Blueprint Questions Flashcards
(These are some actual questions on the exam. They are somewhat vague but it would not hurt to study them. It is better to figure or look up in plans yourself but these are good to remember if you happen to run out of time) There are 4 sets of Drawings and a Figure Booklet. The drawings are listed below: 1 – 3 Story Parking Deck 2 – 6 Story Parking Deck 3 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building 4 – Industrial Building Note: The 3 Story Parking Deck and the 6 Story Parking Deck a
– 6 Story Parking Deck – How many rooms receive a ceramic tile floor?
Answer: 1 Room
Industrial Building – How many CMU block are there in the dumpster area?
Answer: 467 CMU block
– 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many roof drains are there?
Answer: 12 roof drains Note: The Parking Decks have 2 roof drains
`– 5 Story Mixed-Use Building – How many linear feet of aluminum frame on the floor?
Answer: 126 feet
Industrial Drawing – The west loading dock wall has a 1 percent slope and is 50 linear feet long. What is the total amount of slope?
Answer: 6 inches
Note: 50 feet x .01 = .50 or 6 inches
6 – 6 Story Parking Deck – Need to look on the Structural and Architectural Drawing for the size of the footings. They will have you figure footing quantities or just the sizes, whichever question that they ask.
Typical interior spread footing is 16 inches wide x 12 inches deep
Interior spot footing is 12 feet x 12 feet x 24 inches deep – Quantity is 14
Perimeter or exterior footings are 8 feet x 8 feet x 16 inches deep – Quantity is 36
Industrial Drawing – How many linear feet of edge metal are required on the 4 foot canopy at the back of the building?
Answer: 154 feet 2 inches (do not count the 4 foot sides on each end)
8 – Industrial Drawing – Loading dock has a 50’ x 50’ concrete pad. If there is a 1% fall, how much would the concrete fall? Probably same as question # 5.
Answer: 6 inches
Note: 50’ x .01 = .5 of a foot or 6 inches
9 – Industrial Drawing – There is a 6 inch concrete pad 60’ x 50’ of lightweight concrete with fiber mesh. The concrete cost $ 115.00 per yard and the fiber mesh is an additional $ 5.00 per yard. How much extra cost is for the fiber mesh?
Answer: $ 278.78
Cost of concrete has no bearing on question, just the fiber mesh cost on 55.56 cubic yards of concrete
10 – Industrial Drawing – How many 5 inch columns are there in the tower crane base?
Answer: 10 columns
Note: There are 5 on each footing.
11 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What floor finish does the 2nd story bathroom receive?
Answer: Tile
Note: There are 2 different room finishes on this drawing, make sure that you have the correct room number to find correct finish schedule.
12 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the average exterior wall height?
Answer: 42 inches
13 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many drains are there on the roof?
Answer: 2 roof drains
14 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of concrete is required for Stairway # 1?
Answer: 48 cubic yards
15 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many linear feet of handrail are needed for the 3rd floor balcony and the open area?
Answer: 309 linear feet
16 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – You are allowed a $ 200.00 allowance for signs on this project and each sign is valued at $ 25.00 each. Which of the below is true?
Answer: $ 75.00 needs to be returned (there were only 5 signs at $25.00 each)
17 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the height of the ceiling in the Courtyard Area?
Answer: 36 feet
18 – Industrial Building – How much concrete is needed for the footing on each side of the overhead crane?
Answer: Less than 1,000 cubic yards
Note: The concrete needed is 110 cubic yards, but the answer given that best works is less than 1,000 cubic yards.
19 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many pieces of 8 inch ceramic tile will be required for the 42 inch high wall around column line 7?
Answer: 381 pieces of ceramic tile
20 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many double door openings are there in the store fronts?
Answer: 7 double door openings
21 – Industrial Building – A concrete sub is paid $ 50.00 per cubic yard to place the concrete in freezer slab on grade. How much is to be paid to the sub-contractor/
Answer: $ 1,463.44 (use the closest answer)
22 – Industrial Building – On the east and west side of the building, how many cells of concrete block need to be filled including the corners?
Answer: 40 cells
23 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many future tenant rooms are required to have the concrete floors sealed?
Answer: 7 rooms
24 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the minimum required reinforcing steel for the interior wall footings?
Answer: 2 continuous # 5 bars
25 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the total cost to install all of the toilets and urinals in the public restrooms if a toilet cost $ 50.00 and urinal costs $ 35.00?
Answer: $ 1,480.00
26 – Industrial Building – How many hollow metal doors are needed for this building?
Answer: There are 72 hollow metal doors required.
