What is the human comfort zone?
65°F to 75°F, 30% to 60% relative humidity
The ideal orientation for a structure in the northern hemisphere
Slightly east of south
Advantage of northern light
Even intensity
Properly design center their devices and reduce the cost of air conditioning installation and operation by…
15% or more
Vertical baffles parallel to building walls are effective for…
All exposures
Vertical fins are most effective in…
East and west exposures
What do you call local variation and climate?
What is basic Wind speed in most areas?
70 to 80 mph… Corresponding to the pressure 13 to 17 pounds per square foot at a height of 30 feet
Wind loads increase with…
Relationship of wind pressure (psf) to wind speed
Wind pressure varies as the square of the wind velocity in miles per hour
A wind velocity of 70 mph would create a wind pressure of ____. Double that and what happens?
Wind pressure of 13 psf. When velocity doubles, wind pressure quadruples…. But remember that velocity goes to almost zero at the ground
Wind velocity at 120 mph creates what wind pressure?
37 lb/SF
Wind velocity at 130 mph creates what wind pressure?
44 lb/SF
Wind velocity at 110 mph creates what wind pressure?
26 lb/SF
Wind velocity at 80 mph creates what wind pressure?
17 lb/SF
Wind velocity at 90 mph creates what wind pressure?
21 lb/SF
Wind velocity at 100 mph creates what wind pressure?
26 lb/SF
The number of BTU per hour that passes through one square foot of wall or roof when the temperature difference between inside and outside air temperature is 1°F
A low U value indicates _____ while a high U value indicates ______.
A low U value indicates low heat gain or loss while a high U value indicates rapid heat loss or gain.
What is thermal inertia?
The ability of a material to store heat
How to enhance an effective Shoreline
Restrict development around the actual Shoreline
What do you call anybody of water flowing in a channel?
A stream… But obviously there’s other things to call this actually
In the hydrologic cycle, after water falls and the ground as precipitation it can follow three paths:
- Runoff into streams (small amount)
- Infiltration…. Soaked by ground (smaller amount)
- Transpiration (uptake by plants) and evaporation
The conventional solution to potential flooding involves constructing concrete channels… But if you want to be compatible with sustainable design philosophy you can do what two things?
- Use existing natural drainage channels
2. Use existing floodplains
What is the zone of aeration?
Where spaces between the soil grains contain both water and air
Where is the groundwater table located?
At the regular boundary between the zone of aeration in the zone of saturation… It fluctuates seasonally and roughly follows the ground surface
What is an underground permeable material through which water flows?
An aquifer
Three examples of good aquifers and three examples of bad aquifers
Limestone, sand, gravel… Clay, Shale, and igneous and metamorphic rocks
The solid material that forms the crust of the earth
Fine textured soft rock
Shale and slate
What happened to boulders?
They are tired because they fell off their bedrock
Name all the soils in descending order of structural ability
Bedrock, sleet/shale, boulders, decomposed rock, hardpan, gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt/mud, clay
What is larger than gravel? What is larger than that?
Cobblestones are larger than gravel and boulders are larger than cobblestones
How big is sand? How big is silt?
Send is .002 inches – 1/4 inch… Silt is less than .002 inches and deposited by water and makes mud
Which kind of soil testing is as old as the art of foundation design?
Soil load testing… The total test load is usually double the contemplated design load
Tell me about an auger boring and what that’s good for
A 2 or 2 1/2 inch auger fastened onto a long pipe drill down until it hits the first obstruction and brings up soil samples. It’s good up to 50 feet.
Tell me about it wash boring and what that’s good for
2-4” pipe with a smaller jet pipe through which water is forced. What’s washed up gets all mixed and that reduces the dependability… Also boulders can be mistaken for bedrock.
But it goes down 100 feet and more.
What is a core boring and tell me when it’s good for
More expensive, but more reliable. Penetrate all materials, go very deep, bring up complete cores of everything it passes. Made of diamond drill hard enough to cut through rock.
Tell me about a dry sample boring what is a good for
It takes a pipe with a little sampling pipe at the tip instead of a drill… Drive it down 5 inches, lift it out, then test it