical laws
Moment of decision
Application to abortion
A young girl with schizophrenia was raped in a psychiatric hospital the father charge the hospital with negligence and asked for an abortion to prevent pregnancy. However, abortion was illegal in America. Fletcher argues this is the wrong decision, and that a situationist approach would almost certainly support abortion. In this case as the most loving thing.
Trumans dilemma application
American aircraft dropped two atomic bombs in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 150 thousand people were killed and many more would go onto die from radiation burns or related conditions in years that followed. Several advisers pointed out that Japanese leaders were blind to the possibility of the feet, and that ornament they were likely to continue fighting for years, leading to the possible loss of millions of lives. Others felt that I demonstration on a nearby uninhabited island would be a better strategy, however, it was up to Truman to make the final decision
Ethical judgements should be based on agape
For a religious thinker agape is an excellent principle, and according to Jesus sums up the most important commandment
The principle of agape is useful in helping us know when to accept the general rules (sophia) and when to break them. It is flexible to different situations.
Agape is a relativist principle, but unlike the pleasure principle of utilitarianism, it does not seem as easy to manipulate. For instance, it is hard to argue that murder or racism can be a loving act, even though in extreme circumstances this may bring pleasure to an evil majority.
Ethical judgements should not be based on agape because
The concept of love represented by agape can be interpreted in various ways. It may, for some conjure up charity and compassion, but the others represent a dispassionate, wanting of good for others
It seems set up to deal with exceptional or difficult cases , hard cases, make bad laws agape may be the right approach at times, but most cases require us to follow the conventional rules
There may be better principles upon which to base ethics. These may involve pleasure duty purpose, according to other ethical theories. Religious believer may argue God directly reveals commands, and the stress on agape may lead a believer away from the revelation
Key quotes
‘ if I gave all, I possess to the poor and give over my body for hardship…but I do not have love, I gain nothing… but the greatest of these three is love’
(Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:3, 13)
‘Anyone who claims to be in the light, but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.’
(1 John 2:9-10)
Jesus offers a radical version of the Torah
He summarises the law as a requirement to love God and love your neighbour
He breaks sabbath laws to heal people thus bringing about a more loving outcome. Good Samaritan love for one’s neighbour, regardless of whether we like them or not
Situation ethics is to be seen as a religious ethical theory, because
The ethic is very words of Jesus, when asked to some of the whole of the Jewish law, suggested that only two commands are needed ‘Love God’ and ‘ Love your neighbour as yourself’
Jesus’ attitudes to the Pharisees in the new Testament shows a clear opposition to the legalism of his day
Love is the key evidence of genuine religious faith ‘ buy this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ (John 13:34-35) and in the teachings of Augustine
Situation ethics should not really be seen as a religious ethical theory because
Been rejected by the established church. Clear opposition to natural low on a number of issues, condemned during Fletchers writings by Pope Pius XII
It can be argued that fletchers reading of the words of Jesus is highly selective. Jesus quite clearly condemns divorce and adultery, and speaks about hell far more than he speaks about heaven
Jesus tells his disciples that if they love him they are to obey his commandments that implies that there are commandments other than love
Fletchers interpretation of Agape as an unconditional wishing the best for our neighbour is not explicitly Christian. Little difference between act utilitarianism. Fletcher is not overly worried by this, Fletcher claims it to be a Christian utilitarianism
The idea in ethics that right and wrong depend on the point of view of the individual rather than being decided externally
It can be argued that situation ethics is not too individualistic and subjective because
Treats individuals as adults. Gives autonomy in moral decision making rather than relying on external authorities
Situation and contexts vary greatly what is right for one person in a situation may not suit other people who are faced with a slightly different situation
It can be argued that situation ethics is too individualistic and subjective because
The emphasis on individual decision making means this can not be applied to a society as love differs
Love and community paired for ethical decision making Bonhoffer at Finkenwalde
Humans are fallen creatures - Barth, Augustine. Capacity to reach moral decisions may not be as prominent as thought, cognitive dissonance, hard to accept evidence that goes against a belief - love