27 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the length of each of the handrails on the 2nd floor?
Answer: The closest answer was 9 feet
28 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the size of the interior column footing?
Answer: The footing size is 12’ x 12’ x 24 inches thick
Note: The size of the exterior footing is 8’ x 8’ x 16 inches thick.
29 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many windows are there for apart
Answer: 9 windows
30 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What type of concrete is used for the garage levels?
Answer: Post Tension
31 – Industrial Building – How many 5” beams are used for the overhead crane?
Answer: 10 beams
32 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the difference in elevation between the exit ramp and the ramp platform directly above on the next floor?
Answer: 13 feet and a few inches
33 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the length of the hip / valley rafter on the roof on the east side?
I think the roof slope is a 5/12 and the width is 21’8”.
Answer: 15’11”. Use 16 foot lumber.
Note: This answer could also be for the linear feet of the valley lining material which would be 2 x 15’11” = 31’10”
34 – 5 Story mixed –Use Building – How many linear feet of valley lining material are needed for the roof on the north side?
The roof is 18 feet wide with a 6/12 slope.
Answer: 27 linear feet
Note: figure the hip / valley length and multiply by 2 (both valleys)
35 – Industrial Building – What are the exterior dimensions of the Wash Bay Booth?
Answer: 22 feet 4-1/2 inches x 11 feet 4 inches
36 – Industrial Building – How many cubic yards of concrete are needed for the west crane footing?
Answer: 14 cubic yards (use best answer)
37 – 6 Story Parking Deck – On the ground floor, how many HM (hollow metal) doors have CL Temp Glass?
Answer: 10 (these doors count as 7, but 3 are double)
38 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of concrete are needed to pour the walls on Stair # 2 if they are poured in 2 lifts?
Answer: 62 cubic yards
Note: It does not matter how many lifts you pour a wall, they are asking for the total, it is just to confuse you.
39 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many risers are needed for the stairs on the southeast corner of the building if the maximum riser is 7 inches?
Answer: 16 risers
Note: The top elevation is 110.00 and the bottom is 101.00 which is a difference of 9 feet divided by 7 inches (.58) = 15.52 or 16 risers
40 – Industrial Building – What is the depth of the sump pit in the Wash Down Bay?
Answer: 5 feet below finish floor or slab on grade
41 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many square feet of stucco is needed for the south side on the tenant level. Add 4 inches on each side for the returns?
Answer: 572 square feet
42 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many linear feet of cold key way are needed for Stair # 1?
Answer: 61’6:
43 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How tall is the knee wall on the 5th floor?
Answer: 40 inches
44 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many square feet of exposed aggregate does each planter have?
Answer: 69 square feet
45 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the distance between the 2nd and 3rd floor?
Answer: 10 feet
46 – 6 Story Parking Deck – The future tenant spaces on the north side between column lines 3 and 8 are to sealed concrete before the specified finish is to be applied. One gallon of paint will cover 250 square feet of surface area, how many 5 gallon pails of paint are needed?
Answer: 7 – 5 gallon pails
Note: The actual amount needed is 31.96 gallons The area is 118.35 x 67.51 = 7,989.81 divided by 250 = 31.96 gallons
47 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the window rough opening at the 5th floor upper residential floor above the knee wall for the store front clerestory at the 40 inch knee wall?
Answer: 4’11”
48 – Industrial Building – The sump pit should be excavated to what minimum depth below the first floor?
Answer: 5’6”
Note: Have to excavate to the bottom of the pit concrete slab / footing.
49 – 5 Story Multi – Use Building – On the 5th floor residential floor, what kind of finish does the exterior receive?
Answer: Stucco
50 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many type 3 hollow core doors does this building have?
Answer: 19 – type 3 hollow core doors
51 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the maximum thickness of the taperwood roof insulation at the elevator tower roof if the thickness at the roof drain is 6 inches?
Answer: 11 inches
52 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the top elevation of the parapet wall in the elevator tower?
Answer: 167’6”.
53 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – The cast in place stair # 2 walls will be poured in two equal lifts. How many cubic yards will be required, do not deduct for openings.
Answer: 38 cubic yards
54 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of concrete will be required for the elevator slab footing?
Answer: 13 cubic yards
55– Industrial Building – How many courses of smooth faced masonry will be required for the south wall?
Answer: 24 courses
56 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the typical length of the metal handrail at each opening on the North elevation? Do not consider handrails at lobby.
Answer: 9 feet
50 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many type 3 hollow core doors does this building have?
Answer: 19 – type 3 hollow core doors
57 – Industrial Building – What is the amount of 4’ x 8’ plywood needed to form the footings on column line 10?
