site work Flashcards
Which of the below rocks would be the easiest to rip
3 – Sedimentary
type of dozer blade should be used when pushing soil longer distances?
“U” shaped blade
When dozing over a long distance, which of the below could be used to keep the dozer from losing its load?
Use the slot dozing method
A 45 degree slope would be which of the below?
100 % slope
When doing dozer work, which of the below would be the advantage of an angled blade over a straight blade?
Side cast material
Which of the below would increase the dozer’s blade capacity when moving materials?
Negative grading
You are excavating an area 245 feet by 350 feet; the equipment can remove 100 cubic yards per hour. If you need 6 inches of grade cut off the whole area, how many hours would it take?
15.88 hours
What type of foundation should be used for deep unstable soils?
The amount of water in a given soil that will produce the maximum density with a given compaction is which of the below?
A soil compaction test where no drilling required would be which of these?
Nuclear test
What type of equipment should be used to dig a trench in soft soil?
Tracked excavator
Parking lot is 140 feet wide and slopes 1/8th inch per foot. The highest elevation is 80 feet. What is lowest elevation?
– 78.54 feet
The starting point is shown as Sta 0 + 00 and next station is shown as Sta 2 + 50, what is the distance between the two points?
250 feet
Reference stake reads Sta 2 + 50, El 2500.47, and C 9.63. What would be the elevation below the reference hub?
2490.84 feet
What is the purpose of a trench box?
– To support a wall of soil
What is the effect of loading uphill when a scraper blade is being used?
It increases load cycle time
The right amount of moisture for compaction is called:
The optimum moisture content
What determines how much moisture that air can hold?
If you have a rise of 88 feet in one mile, what would the rise be?
1.66 percent
Which of the below would be the least desirable soil for a foundation?
– Clay
What is the definition of a benchmark?
A fixed reference point of laying out a building
– How many feet are there between surveying stations that read 1 + 00?
100 feet
– What are a shear vane and a pocket penetrometer used for?
Strength tests
What is the best method for lowering the water table on a level lot?
Install a well point system
What is the advantage of using an Angle Blade to start excavation and an S-Blade to complete final grading?
Very effective for side cast backfill material
– What is the normal dozer speed?
1.5 to 4 mph
Which of the below are not used for manually testing soil types?
Sand cone test
When dozing, what method is used to move soil over long distances?
Two dozers in tandem
How can you protect excavator from hazards associated with water accumulation in excavation?
Monitor the use of water removal equipment
– Slopes for permanent fill shall be not less than:
Which of the below tests can be performed on site without removing the samples?
The nuclear density
What is the most difficult (harder) part of a road graders work?
Finish blading
How are “stations” (referenced stake and cut stakes) measured?
Measured horizontally
A reference stake is 18’8” from the hub. A fill has to be started at a distance of 8’4” from the hub. How are these distances measured?
is the load factor calculated with bank volume and swell factor?
Bank volume divided by bank volume + swell factor
A grade stake on an excavated area is marked 2’8” with the letter C above it and above that a solid line drawn horizontal on the stake. What does this mean?
The dirt is cut below 2’8” from the elevation of the solid line
You are checking elevations in an excavated area. There are 3 stakes set called A, B and C. The A stake is labeled 3’4”, the B stake is labeled 4’10” and the C stake is labeled 7’2”. What is the difference between stake A and C?
A reference stake has 13’8” and F 8’3” written on it, what does the 13’8” mean?
13’8” from the edge of the fill area
What is the maximum allowable tolerance in finishing of subgrade from the established grade from one station to the next?
1 inch
Which equipment would be best suited for fine grading and landscaping work?
Light utility
What type of blade would be best suited for self-loading hauler equipment to move soil over a longer distance?
Scraper blade
An effective way of moving materials a short distance downhill is:
Tracked loader
What is the easiest and cheapest compaction method?
How can you increase dozer blade capacity?
Downgrade dozing
What is the calculation for production trenching / moving dirt in a backhoe set?
Divide volume of dirt by dirt moved in cycle
– What is the best method to estimate earth work on irregular ground?
Divide the plan into grids or sections
What is the best method for hauling dirt over a long distance?
Self loading scraper or loader and truck
What is the best method for compacting sand and gravel?
Puddling and vibration
If the operator fails to lift, tilt and angle the blade when dozing, what will occur?
– Looses load
A reference stake has 18’8” to centerline and 8’8” cut to the top of fill. How are these dimensions measured?
Horizontally and vertical
Which of the below equipment would be used for excavating shallow trenches with cross lines?
Wheeled / Rubber tire backhoe