Answer: 14 – 4’x8’ plywood
58 – Unknown Building – What is the minimum bar size in beams?
Answer: # 4 bar
59 – 5 Story Mixed-Use Building – How much gravel will be used in the planters on the North Side of the building if the gravels depth is 8 inches?
Answer: 23 cubic yards.
I do not know the answers given
There are 11 planters and inside dimensions are 9 feet x 9 feet
Formula: 9.00 x 9.00 x .67 = 54.27 cubic feet x 11 = 596.97 cubic feet 596.97 cubic feet divided by 27 = 22.11 cubic yards
60 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What kind of door leads from the public area to the foyer of Residence B?
Answer: 6 panel metal door
61 – Unknown Building – How many linear feet of 4 inch drain is needed on the south wall?
Answer: 80 linear feet
62 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many regular S screws if the maximum spacing of 16 inches on center x 8 feet high on the steel corner guards installed outside corner walls and columns? Screws for the corner guards that will be installed at the south corner below column line F at the ground floor tenant space.
Answer: 210 S screws
63 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many linear feet of valley flashing is required at the sloped metal roof on the north side assuming that the roof pitch multiplier is 1.5 for the valley length?
Answer: 180 linear feet
64 – 5 Story Mixed –Use Building – The curb for the skylight in the courtyard will require copper sheet flashing. The flashing will be bent from 10 feet sheets. There is a minimum of 6 inch overlap. How many sheets will be required?
Answer: 20 sheets
65 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the approximate size of sloped glazing panel of skylight in central atrium?
Answer: 11’8” x 5’2”
66 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – The top and sides of raised concrete islands must be painted with DOT safety reflective paint. How many square feet will need to be painted?
Answer: 2,060 square feet
67 – Industrial Building – The reinforcing bars in the transformer pad must be continuous with no splices. How many 20 foot bars will be needed?
Answer: 18 – 20 foot bars
68 – Industrial Building – What is the average grade of the building prior to construction (sub grade)?
Answer: 144.00 feet
69 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many cubic yards of soil will need to be excavated for the slab edge on the north wall between column lines 3 and 8?
Answer: 2 cubic yards
70 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – Bentonite waterproofing is to be placed from the elevation around the bottom of the wall footing to the bottom of the slab on grade. How much will be required on the north wall 1st floor between column lines 1 and 8?
Answer: 2,011 square feet
71 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the distance from the floor to floor between the 1st and 2nd floor of the residential portion in unit/floor plan B?
Answer: 10 feet
72 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many linear feet of fascia are required at the sloped metal roof on the north side assuming that the roof pitch is 8/12?
They may give you the roof Pitch Multiplier of 1.20. I think this roof is 120 linear feet wide.
Answer: The correct answer is 144 linear feet of fascia material.
Answer: The closest exam answer was 151 linear feet.
73 – 6 Story Parking Deck – There is a 13 feet 4 inch tall wall on the north side that will require sealer for the exposed side. Only one side is exposed but they state that both sides will need this sealer. A gallon of sealer will cover 175 square feet, how many gallons of sealer will be needed?
Answer: 35 gallons – this answer is like question # 46 which was (7) 5 gallon pails.
74 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is done to the concrete floor at the elevator lobby prior to final finishing?
Answer: Recessed ½ inch
75 – Industrial Building – How many rooms have a 10 foot lay in ceiling?
Answer: 2 storage rooms
76 – Industrial Building – What is the size of the wash pit?
Answer: 7’ 0” x 7’ 1”
77 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What are the total linear feet of the hip for the elevator and stair tower roof? Use a roof pitch multiplier of 1.453.
The total width of the stair and elevator was 23’ 8” + 27’ 10”. Add these dimensions together would be 51’ 6” x 1.453 = 74’10”. All of the answers given were not what it calculated, so use 53’8” as the best (closest) answer. The roof slope was 6:12 so I don’t know where the 1.453 roof pitch multiplier came that they gave.
Answer: 53’ 8” – Best answer
78 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – A future tenant will receive credit for the window leafs installed at the tenant spot on the 1st level. If $100 per window will be the credit how much will the tenant be reimbursed?
Answer: $800
79 – Industrial Building – How many roof drains are needed for this building?
Answer: 9 roof drains
Note: The drawing does not show the roof drains, they give you the square footage for the drains needed and you have to calculate the drains from the square footage of the building.
80 – 6 Story Parking Deck – What is the distance from the last ADA (accessible) parking space to the elevator doors?
Answer: 200 feet
81 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What is the minimum height where the emergency lights project into the corridor?
Answer: 6’8” (80 inches)
82 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many square feet of 42 inch wainscot will be needed to cover the east wall of the tenant space located on the south side of the building between columns 6 and 7?
Answer: 169.2 square feet
83 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many linear feet of wall openings will require metal hand rails at the north wall at the first parking level?
Answer: 90 feet
84 – 3 Story Parking Deck – What type of material is used over the stair and elevators roofs?
Answer: 4 ply BU (built-up)
85 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many hollow core wire reinforced doors are needed on the retail level of the parking deck?
Answer: 14 – hollow core doors
86 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – You are pouring the interior column footings for this building in 2 concrete pours. It will cost $ 200.00 to pump the first 3 yards of concrete and then $ 15.00 for each additional yard poured. It will also cost $ 150.00 for the set-up fee and also $ 100.00 for the clean-up fee. What is the total cost?
Answer: $3,060.00There are (14) 12’0” x 12’0” x 2’0” column footings on this building. Do not forget to count this operation twice for the 2 pours.
There is 149.33 total cubic yards of concrete divided by 2 (2 concrete pours) would be 74.67 cubic yards for each pour. I believe they are figuring 2 pours with 75 cubic yards each.
87 – 3 Story Parking Deck – On the roof level, a scupper is required for every 10 parking spaces, how many scuppers will be needed?
Answer: 6 scuppers
88 – 3 Story Parking Deck – How many metal frames are required for the tenant spaces?
Answer: 15 metal frames
89 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many yards of concrete is needed for the footing between column lines 3 and 8?
Answer: 5.83 cubic yards
90 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many concrete blocks are used in the wall between column lines 3 and 8?
Answer: 680 blocks
91 – Industrial Building – What is the amount of expansion joint filler needed for the concrete parking areas?
Answer: 420 linear feet
92 – Industrial Building – How many linear feet of sloped trench drain is required?
Answer: 100 feet
93 – Industrial Building – What is the elevation of the dumpster pad?
Answer: 143.00
94 – Industrial Building – What is the elevation at the bottom of the exterior footings?
Answer: 98.00
95 – 6 Story Building – How many split-faced block are needed at the south elevation of the building?
Answer: 600 (actual count is 596)
96 – 6 Story Building – How many rooms on the 1st floor garage have an epoxy floor finish?
Answer: 2 (elevator machine room and electrical room)
97 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of concrete are needed for the slab on grade at the north side of the building? Do not include the turndown slab edge.
Answer: 2 cubic yards (figured slightly less than 2)
98 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – A tenant is looking to lease the portion of the building between lines 3 and 8. He wants to keep the store front doors but replace the doors between lines 4 and 5. If replacing these doors cost $ 100 each, what is the replacement cost?
Answer: $ 1,600.00
99 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – Unknown Question
Answer: 100 linear feet
100 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of top soil is needed?
Answer: 555 cubic yards
101 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – Unknown Question
Answer: 16 cubic yards
102 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – What are the stair walls made of?
Answer: 8 inch cast in place concrete
103 – Industrial Building – What type of finish is on the north corridor wall?
Answer: Painted Block
104 – Industrial Building – What is the amount of slope on the west loading dock?
Answer: 11 inches
Formula: The dock is 63 feet long with a slope of 1.5%
63.00 x .015 = .945 which is 11 3/16 inches
105 – Industrial Building – How much would it cost to install the rolls up doors in each tenant area if they were done separately and the contractor charged $ 75.00 per trip and $ 250.00 per door?
Answer: $ 2150.00
Answer: $ 2100 – $ 2500
Formula: $ 75.00 x 2 = $ 150.00
$ 250.00 x 8 = $ 2000.00
$ 2150.00
106 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building – How many cubic yards of dirt would need to be excavated for one interior footing on line D?
Answer: 16 cubic yards
107 – 6 Story Parking Deck – How many square feet of decorative stone is needed on the north side of the building?
Answer: 60 square feet
108 – Industrial Building – What is the percent of slope for the concrete slab?
Answer: 1 percent
109 – Industrial Building. How many 2 x 10 x 12 feet boards are needed for the wall in the freezer room?
Answer: 8 boards
110 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building. How much soil needs to be excavated below the slab on grade to the bottom of the interior footing?
Answer: 36 inches
111 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building. How many studs are needed on line D between lines 3 and 5?
Answer: 56 studs
112 – 5 Story Mixed – Use Building. On the north side of the building, how many 16 inch under canopy soffit panels are there on the canopy?
Answer: 118 soffit panels